I keep drifting in and out of this hobby.
Jan 22, 2007 at 9:29 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 37


1000+ Head-Fier
Sep 9, 2003
Raleigh, NC
This is the second time that I’ve gone down this road. I get really into listening to my rig of choice (see my sig for details on that) then one day I put on my KSC-75 or KSC-35’s plugged into the headphone out on my iPod and realize that there isn’t “that” much difference (when using an iPod). I use my iPod for 99% of my music at work and in the car. Have I really been wasting all this money and have I really been “sucked” into this hobby now twice!

This addiction all started in 2003, and then I gave it up in mid 2004. Then in late 2005 I picked it back up (after selling all my gear) and purchased the rig I have now. Here I am again, preferring the cheap Koss cans over amplified RS-2’s. <sigh> I seem to have developed a 12-18mo cycle of insanity.

I have no real goal with this thread other than to type out my thoughts and reassure myself that maybe I’m not the only one????
Jan 22, 2007 at 9:37 PM Post #2 of 37
this is what i do - never listen to the koss clips at home, and never listen to the grados on the go. that way never the twain shall meet, and you will never have to choose the more beautiful baby. to each their own!
Jan 22, 2007 at 9:38 PM Post #3 of 37
I know exactly how you feel. After getting a 2006 BitHead amp, HD600 grills, HD650 cables and Carda cables (on their way), I realized that the whole setup doesn't sound that much better than the stock 580s coming straight from my laptop jack. Then again, I convinced myself that I'm wrong and went back to my setup. Sometimes it's better not knowing. :p
Jan 22, 2007 at 9:38 PM Post #4 of 37
You are not the only one at all. I had the same revelation but luckily I did not go nearly as far as you. So I realized that all I really need is my portable rig as seen in my sig because each addition has improved sound quality enough for me to want to keep that item, and I use this rig every single day on the bus. I also almost got sucked in but luckily I set my foot down and just said no. I am not an audiophile, I just like things to sound good.
Jan 22, 2007 at 9:39 PM Post #5 of 37

Originally Posted by markkr /img/forum/go_quote.gif
This is the second time that I’ve gone down this road. I get really into listening to my rig of choice (see my sig for details on that) then one day I put on my KSC-75 or KSC-35’s plugged into the headphone out on my iPod and realize that there isn’t “that” much difference (when using an iPod). I use my iPod for 99% of my music at work and in the car. Have I really been wasting all this money and have I really been “sucked” into this hobby now twice!
This addiction all started in 2003, and then I gave it up in mid 2004. Then in late 2005 I picked it back up (after selling all my gear) and purchased the rig I have now. Here I am again, preferring the cheap Koss cans over amplified RS-2’s. <sigh> I seem to have developed a 12-18mo cycle of insanity.
I have no real goal with this thread other than to type out my thoughts and reassure myself that maybe I’m not the only one????

response #1: well of course you're not satisfied as you don't have proper system synergy and you should probably change your amp and perhaps your cables!

response #2: this has been discussed before and you shouldn't fret about it and just enjoy your music:
Jan 22, 2007 at 10:18 PM Post #6 of 37

Originally Posted by daveDerek /img/forum/go_quote.gif
response #1: well of course you're not satisfied as you don't have proper system synergy and you should probably change your amp and perhaps your cables!

That exactly what I was thinking

nonoo, this place is Evil!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jan 22, 2007 at 10:24 PM Post #7 of 37
I think almost everyone feels like you do from time to time. If you just slow down on the hobby end of things for a while, long enough to listen to some music, I can't see how you can't reach the same conclusion.

The first time I ever went to a Head-Fi meet I had a similar reaction. "This rig costs how much? And it doesn't sound that much better than my rig." Of course there are subtle differences that you pick up after living with equipment and you can only hear so much when you're on the downhill side of 40 like me, but in general we are talking about getting the last 10% improvement in sound quality. The question is how close do you want to get?
Jan 22, 2007 at 10:39 PM Post #8 of 37
I had the same thing happen to me a few months ago, and I decided to sell all my stuff except the essentials, and even thought about switching to the KSC75 full-time too. I had just spent a ton of money on new SR225s, a DAC, an amp, lots of cables, etc. and panicked when I finally saw my bank statement, and sold the SR225, DAC, and the expensive cables
Now I've decided to stay content with my pretty basic setup, and just run my cans out of my (not bad at all) Macbook headphone jack. On the go, it's my KSC75s and the LDM+. Once I get out of college and/or start making decent money I plan on testing out higher end equipment, but at this stage I'm very happy with my setup
Jan 22, 2007 at 11:16 PM Post #9 of 37
I'm exactly 3 months away from nailing down my home rig - for good. I just want to be done at this point, and the end is finally in sight. It's all a matter of time now.

Eternal advice: Never lose sight of the music! Team Music forever!
Jan 22, 2007 at 11:33 PM Post #10 of 37
Same boat here ....
But when I think that, I look at my setup, and ....... , think that my dared mp-5 is sexy, that I like the wood of the rs-2, that I always had a senheiser, that the headphile headphone stand (oak dble with laambskin) is sexy, and that the supermacro III is needed to drive the senns from the ipod ( and is small and cool)....
That leaves just my ALO bling bling to sell

Jan 23, 2007 at 2:47 AM Post #12 of 37
i get that feeling every once in a while. every 6 months or so, i get the feeling that there's no reason why i need so many pairs of headphones and then i start trying to figure out which headphone to sell. the problem is, i have a hard letting go of headphones and end up not doing anything. this feeling of thinning out the collection is magnified whenever i get a larger than expected credit card bill.
Jan 23, 2007 at 4:36 AM Post #15 of 37
I go thru the same thing every few months. Sometimes I want to sell it all and only keep my portables. I take a brake for a few weeks and once I reconnect I'm glad I didn't sell anything because the music sounds better than ever.
That's the best thing about Budget-fi, I know my setup is not the best sounding out there, but I know it will always make me enjoy my music.

I do have a lot of headphones to sell, I just want to keep the hd650 and hd25. Everything else can go, except for the dt770 that I'm enjoying so much right now, but I'll sell everything else soon, except for the 225s that I like to keep around and the V6 in case of bass emergency. But I'll sell everything else, except for the k81 that I use to work out. Nothing else I need though, just the px200 that I keep in my purse and I'm just keeping the ksc because they're such good value, but everything else I'll sell....

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