I need a new computer....
Mar 28, 2004 at 7:54 PM Post #16 of 31
Well, if you have money to burn.....



Mar 28, 2004 at 8:18 PM Post #17 of 31
If you have a monitor and programs already, I would recommand a Dell 400SC from the business department.
It's around $300~ 400 and got almost everything you need. The case is very quiet, a big plus.
Mar 28, 2004 at 10:13 PM Post #18 of 31
If you can build amps, you can definitely build a computer. From a hardware perspective, it's usually the best bang for the buck.
Mar 28, 2004 at 10:40 PM Post #19 of 31
I have to offer my 100% endorsement of Emachines. I own six PCs (two Dells, a Gateway,a Toshiba notebook,HP Notebook and an Emachines 3265) the Emachines was the least expensive and seems to perfrom the best even with my kids abusing it like they do. I have only used emachines tech support once and they had a download available that fixed my problem within minutes. The many expansion ports as well as USB, ethernet,eight memory card slots, internal 108.11G wireless lan card,160G HD,DVD Burner all for $600 (minus monitor) sold me. I have two Athalon machines (the HP and Emachines) and both seem to work better(faster,with fewer problems) for surfing and downloads. I picked up a reconditioned 19 inch monitor for $100 and a Monsoon speaker system and I have the favorite computer of everyone in the house for under a grand. I also have a 3.4g,P4,HT Gateway with a 19 LCD Monitor and it's just a bear to use and sits there mostly unused. The Emachine even comes with decent soundcard and music sounds pretty good using the Monsoon speaker system. The prices on the emachines site are typically higher than they sell for at Best Buy and the Best Buy machines usually have options like the wireless capability added for no extra charge.
Mar 28, 2004 at 11:02 PM Post #20 of 31

Originally posted by Tuberoller
...3.4g,P4,HT Gateway with a 19 LCD Monitor and it's just a bear to use and sits there mostly unused.

is that a 3.4Ghz P4 sitting unused? wasteful... how about running a distributed computing application on there and contribute to medicinal research or something?

back to the original topic:
as for eMachines, after their restructuring or whatever they did a while ago, their computers have improved greatly from what I have heard so if they are cheap go for them. I would think anything over $500 (with monitor and everything included) is overkill for what you want to use it for, look out for rebates to get the best deals.

DIY isn't necessarily cheaper, it may be more costly if you get all the apps they put on the OEM machines and maybe so even without that. what is good is you can choose the parts you want, and don't have to deal with manufacturer-specific parts (such as Dell motherboards and PSUs having nonstandard pin configurations). but then, usually OEM computers cannot overclock, which usually is a way to get the best bang-for-the-buck.

as for me, there isn't much of a selection of places with dual CPU computers with enthusiast options (among other things) so I make my own.
Mar 28, 2004 at 11:39 PM Post #21 of 31
If he was going to be playing games, then a DIY one would have more bang for the buck. For just general e-mailing, posting at head-fi, and frontpage, a $350-$400 HP or Gateway or Emachines is fine (I'd stay away from Dell, I have had plenty of problems with their tech support being crap and their PCs breaking)
Mar 29, 2004 at 4:37 AM Post #22 of 31

Originally posted by ayt999
DIY isn't necessarily cheaper, it may be more costly if you get all the apps. they put on the OEM machines and maybe so even without that. What is good is you can choose the parts you want, and don't have to deal with manufacturer-specific parts (such as Dell motherboards and PSUs having nonstandard pin configurations). But then, usually OEM computers cannot overclock, which usually is a way to get the best bang-for-the-buck.

Since he probably wants stability and reliability over cutting edge, he wouldn't want to overclock anyway.

As for the apps., I just finished getting my neighbour up on the internet. It took me at least two days. Compaq. I had to extract all the W98SE files to get the one file that the NIC needed. The NIC was from another PC becuase the Compaq only had a dial-up modem and the USB modem drivers only work on WXP.

The McAfee Antri Virus was outdated, old, and unsupported. He had at least 2 dozen infected files.

So no matter what apps. come on an OEM machine, they will eventually either become outdated or obsolete. Ever see the Creative site? They direct you to the OEM website to download new drivers. Imagine doing that for your video and nic and DVD player.

So long as you buy the machine with WXP you should be fine. $350 - $500 is just about right.


who can afford to upgrade every time the OS changes? After paying $400 for MSO2K I am not spending another $400 for MSOXP.

Guess what is going to happen when WXP64 comes out? MSO64 will have to be bought.
Mar 29, 2004 at 4:56 AM Post #23 of 31
Mar 29, 2004 at 5:13 AM Post #24 of 31

Originally posted by archosman
What about something like this?




I've been thinking about going this route. Only problem is I've been Macintosh all my life, all my software is Mac, and I don't know if this would be biting off more than I can chew. Anyone have any opinions?

Save yourself a few dollars > http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProduc...tby=14&order=1
Mar 29, 2004 at 5:57 AM Post #25 of 31

Originally posted by lini
JMT: Desktop or notebook?

I like the idea of the notebook (I use an IBM Thinkpad for work), but am leaning towards a desktop. I find it a tad cumbersome typing a lengthy document on the notebooks keyboard, and I don't really want to have to get a docking station,

Originally posted by radrd
What exactly do you need with this computer? Do you need a complete system that includes a monitor, speakers, keyboard, mouse, etc., or are we just talking about the case and everything inside of it?

but last time I checked, E-machines are crap.

The whole nine yards. The computer that I currently have will stay in use by my better half. I bought my son an e-Machines computer for Christmas a few years ago. Two weeks and the thing had to be sent back to the factory. 2 months later, after they finally found my file they sent me a new machine. A month later the power supply blew up.

Originally posted by wallijohn
So, what size monitor do youhave? What monitor real estate do you have alvailable on your desk?

Well, I am using a 17" monitor now. As far as desk real estate, I am going to buy a new computer desk as well. But want it to be relatively small.
Mar 29, 2004 at 6:05 AM Post #27 of 31
I would prefer to order it already put together. As much fun as it would be to get into that hobby too, I don't think my marriage could take it.
Mar 29, 2004 at 6:31 AM Post #28 of 31
I have two tables, one 48" wide and another 60" wide. If I were to get another it would have to be 72" wide. These are Staples type of work bench / desks. My desks have to support heavy 21" monitors and laser printers and DVDP/amp and speakers, reference books, boucu CDs, headphones... you get the idea.

You couldn't give me the shintzy type of desks that sag in the middle when you put a monitor on it or with keyboard trays.

Toshiba laptops now come with mini-docking stations that allow you to hook up a keyboard, mouse, NIC cable, monitor and printer. it is about 4" deep. Heck, by now they probably have USB and firewire connectors on it.

Fry's has an AMD 1400/128M/40G with Linux for $199. But what if you want a DVD burner?
Mar 29, 2004 at 8:44 AM Post #29 of 31
I reccomend getting an 4'-8' folding table, they are great for PCs. Strong as can be, also. Mine regularly supports 3 21" monitors, and for a few minutes I was standing on it. And I wouldn't exactly describe myself as "small"

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