I can't believe how sensitive the Stax SRM 717/404 combo is to power cord Changes!
May 20, 2006 at 5:19 AM Post #16 of 28

Originally Posted by DanG
I just went through this thread and removed the DBT (double-blind test) discussion regarding cables and whether they actually make a difference. The Cables/Tweaks forum is "DBT-free" as indicated in its title, but that doesn't mean that we allow discussion of cable double-blind testing in other forums either.
The individual posts were deleted so that this discussion can continue as originally intended. If you feel that your post wasn't out of line, it may very well not have been but was deleted simply as part of a discussion that shouldn't have taken place at all. If you have questions about the policy, please send a private message to one of the moderators.

For me, this "policy" reduces the credibility and reliability of this board to next to zero.
It`ll save me a lot of time in the future, and potentially a lot of money.
Thank you for your honesty.

Seeing forward for another deleted post, and probably a banned account.
Not that I care anymore.

This will be posted in the german Hifi-forum, as a warning to other users better to take this board with a grain of salt.

May 20, 2006 at 5:27 AM Post #17 of 28

Originally Posted by leonid05
For me, this "policy" reduces the credibility and reliability of this board to next to zero.
It`ll save me a lot of time in the future, and potentially a lot of money.
Thank you for your honesty.

Seeing forward for another deleted post, and probably a banned account.
Not that I care anymore.

This will be posted in the german Hifi-forum, as a warning to other users better to take this board with a grain of salt.


If this leads to fewer flame wars whenever power cables are the subject of discussion, please, go right ahead.
May 20, 2006 at 5:43 AM Post #18 of 28
I don't mind heated arguments between non believer and believer of powercords (or any other cords) - I reckon DBT posts are okay too as long as it's still done in a civilized way.

By the way, my amp is only 313, and I'm using stock power cable (but still hearing good music so far though
), haven't tried a "proper" power cable before, but the idea to spend 700 bucks for a power cable is quite ridiculous in my situation since the amp itself only cost so much cheaper than that.
May 20, 2006 at 5:57 AM Post #19 of 28

Originally Posted by Tachikoma
If this leads to fewer flame wars whenever power cables are the subject of discussion, please, go right ahead.

You already have the "Cable forum", free of opposing opinions.
Sounds like a fair deal to me.

To generally forbid opposing opinions lacks of seriosity.
If you don`t see that, you go right ahead.
May 20, 2006 at 6:08 AM Post #20 of 28

Originally Posted by Patrick82
1) A cable will always color the sound.
2) See above.

If you listen to a real cable and go back you will hear the problems. Try a $5k Nordost headphone cable and you won't be laughing anymore, there are no colorations and it's like the cable isn't there. The same results come from power cords are well.

I tried listening once with no cable there, and I couldn't hear any colorations at all, as a matter of fact, I couldn't hear ANYTHING at all!
Enjoy the music!
May 20, 2006 at 6:25 AM Post #21 of 28
I don't think you guys realize how numerous people like Leonid05 are.

When full discourse and discussion of all angles of a given subject are not only discouraged but deleted, it hurts not only the site's credibility (Head-Fi has become almost a laughing stock at some sites), but the very users that come here for information whom you would think the mods were trying to help.

Is this really the kind of information you want coming out of Head-Fi?? Seriously.

This site has so much potential. The nature of audio, though, needs thorough and rational discussion more than almost any other I can think of if recommendations are to be useful, and nothing I've seen lately promotes that. Quite the opposite, in fact.

I'm embarrassed to be a member of this site right now. Ban me again if you need to.
May 20, 2006 at 6:36 AM Post #22 of 28
This is maybe just me, but I've figured out, the less I worry about my equipment and how it sounds like, the more I am actually enjoying the music.

Therefore since my latest headphone purchase, I've stopped thinking about upgrading my source and just try to get a better music instead. Because seriously,even if you have killer rigs, most CDs out there now are in so-so quality only anyway.
May 20, 2006 at 7:31 AM Post #23 of 28
When people can no longer express contrary opinions on the internet, it'll be a sad day indeed.

That applies to both suggesting that something might be the case, and in critiquing that it might not be.
May 20, 2006 at 7:37 AM Post #24 of 28

Originally Posted by rodbac
I don't think you guys realize how numerous people like Leonid05 are.

When full discourse and discussion of all angles of a given subject are not only discouraged but deleted, it hurts not only the site's credibility (Head-Fi has become almost a laughing stock at some sites), but the very users that come here for information whom you would think the mods were trying to help.

Is this really the kind of information you want coming out of Head-Fi?? Seriously.

This site has so much potential. The nature of audio, though, needs thorough and rational discussion more than almost any other I can think of if recommendations are to be useful, and nothing I've seen lately promotes that. Quite the opposite, in fact.

I'm embarrassed to be a member of this site right now. Ban me again if you need to.

You have a valid thought there. Take a step back for a moment though, and put yourself in the shoes of someone who is trying to keep the peace around here. This peace keeping business is not an exact science you know. If you have a suggestion for a better way to keep the peace, why not offer it in a kindly fashion, and then model behavior that would allow such discussions to occur without the flames and personal insults that so many seem to resort to. If enough people did that, this would be a far more pleasant place, and such discussions could occur to the benefit of all.
May 20, 2006 at 8:11 AM Post #25 of 28

You already have the "Cable forum", free of opposing opinions.
Sounds like a fair deal to me.

To generally forbid opposing opinions lacks of seriosity.
If you don`t see that, you go right ahead.

What kwkarth said =D opposing opinions would be fine if everyone didn't get all defensive about them. (applies to both sides of the argument, as far as power cable discussions go)
May 20, 2006 at 8:20 AM Post #26 of 28
I have to say I am pretty stunned at posting twice and having the second deleted. One of the mods contacted me and asked me to send private mail rather than post. I'm not used to forums with this kind of censorship and consider myself a rationale individual and I'm pleased to see that others question the heavy moderation too because it renders it worthless to bother posting. No, I know that there are topics which flame and I can imagine much of the subjects of angst are cyclical. However, if I wanted to debate, contribute, create thought provoking posts and learn why would I want to send a pm when it supposed to be a forum.

So, it kind of left me all a bit puzzled and I saw no point sending a mail back to the pm. I actuall expect this innocent post to be deleted later too with another mod mail or notice that I am warned, suspended or banned. This will be a first for me on any forum and any pastime in any part of the World as every other forum I know of allows a certain freedom of speech that we inherited and believe me we respect.

So, I apologise if this looks flaming but I remain genuinely puzzled. Surely folk with a civilised education, debating skills and mature communication expect a certain ebb and flow which has tension points and the need to see where a conversation is going.

So, if I don't get to talk to the Stax owners on head-fi good luck with your kit and it was potentially fun whilst it lasted!
May 20, 2006 at 8:41 AM Post #27 of 28

Originally Posted by Paul L
I have to say I am pretty stunned at posting twice and having the second deleted. One of the mods contacted me and asked me to send private mail rather than post. I'm not used to forums with this kind of censorship and consider myself a rationale individual and I'm pleased to see that others question the heavy moderation too because it renders it worthless to bother posting. No, I know that there are topics which flame and I can imagine much of the subjects of angst are cyclical. However, if I wanted to debate, contribute, create thought provoking posts and learn why would I want to send a pm when it supposed to be a forum.

So, it kind of left me all a bit puzzled and I saw no point sending a mail back to the pm. I actuall expect this innocent post to be deleted later too with another mod mail or notice that I am warned, suspended or banned. This will be a first for me on any forum and any pastime in any part of the World as every other forum I know of allows a certain freedom of speech that we inherited and believe me we respect.

So, I apologise if this looks flaming but I remain genuinely puzzled. Surely folk with a civilised education, debating skills and mature communication expect a certain ebb and flow which has tension points and the need to see where a conversation is going.

So, if I don't get to talk to the Stax owners on head-fi good luck with your kit and it was potentially fun whilst it lasted!

lol, the moderators aren't the head-fi equivalent of the KGB =P

... I think.
May 20, 2006 at 8:54 AM Post #28 of 28

Originally Posted by rodbac
This site has so much potential. The nature of audio, though, needs thorough and rational discussion more than almost any other I can think of if recommendations are to be useful, and nothing I've seen lately promotes that. Quite the opposite, in fact.

You're absolutely right that audio discussions need to be as "thorough and rational" as ones on other topics. We do try to promote that as best we can. But how productive can a discussion be when it boils down to arguing whether somebody actually heard an improvement in his or her system's sound?

You can find countless past discussions on this and other audio sites about whether an interconnect, speaker, headphone, or power cable can influence the sound you hear from your hi-fi system. These discussions change very few people's minds and, more often than not, seem to devolve into the skeptics pointing to graphs or pointing out (often valid) problems with the believers' cable-swapping tests, while the believers point out that what people hear is a personal, subjective experience. And once those points fail to convince the other side, these discussions tend to further devolve into little more than series of personal attacks.

That's exactly the opposite of what we want on Head-Fi. We're here to share, in a lively but civil fashion, our passion for headphones and all the things that make (or at least we think might make) the music we hear through our headphones sound as good as possible. While productive discussions about the science of what we hear are also highly encouraged, past experience has shown us that discussions about whether cables make a difference in an audio system are rarely, if ever, productive. Unfortunately, we've therefore had to leave that particular subject out of our forums in order to maintain a more friendly atmosphere, or at least leave one source of animosity out.

In the end, it comes down to respecting others' opinions for what they are -- opinions. And no matter who writes the opinions you may read -- whether it's a materials scientist, an electrical engineer, or a guy who braids silver wires into cables in his spare time -- he will be expressing his own interpretation of what he (or she) hears. Not an objective analysis of what left the headphones, but a subjective interpretation of what went into his or her ears.

So yes, I certainly encourage everyone to take everything they read here "with a grain of salt," as Leonid05 suggested. But if you compare how other people evaluate equipment to how you evaluate it, you should be able to get a pretty good sense on whose reviews to trust when making purchasing decisions.

And again, please do send me or another moderator a private message if you would like further clarification of our policies. We don't moderate in order to kill discussion. That is, after all, what this forum is here for. We do, however, need to maintain the level of civility necessary to facilitate the free and open exchange of experiences which can help us learn more about all the various audio products that come out and excite us audiophiles so much.

I do hope that you and everyone else reading this message understand my decisions from my perspective as a moderator a little better now.

I'm closing this thread now because we've definitely gone off-topic now.
Jay, please start a new thread if you want to go back to your original discussion.


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