I got my Shure E3c!
Apr 11, 2005 at 12:24 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 14


Mar 22, 2005
Taking my step into deeper waters here and wow...sure is nice.

Y'all weren't kidding when you said a proper seal is important. I'll stress it for others wanting to buy these... proper seal is important!

Ok after the inital step of ripping open my package and inspecting all the parts. I found out the small tips work good for me. These guys are a big jump from the EX71s. Those guys just simply pop in and you're golden. E3c require a little to a bit of a nudging in, at least in my ears. Once I found the sweet spot everything filled out.

And boy does is sound good.

And boy can I not hear anything but music.

I fear going outside with these on. I might just keep the EX71s around for the sake of having something I can yank off quickly, then save these guys for the long trains and commutes.

With my order I got a set of those famous tri-flanges. Those were a pain to get in, and they hurt a bit (perhaps a bit of lube?), but they sealed nicely when in. I couldn't get quite the same sound like i got from the grey softies. They stuck out of my head quite a bit, i think I read something on here somewhere about people trimming them down to make them fit better...how and how much and from what end?

I'm still listening to them and I'm starting to not notice them much. I think taking them in and out while testing the different tips hurt my ears

As far as the sound. It feels like the music is coming from right in my head. Its a wierd yet really cool feeling
I'm finding thing more detailed and crisp. (compared to what used to use)

I'm primarily going to use these with my iPod, but I tried these in my minty amp plugged into my line out on my laptop. I almost blew out my head. I think I had the volume preset at 15% but that was way too much for these. Its now more like at 4-5% to the point where I'm getting a channel volume difference. When I went to the headphone out into minty could boost things more. Though I could definately hear a difference in quality with the amp. Things stood out better. That what they call seperation? So I suppose an amp benefits these guys a bit. Though I'm not sure if the minty amp is the way to go if I get a pocket dock. Especially when I don't have any play with my laptop's line out. Or I could just simply go for the headphone out.

Incidentally, I normally listen to Rock, Pop and plenty of catchy tunes, but playing Also Sprach Zarathustra and the 1812 Overture had me cheering in my apartment just listen to those canons. Yup, I love these guys.

Pardon me, I have lots of music to hear again for the first time.

P.S. If anyone has any tips or tricks for these guys. I'm all ears. Thanks for all the help too!
Apr 11, 2005 at 12:34 PM Post #2 of 14
Ha ha ha ha !!

And you will see in a couple of weeks... They will begin to sound AS they can...

I'm totally in love with them. Even I sent to one administrator a smiley I made, let's see if he put it in the Smilies list...

Shure E3c -> Audio Nirvana

The Smiley...
Apr 11, 2005 at 12:52 PM Post #3 of 14
Meaning these guys actually have a burn in period? I thought the general deal with canalphones is they have none to begin with.

If these do, then I have a bit more to look forward to
And nice smiley! Yeah we need a Shure smiley! Here's hoping the admins allow it!
Apr 11, 2005 at 1:21 PM Post #4 of 14
the Shure e3cs were my first step into decent quality headphones and I certainly do not regret the purchase.

I was ripped off a bit (could have saved $40 if I got them from earplugstore), but they were still worth it to me. I use them every day at work and just about anywhere I can.

And yeah, these are pretty loud earphones..the volume needs to be pretty low or otherwise you'll shatter your ears.
Apr 11, 2005 at 1:48 PM Post #5 of 14

Originally Posted by Ugusensei
These guys are a big jump from the EX71s

Would be nice you could give more details about the transition

You will find many threads and posts here about EX71->E3 and how much they cant stand the E3 by comparison to the EX71 and how the bass is lacking, and how claustrophobic the E3 are, etc, etc, etc.

I owned EX71 like headphones for about 3 years, so my transition was painful as well: I loved the clarity, but hated the signature for about 3 months before "getting it". Now I cant stand the EX71 and adore the E3. Still, its not often you hear someone coming from the EX71 loving the E3 straight away.
Apr 11, 2005 at 2:16 PM Post #6 of 14
Now that you mention it between the EX71 and the Shure E3cs, I feel I'm missing the bloated bass. I grew accustomed to it... heck I even liked it. But here and there, were these songs I had that would fizz out on the high end, I kept trying to push the EX71s and found them lacking, or I'd get a wow now they sound great... after I did a crap load of EQing or using some sound effect program.

The main thing is comfort. The EX71s were a breeze to put in and take out. Even right now, I'm not 100% sure I have the Shures in right. I feel I'm hearing everything, but I can't help want to touch and readjust. Gets a little better, a little worse, or doesn't change. Still have to find that sweet spot. If anything I'm not accustomed to the fit yet.

Musically, I'm finding out more and more what I'm missing. "phat bloated bass" isn't what it is all about. I'm listening to all my music again and I want to sit here listening to it for the rest of the night. It feels like I'm listening to everything for the first time again. A lot of the JPop I listen to is by a lot of female vocals. On the EX71 a lot of them were really...shrilly...always had to turn them down so I can stand to hear them, but at the cost of not hearing the instruments as much. E3cs can handle those voices much much much better. They're still high pitched Japanese females, but without the harshness the EX71s had.

Bottom line is, I think if anyone makes the EX71 -> E3c jump (heck maybe even the Etys for all I know too) comfort is going to be the main thing to get adjusted to. Once you get to the point that you stop thinking they're in your ears you enjoy the music more. Which is probably why I got so used to the EX71s. I just have to do a little retraining.

The irony is... about two years ago I said "Wow I don't know why anyone would spend this much on a set of earbuds/canalphones" Silly me
Apr 11, 2005 at 3:21 PM Post #7 of 14

Originally Posted by Ugusensei
Meaning these guys actually have a burn in period? I thought the general deal with canalphones is they have none to begin with.

If these do, then I have a bit more to look forward to
And nice smiley! Yeah we need a Shure smiley! Here's hoping the admins allow it!

From my understanding, it's certain canalphones -- ones with a balanced armature driver, whatever that means. Canalphones with dynamic drivers like the e2/e2c can be burned in. There is however a "perceptive" burnin or "fit" burn in, where one can get used to the sound or achieve a better fit. I know it took me a couple of days to get used to putting the darn e3cs in. You're right, the Sonys go in so quickly and easily it's almost embarassing. It's too bad they're not as cool
Apr 13, 2005 at 8:56 PM Post #8 of 14
Hello team Shure E3c,

I just have received my E3cs this afternoon.
Since I had bad experience with SONY EX70 (yes 70, not 71) few years ago, I was far away from canal phones. But after I was reading threads here about Shure or Ety's, -and also I found a good deal with E3Cs here- I have decided to give it a try.


Yes! I love it.
Just out of the box already sound great. As I read here, this sounds will be more lovely as I use more often, right? Can't wait but I'm sure I'm going to listen CDs with these all day today and tomorrow and... then my face will just become

Thank you guys and sorry my wallet.

P.S. to my wallet,
Your owner has some info about E4cs. Beware...

Apr 13, 2005 at 9:50 PM Post #9 of 14
These are really great phones, considering their size. Use them a little more an you'll love them even more. They are really great phones especially for rock, and pop.
Apr 13, 2005 at 10:55 PM Post #10 of 14
I like my e3cs alot, but to me it seems they really need to be EQ'd to make them sound "good" -- listening to a CD player line out through an amp, there's still not enough oomph in the bass drum kicks and the base guitars. Do you guys listen to your e3cs uneq'ed?
Apr 13, 2005 at 11:22 PM Post #11 of 14
I eq my e3's. Does any one wear them straight through sometimes because it is really easy to insert and porbably just as quick as the ex71. If I am sitting down I almost always were them straight through and have the cable go down my front. If I am moving I wear the the shure over the ear style.
Apr 14, 2005 at 12:06 AM Post #13 of 14

Originally Posted by NeoteriX
I like my e3cs alot, but to me it seems they really need to be EQ'd to make them sound "good" -- listening to a CD player line out through an amp, there's still not enough oomph in the bass drum kicks and the base guitars. Do you guys listen to your e3cs uneq'ed?

I use them both equalized and unequalized depending on the song, and environment. Well equalized they improve greatly however. The only problem with these in my opinion is their frequency, but clarity, fullness of sound, and detail, is excellent in my opinion.
Apr 14, 2005 at 1:24 PM Post #14 of 14
Its wierd for me. There are some songs I have where if I eq them in my iPod they sound better. Others there's no real discernable difference. Most people with E3cs tend to EQ with the Latin setting on the iPod. Brings in a bit more of the higher end of things.

Trying to find an overall solution for all the songs. No EQ to me sounds a bit...muddled I suppose. I don't mind EQing, just as long as I have the ability to tailor things to how I want ever so slightly. Unfortunately the iPod's eq doesn't have that ability.

I can however discern a good difference between when I go out the headphone jack, and when I do headphone out into minty amp. Only problem with the minty amp I have is it has hiss when nothing plays. I've been sticking to the headphone out, but if I found a good amp that has no hiss (and has a DC in yet portable w/batteries) I'll probably get that in the future.

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