Hugo M Scaler by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread
Aug 10, 2022 at 3:08 PM Post #16,186 of 18,828
With bolts and IR window

An interesting experiment but I keep my Mscaler on the floor out of sight a couple of metres away from everything so I don‘t get to see the coloured balls anyway.

And that way I keep the resale value of the Mscaler for when I sell it to buy the new Choral range version. 😜
Aug 10, 2022 at 4:18 PM Post #16,187 of 18,828
After a couple of days with the TT2 I am very curious about how the mscaler functions. Is it "on" all the time or is it certain file types for the upscaling to take effect? only PCM?
Aug 10, 2022 at 4:27 PM Post #16,188 of 18,828
After a couple of days with the TT2 I am very curious about how the mscaler functions. Is it "on" all the time or is it certain file types for the upscaling to take effect? only PCM?
I believe that no matter what music source you feed the M Scaler, it will play through to your DAC, as long as you have the correct input settings dialed in.
Aug 10, 2022 at 4:29 PM Post #16,189 of 18,828
I believe that no matter what music source you feed the M Scaler, it will play through to your DAC, as long as you have the correct input settings dialed in.
it will actually upscale everything?
Aug 10, 2022 at 4:32 PM Post #16,190 of 18,828
Aug 10, 2022 at 4:39 PM Post #16,191 of 18,828
Everything automatically
Is it worth it?

....The TT2 already plays silly mp3 like they are quality flacs(My NAS/Flac is not alive yet) for me now. If mscaler has a noticable difference Im in
Aug 10, 2022 at 4:47 PM Post #16,192 of 18,828
it will actually upscale everything?
Yes I unless you feed it 705 or 768 files in which case it passes them through with no upscaling.
Aug 10, 2022 at 5:12 PM Post #16,193 of 18,828
Is it worth it?

....The TT2 already plays silly mp3 like they are quality flacs(My NAS/Flac is not alive yet) for me now. If mscaler has a noticable difference Im in
@OCC7N keep in mind that some people do not hear any difference with M Scaler in the chain while others find only very subtle change. It is similar to discussion regarding different TT2 filter settings. For example in blind testing I would never guess correctly which filter is on. So your best bet is to actually listen to TT2 with and without M Scaler for some time. You may try to play with HQP or Audirvana upsampling settings in order to get some idea, but I think this is wrong approach and may lead you to very false conclusion regarding M Scaler itself.

Finally Chord dacs may not be the best for DSD format. I can't find it right now, but somewhere there is an explanation of how Chord dacs process DSD files and why by Rob Watts himself.
Aug 10, 2022 at 5:57 PM Post #16,194 of 18,828
Is it worth it?

....The TT2 already plays silly mp3 like they are quality flacs(My NAS/Flac is not alive yet) for me now. If mscaler has a noticable difference Im in
Unfortunately, it is hard for someone else to say whether it will be worth it or not for you. There is a range of opinions/hearing ability as well as variation in everyone's set up. For me personally, I noticed something subtle when I initially added the MScaler to my TT2. But, after having it in my system for a while and accidentally using it as a simple passthrough (no upsampling), I noticed its absence a lot more (i.e., the TT2 w/out it). I know its hard to get auditions but you really do need to try it for a few weeks and then take it out and see if it makes a difference for you (and enough for it to be worth it for you).
Aug 10, 2022 at 6:21 PM Post #16,195 of 18,828
“Noticeable difference” is hard to quantify and depends on a number of factors including preferred genres, the rest of the signal chain and even how much you’re likely to use it,
One of the attributes of the MScaler is more accurate transient timing which means the brain isn’t constantly working to make sense of everything that timing accuracy depends upon, timbre, instrument separation etc, and that can result in extended listening sessions with no “listener fatigue”, but maybe that is even a double edged sword as the brain can maybe “relax” and allow getting even deeper into minute subtleties and inflections and an increased emotional connection, could go some way to explaining why some here chose to go with expensive cables and power supplies and find that to them it reveals an even more intimate experience,
As was already said, put it in the system at 16x and leave it alone there for a week or two, it’s all too tempting to switch between bypass and various degrees of upscaling/tap lengths, just listen as often and as long as you can before removing it and hearing if you could now live without it .. 😉
Aug 10, 2022 at 6:23 PM Post #16,196 of 18,828
@OCC7N keep in mind that some people do not hear any difference with M Scaler in the chain while others find only very subtle change. It is similar to discussion regarding different TT2 filter settings. For example in blind testing I would never guess correctly which filter is on. So your best bet is to actually listen to TT2 with and without M Scaler for some time. You may try to play with HQP or Audirvana upsampling settings in order to get some idea, but I think this is wrong approach and may lead you to very false conclusion regarding M Scaler itself.

Finally Chord dacs may not be the best for DSD format. I can't find it right now, but somewhere there is an explanation of how Chord dacs process DSD files and why by Rob Watts himself.
I can hear the difference between the filter on certain tracks(obvious, drums is the key) but on classical music and acoustic tracks, without the heavy dynamics I can not. I always end up at FIL3 on TT2 in blind test(drums/snares).

I am actually amazed of the highs on the TT2. I am glad the highs are emphasized on this DAC. I hear more. All my previous dacs feels like limitation after I heard the TT2.

But that amount of money for something that "just" upscales. Hmmmm. I need it for audition.
Aug 11, 2022 at 1:29 PM Post #16,197 of 18,828
I did a test print of a small piece of the front side with one button using black gloss plasic..



With orb (cone actually)

Unfortunately my printer is too small for 333mm wide housing.. must find someone to do it..

Oh the right squared side is the support to break out
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Aug 11, 2022 at 4:03 PM Post #16,198 of 18,828
I did a test print of a small piece of the front side with one button using black gloss plasic..



With orb (cone actually)

Unfortunately my printer is too small for 333mm wide housing.. must find someone to do it..

Oh the right squared side is the support to break out
Go to sleep man or are you a daywalker
Aug 12, 2022 at 6:08 AM Post #16,199 of 18,828
Changing the subject a bit, and please correct me if I’m in the wrong room with my problem/question.
Last night I thought I’d give my poor hot Ether Regen a break by disconnecting the power - it feeds my Innuos Zen mk3 - overnight. But it seems to create a problem with my iPad recognising the ER. The sense app finds it on the network but continually drops back out again.
Does anyone have a similar problem or should I just keep the ER connected at all times?
Another question I have for you is choosing a power supply for the ER.
ATM I’m using the stock supply, and I’m using two Poweroak 12v batteries to feed my TT2 and M scaler. I was thinking also of getting a third Poweroak to feed my ER. Can anyone enlighten me on their experiences of PSU’s supplying these units?
Thanks in advance for your advice and help.
Aug 12, 2022 at 7:52 AM Post #16,200 of 18,828
Changing the subject a bit, and please correct me if I’m in the wrong room with my problem/question.
Last night I thought I’d give my poor hot Ether Regen a break by disconnecting the power - it feeds my Innuos Zen mk3 - overnight. But it seems to create a problem with my iPad recognising the ER. The sense app finds it on the network but continually drops back out again.
Does anyone have a similar problem or should I just keep the ER connected at all times?
Another question I have for you is choosing a power supply for the ER.
ATM I’m using the stock supply, and I’m using two Poweroak 12v batteries to feed my TT2 and M scaler. I was thinking also of getting a third Poweroak to feed my ER. Can anyone enlighten me on their experiences of PSU’s supplying these units?
Thanks in advance for your advice and help.
The same thing happened to my friend who owns an Ether Regen, he purchased a heat sink and it resolved all his dropout issues.

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