I just ordered a TEAC HA-P50
Dec 11, 2015 at 4:33 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 5


100+ Head-Fier
Nov 12, 2015
Well, my wife ordered it for me for Christmas, but she does not know it yet.  : )
It should be here next week so I can try it out. 
It seemed like a good starting point for use around the home at different locations or move it to my office in the future. 
I will post an update when it arrives and provide a comparison between it and my iphone 6.  Low end gear comparison but it may be of interest to people. 
The main selling point was the ability to simply plug in my iphone using a charging cable.  The TEAC also includes an app to open up 24/96 playback, although I doubt I can tell a difference, and equalization in the app. 
Oddly the Modi 2 Uber connects to power, but the USB hub is not powered (don't know why they designed it that way) so I would require a separate USB hub with extra wire and it is still not very movable.  The OPPO device is nice, but is $100 more.  Not sure of many iphone plug and play options behind those two in the under $300 range.  I will use the $100 toward a higher quality desktop amp / DAC that I can connect to my laptop.  Heck, the $100 would buy the Magni or almost 1/2 way to an Asguard, or almost a Modi Uber. 
Dec 29, 2015 at 12:56 PM Post #3 of 5
I have had some time with the HE-P50 through the HE-400i (plug in connectors) and yes, I am happy and would make the purchase again.   I don't have experience with other desktop amps so I am only comparing it to an iphone 6, but overall the music is more detailed, richer, with a fuller bass and a bit faster.  It really becomes more apparent at higher volumes when the dynamic range of the music is opened up and the bass becomes noticeable.  I also think it slightly opens up the sound stage, but again that may just be the clarity between instruments allowing each note and instrument to be distinguished.  See below about volume matching.  I listen to mostly lossless digital files (ripped from CD) and some ITunes 256 kbps downloads.  I am not a casual listener as I typically focus only on the music in a quiet, dim room.  It is a bit of a relaxation, take-me-away experience.  If you are a casual listener or out and about - distracted listener you may not get as much benefit.
That being said, I don't want to exaggerate the audio differences.  For some songs and at lower volume, the difference is barely if at all noticeable.  Poor recording do not benefit or recording that lack details sound similar.   The change is not nearly as big as my upgrade in headphones. 
As to any coloring or changes in the sound, I don’t think the TEAC colors the sound or adds bass or treble changes.  I don’t know if I could tell or have enough experience (but I think I could tell).  I think sometimes people hear more detail (less muddy or soft) and think the amp or HP are bright but there is a difference between bright (too many high tones or a shift in high tones) and accurate, clear sounds. 
I think it is a very accurate dac/amp.  There is no hiss or sound when on and the music is not playing or during silence in songs. Probably just my personal opinion, but I would expect this from TEAC and a Japanese company, with the goal being a very technically accurate reproduction.  I don’t think it is going to warm up music or add bass boost. 
Build quality is outstanding.  I don’t notice any issues with battery drain or short battery life but have not done long listening periods to test battery life.  It is a simply plug and listen.  It connects to the phone (IPhone lighting connector to usb connector plugs into TEAC and then HP plug into the TEAC.  Very simply and works every time with no drivers or powered USB hubs required.  Easy !
One of the main reasons I bought it was portability and it did not require a USB hub.  I expect a desktop amp/Dac may sound better (if I could tell the difference) but this provides me with portability to easily move from my bed, to downstairs couch, to cabin, to sitting chair, with a small portable package.  I also like that it is is a simply plug into an Idevice with the same cable I use to charge. 
It can charge from a computer via usb or a charge cable is included that will plug into a computer or a standard 1 amp 5 volt wall charger that accepts a USB plug (such as amazon fire or apple phone charger)
Overall, I would make the purchase again.  My next upgrade path is going to be a tube amp which I will buy to color the sound.  I want to float away on a syrupy river of tube audio basked in the warm glow of my amp.  But, first I am going to enjoy this set up for awhile.     
On a side note, I try very hard to volume match between the TEAC and my Iphone.  I think it is difficult to properly volume match to compare equipment.  I find it most accurate to do a two-step process.  First I volume match the highs and then listen to both the highs and the bass notes.  Then I volume match the bass notes and I listen to both the treble notes and the bass tones.  If I try to match the entire (average) song volume it was not accurate.   By matching to one event, you can focus on that one event (drum hit, or vocal section, or instrument) to get the volume the same.  Then there are more differences in the rest of the song.  By going through this two-step process I noticed that when the treble or high notes were matched, the bass sounded a bit louder, deeper, and more detailed with the TEAC.  Again, nothing major, but noticeable and certainly more enjoyable.  The same was true when I matched the loudness of the lower frequency tones between my Iphone and the TEAC.  By volume matching to different elements of a song I felt it was more accurate comparison. 
Please let me know if you have any questions. 

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