I JUST got the HJE50. Im really mad!!!
May 3, 2005 at 10:18 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 32


Apr 24, 2005
After hours of research and stuff, I finnaly had decided on the Panasonic HJE50s. I ordered them from amazon and when I got home from school today, they where here already. Well before even LISTENING to them, I was really mad.

THE CORD IS INSANLY STUPID!! First of all, the short cord, long cord thing is pretty bad, but I can deal with it. The thing that I hate is the behind the ear cord! That thing is like 2 feet!!! Who was this made for???? I LOVE behind the back type headphones, but this one is dumb! Its SO LONG, it just hangs there and feel uncomfortable. I really hate this, and makes me really disapointed.

The sound is AMAZING though. I havnt even burned them in or anything and I love how they sound. Compared to my MX400s(the only other phones I have) these sound great. The bass is perfect, and the mids and highs are really clear and nice. It sound really "clean" and "live".

The sound is the only good thing though. I didnt like the canal thing either. These are my first ear canal type phones, so that may have something to do with it. Ive tried all 3 sizes of the covers and the M one is the better one for me. the thing is, its kinda hard to get it in and secure, but once its there, Its pretty comfortable.

The other thing I hated is that it leaves the cover thing really greassy and sticky. I clean my ears every day, and today, right before I used them, I ULTRA cleanes my ears(lol) with like 6 cotton swab things, but it still makes the phones sticky. This sucks, because I cant let anyone else use this. And when Im like on the bus, a friend will sometimes come and ask if he can listen to the music too, and now i cant do this. and I LIKE sharing my music ='(

Also, the cord is ultra tangly. Ahhh I dont know what to do. I mean, they do sound amazing, but all those problemns suck!! Why did they have to make the behind the neck cord so long, and why couldnt they just have made a normal 3' cord???

Well, Ill try them for a while to see if I can just deal with it, but it really bothers me. I could return them, but I would need to pay shipping and all this crap and they were only $20... MAYBE Ill get used to having them in my canal, if not, Im kinda looking at the e888, which kinda solve all the problems I have with these. The thing is that they are like $60, so its gona take me a while to save up for them(Im poor=( )

Oh well...
May 3, 2005 at 10:28 PM Post #2 of 32
If you are happy with the sound quality,
those cord stuffs shouldn't really bother you that much

I found the cord is not that difficult to manage though..
May 3, 2005 at 10:32 PM Post #3 of 32
Hey man... count your blessings... youre lucky they sound good. Imagine my disapointment when I first got my EX51

May 3, 2005 at 10:34 PM Post #4 of 32
Oh yeah, don't use Q-Tips, these will push your earwax into your ears deeper. Instead, use 3% Hydrogen Peroxide or some earwax remover you can get at your local drug store. Maybe then will your ears be cleaner.
May 3, 2005 at 10:45 PM Post #5 of 32
You did know that the cord would be like that right? I dont think you can be too surprised about that. I mean it's a physical attribute, you should be surprised/shocked/disappointed about the sound and not the cord length. If your friend consistantly listens in with you just tell him to get some headphones and a "Y" splitter. That way you can both listen
I know its pretty nasty but a little ear wax will help you more than it will hurt you, the seal i got straight out of the shower with the e3's was crappy, but after a little moisture builds up you can get a much better seal. As for the canal phone thing, try and get used to having things in your ears. If, after a few weeks, you still cant be comfortable with it use it as a life lesson that you arnt a canal phone guy.

All in all, I dont think you can complain too much over a 20 dollar headphone.
May 3, 2005 at 10:53 PM Post #6 of 32
Yes, I knew that the cord was unusually long, but I didnt know it was gona be this bad. The extension isnt THAT bad, as I can just stuff the extra into my pocket, but the extremly long right earbug cord is just to friggin long. I measured it, its 26 inches... NO ONE needs it that big. I mean if they were to be like 15 inches that be long enugh for me.

And yeah I know they are only $20, and I shouldnt expect ALL THAT from them. But the thing is that this dosent have to do with price. I mean it costs Panasonic money to make the thign sound great(and it does), but to actually nake the cord shorter, that would have SAVED them money.

And I heard u wanted to buy them(from the other thread). DOnt let my opinions change yours. If great suund and durability is what u want, these are great. Oh, and ur best bet(if u want them) is to get them at amazon. Use amazons $25 Free shipping thing. Just get the phones and some litle book or whatever that costs a little more than $5 and shipping is free.
May 3, 2005 at 10:53 PM Post #7 of 32
Hang your cord up or wind it up around the player when not in use. This should decrease chances of messy tangles. And yea, the sound is pretty amazing for me especially with acoustics and vocals in a lot of rock songs. There's no way they sound like $20 buds.
May 3, 2005 at 11:47 PM Post #8 of 32
a couple things:

-a lot of headphones have cords like that, so don't think it's just the panasonics

-you will definitely get used to the fit. my ex71's felt really strange when I first got them, but i soon was able to forget they were in. canalphones take a bit of adjustment. just be thankful you didnt get something like shures or etys, because they both go MUch farther in your ear and are Much less comfortable. so really, don't worry. just use them and very soon they will feel fine.
May 4, 2005 at 12:25 AM Post #9 of 32
Are you sure your wearing the correctly? The longer cord should be behind your neck and then into the pocket opposite the longer cord. I dont see how having a long cord could be "uncomfortable".
May 4, 2005 at 2:02 AM Post #11 of 32
AHHH!!! I just bought a Radio Shack 1 foot extension cord with a volume knob thing. Well, it fixes the lenght problem, but the connector weights a lot and makes the earbud come out of my ear X'(

And JWFokker, I would try that, but is there some sort of guide or something??? And what tools would I need?
May 4, 2005 at 3:03 AM Post #12 of 32
Just tie up the extra length with a twistie or tie it to the other wire at a shorter distance.
May 4, 2005 at 3:37 AM Post #14 of 32
I quit! I tried to tie and mess with the strings for liek an hour, and nothing worked. It just doesnt feel right. Im going for ease of use and comfort rather than quality. I used my Mx400 like 10 minutes ago, and altough they do sound a bit worse(bass is not as good, and the sound is not as clear) its not THAT bad. Im just gona keep using them.

I love how I can just whip the Mx400s out of my pocket, place them in my ears(takes like 3 seconds), and when Im done, just wrap it around the player. Bada-bing, bada-boom. I just dont feel right with the HJE50s. I checked about returning them at amazon, but the qould charge me $5 plus shipping so I mind as well just keep them... in my drawer... forever ='(.

Atleast Im glad I didnt go for some more expensive canalphones. I know they are not for me now. Sure they sound better, but earbuds are just so much easier and portable and I dont like isolation that much. I guess Ill just save up for some more expensive earbuds...
May 4, 2005 at 3:42 AM Post #15 of 32

Originally Posted by llbluell
I quit! I tried to tie and mess with the strings for liek an hour, and nothing worked. It just doesnt feel right. Im going for ease of use and comfort rather than quality. I used my Mx400 like 10 minutes ago, and altough they do sound a bit worse(bass is not as good, and the sound is not as clear) its not THAT bad. Im just gona keep using them.

I love how I can just whip the Mx400s out of my pocket, place them in my ears(takes like 3 seconds), and when Im done, just wrap it around the player. Bada-bing, bada-boom. I just dont feel right with the HJE50s. I checked about returning them at amazon, but the qould charge me $5 plus shipping so I mind as well just keep them... in my drawer... forever ='(.

Atleast Im glad I didnt go for some more expensive canalphones. I know they are not for me now. Sure they sound better, but earbuds are just so much easier and portable and I dont like isolation that much. I guess Ill just save up for some more expensive earbuds...

Wait are you sure your wearing them correctly though? The long cord should be opposite to the pocket your plug is in. I still don't see how the cord could become a major problem.
/edit/ You might want to consider the FS forums for them. It would be better than letting them rot. /edit/

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