Hugo M Scaler by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread
Oct 22, 2023 at 11:14 AM Post #17,626 of 18,828
Or you create your own optic link and make the schematic and how-to freely public to everyone.

I have done my design including Choral housing parts and cables for less than the price of some ferrited cables.

Heres more clean food for Mscaler
Wonderful space awareness in this:
Screenshot_20231022-170654_foobar2000 controller PRO.jpg
Oct 22, 2023 at 11:46 AM Post #17,627 of 18,828
Or you create your own optic link and make the schematic and how-to freely public to everyone.

I have done my design including Choral housing parts and cables for less than the price of some ferrited cables.

Heres more clean food for Mscaler
Wonderful space awareness in this:
Absolutely. Your generosity in doing that is much to be admired.
Oct 22, 2023 at 1:56 PM Post #17,628 of 18,828
Or you create your own optic link and make the schematic and how-to freely public to everyone.

I have done my design including Choral housing parts and cables for less than the price of some ferrited cables.

Heres more clean food for Mscaler
Wonderful space awareness in this:
Screenshot_20231022-170654_foobar2000 controller PRO.jpg

Much appreciated by many people and well done on the excellent mods done on your chord gear.
Oct 22, 2023 at 1:57 PM Post #17,629 of 18,828
I knew my comment would stress a few people out, I don’t mind stirring the pot every now and again, some people take this hobby far too seriously.
Oct 22, 2023 at 2:34 PM Post #17,630 of 18,828
So you were just trolling then. Got it. :thumbsup:
Oct 22, 2023 at 3:56 PM Post #17,631 of 18,828
Nope, I just know that if you go against the grain of the thread people become unsettled.
Oct 22, 2023 at 5:05 PM Post #17,632 of 18,828
Unsettled? :smile:

Is there a ‘grain of the thread’ to go against?
Oct 29, 2023 at 4:19 AM Post #17,634 of 18,828
This 10CD is worth getting on HMS..
I assure you will have trouble controlling your foot:

Screenshot_20231029-091539_foobar2000 controller PRO.jpg

Look for the press ID
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Nov 1, 2023 at 7:50 AM Post #17,635 of 18,828
I have Chord TT2 and a seller offered me second hand M Scaler about 25% off. Should I take it? Is it worth investing on M Scaler and how much is the improvement adding M Scaler to the TT2?

Any advice will be appreciated, thank you.
Nov 1, 2023 at 8:02 AM Post #17,636 of 18,828
I have Chord TT2 and a seller offered me second hand M Scaler about 25% off. Should I take it? Is it worth investing on M Scaler and how much is the improvement adding M Scaler to the TT2?

Any advice will be appreciated, thank you.
For me the M Scaler is essential and worth every penny, however, ask the dealer to let you borrow it and listen with it, then remove it and listen again, when I did that I couldn't live without it.
Nov 1, 2023 at 8:10 AM Post #17,637 of 18,828
Second hand is still a stiff price, I recently bought one private 2nd hand for 1000 less.
Looking at 2nd hand market, it's not absurd 25% off, it happens.

Mind that your whole chain must be up to level to hear the difference, some people say it did nothing for them. Others say it's golden.

If it's a business seller I would require a testing session like suggested at your own setup at home, for a few days if possible.
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Nov 1, 2023 at 10:19 AM Post #17,638 of 18,828
For me the M Scaler is essential and worth every penny, however, ask the dealer to let you borrow it and listen with it, then remove it and listen again, when I did that I couldn't live without it.
I second that. I liked the TT2, but with M Scaler, I was sold. I've lived with the pair for 2 weeks now. It's true what others have said throughout this thread. Some tracks M Scaler makes little to no difference, then many tracks absolutely blow me away with the change. It's all genres too. Overall though, the TT2 I find sounds better with the M Scaler in the loop. As for the price, I guess it depends on the condition and age of the M Scaler. For 25%, I'd be tempted to buy new to take the full warranty. If you can bargain the price down though.....
Nov 1, 2023 at 10:25 AM Post #17,639 of 18,828
"Overall though, the TT2 I find sounds better with the M Scaler in the loop."
My experience too. I have had the MScaler/TT2 combination for 3 years and seen many reviews positive and negative during that time. IMHO the difference the MScaler makes is not one that audiophiles typically listen for when auditioning: such as greater clarity, smoother rendition with analytical detail, good presence at the extremes of the sound spectrum, etc. Generally, the MScaler wont improve these things and that's what throws people. Instead, it adds depth, accurate placement, uncanny realism in ways you do not expect, for example, realising that singer B is standing two feet behind singer A on your favourite track -- and that makes it feel like the performance is right in front of you.
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Nov 1, 2023 at 10:46 AM Post #17,640 of 18,828
Perfectly said.
"Overall though, the TT2 I find sounds better with the M Scaler in the loop."
My experience too. I have had the MScaler/TT2 combination for 3 years and seen many reviews positive and negative during that time. IMHO the difference the MScaler makes is not one that audiophiles typically listen for when auditioning such as greater clarity, smoother rendition with analytical detail, good presence at the extremes of the sound spectrum, etc. Generally, the MScaler wont improve these things and that's what throws people. Instead, it adds depth, accurate placement, uncanny realism in ways you do not expect, for example, realising that singer B is standing two feet behind singer A on your favourite track -- and that makes it feel like the performance is right in front of you.

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