i just joined team singlepower!!
Apr 3, 2005 at 5:33 AM Post #16 of 27
thanks everyone, especially KUU, who made this possible. let's hope the Post Office doesn't do anything untoward to it on its journey
Apr 3, 2005 at 6:53 AM Post #17 of 27
Please EdipisReks, don't thank me, I really didn't do anything, the one who you should really thank is Mikhail, for building this great sounding amp and letting us all to enjoy the music.
Apr 3, 2005 at 7:21 AM Post #18 of 27
I guess I just joined team Singlepower too... 2 weeks of waiting is going to be painful. Congrats on your amp. It's great to see how many people are genuinely enthusiastic about Mikhail's products. It really helped me with any reservations I had about buying my first higher end headphone amp.
Apr 3, 2005 at 8:36 AM Post #19 of 27

Originally Posted by KUU
Please EdipisReks, don't thank me, I really didn't do anything, the one who you should really thank is Mikhail, for building this great sounding amp and letting us all to enjoy the music.

too bad, i'm going to thank you anyway, if only for your upgraditis
you've been a joy to deal with, frankly. other than you and Mikhail, Sacd Lover deserves my thanks, as he has been a fountainhead of advice. truly a great guy!

Originally Posted by Sleestack
I guess I just joined team Singlepower too... 2 weeks of waiting is going to be painful. Congrats on your amp. It's great to see how many people are genuinely enthusiastic about Mikhail's products. It really helped me with any reservations I had about buying my first higher end headphone amp.

i heard a Singlepower amp for the first time at the Cincinnati meet i hosted this past September, and i've wanted one ever since. i didn't expect to get one so soon, though.
Apr 3, 2005 at 11:27 AM Post #20 of 27
I can only echo everyone's sentiments towards the entry level Singlepower and Mikhail, who was very helpful when I turned to him to address some issues I had with adjusting my setup to my ears.

Before buying my PPX3 with Solen 1 upgrade from cd3000 in January I had made up my mind that I wanted a piece of tube equipment this time around. And I am glad I did, because along with the amp I received 4 sets of tubes and had great fun tuberolling. I didn't really check beforehand if the PPX3 was able to deliver enough current for my MS-2s but it did.

After much consideration, I opted for the most airy set of tubes available to me, RCA cleartops throughout. All the other tubes I felt gave me too much warmth and slightly smeared details (probably too harsh a statement - I am talking about nuances). Now I get a great reproduction with a good mix of lush mids, just enough airyness, nice soundstage vs before, wonderfully sweet (never harsh!) highs and fairly strong bass (although control could be better).

From what I discussed with sacd lover the MPX3 supposedly delivers better extension at both ends and renders more details. But it's also more costly and I am always hesitant to throw big cashola at something sight unseen. As it stands, the PPX3/RCA cleartops plus MS-2 are truly a great combination, which I can really recommend to anyone who is fairly new to the hobby and wants to keep expenditures reasonable.



PS: Check out the pic - with the PPX3 you get a headphone stand for free.
Apr 3, 2005 at 11:31 AM Post #21 of 27
would any of the more proficient Singlepower users be able to comment if adding a Grover SR/UR IC would help me getting more airyness and bass control out of the amp? Thanks gang!

Apr 3, 2005 at 7:08 PM Post #23 of 27

Originally Posted by Slow_aetk
Does somebody know the dimensions of the mpx3, I'd like to check the fit to my rack. Thx.

I'll find out soon enough.
I din't even check... I figured, whatever its dimensions are, I'll find a place for it.

You use the Bel Canto DAC2.... how do you like it and how do I get one?
Apr 3, 2005 at 7:40 PM Post #24 of 27
The Bel Canto DAC2 is a very good DAC. I got it "like new" on Audiogon for $800, they show up there regularly. I feed it from 2 low end transport: a basic sony DVD for CD (coax) and my Iriver H-140 DAP (Toslink) as jukebox. I have mainly .wav rips on it and it is really convinient (no disk swapping).

I'd say that the DAC2 is very jitter resistant as I cannot really differentiate between the DVD and the DAP. One thing I don't like is the input/output layout which is not that practical (cables in the front). Otherwise I'm very pleased by it.
Apr 7, 2005 at 11:19 PM Post #25 of 27
after picking up mshan's PPX3 count me in

This is soooo different from the SR-71 I don't even know where to begin when describing differences. The sound overall is so much smoother with significantly more warmth. This is achieved at a (imo) very large dropoff in detail. Lots of little sounds and nuances I used to hear with the SR-71 are now gone. I liked those details..... but I love this feeling of being wrapped in Velvet too

The bass on this thing is ridiculous. I haven't felt slam like this since I last listened to a nice set of full sized floor standing speakers.. it can really grab hold. I'm not much of a basshead but this really is quality bass. Stuff that used to go boom now go BOOMMOTHER****ER =P

thats it for first impressions
It truly is a lovely unit,
Apr 8, 2005 at 4:48 AM Post #26 of 27

I think this is where the tuberolling kicks in. I had a problem with the warmth and a midbass that sort of spilled over into the mids and smeared detail. First I thought the PPX3 isnt capable to deliver enough current into my MS-2. But then I popped in RCA cleartops and got more details and tighter bass in return.

Cheers M

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