How to remove serious ear wax buiid up?
Oct 22, 2005 at 1:28 PM Post #17 of 44
In my experience the Doctors method was the most effective and quite soothing!

I think you've got to soften up the wax before you go though. Some over-the-counter ear drops will do it.
This is if you've got mundo build up, if its not too bad you can try home remedies.

Wax maggots are ace. Put one in each ear and tape your ear up and leave overnight. The next morning remove the tape and you'll find a big fat orange maggot and no wax.
Squeezing them is fun!
Oct 22, 2005 at 1:32 PM Post #18 of 44

Patrick, i'm curious to know if you have tried these or did you just google the info?

I have tried these to great effect without the so called problems from that article. My flatemate has also done this for his tinnitus and it's improved his tinnitus slightly. Of course it does help to use some good old common sense when using them. Never buy cheap brands, put a small towel on the side of the head, and always make sure you have someone with you who can watch the candle.
You'd be amazed at the amount of wax that ends up in the candle when you open them's gross.
Oct 22, 2005 at 1:46 PM Post #19 of 44
I use a bamboo spoon stick thing for general cleaning. I also use the ear drops and ear syringe once every few weeks or so for deeper cleaning.

if you wanna go high-tech, grab one of these off eBay to take a look inside your ear. it's also got a spoon thing built in at the end. they seem to go for around $200.

Nov 21, 2005 at 9:00 AM Post #23 of 44
I bought some over the counter ear wax removal drops. I followed the directions no fizzing when I put them in. The liquid didn't really run out when tilted my head back up, my ears staid blocked. I used tissues to get the majority of it out but since then I have noticed that my balance has been thrown out.

I am hoping this is just a temporary thing and I haven't got an infection or something or worse still that the dizzyness is caused by the e3cs I have been using for a week!!
Nov 21, 2005 at 10:01 AM Post #24 of 44
Visit an ENT. They have the best tools to remove deeply impacted stuff.

Don't use the ear scoop things. They should only be used at the outer part of the ears anyways, not deep inside.

A past co-worker of mine lost most of her hearing in one of her ears when she was cleaning her ears with a Q-Tip, her roommate came barging into the bathroom, startling her, she punctured her ear drum. It was bleeding a lot, and she went to the ER.

I will never use Q-tips to clean my ears again.

It's Murine or diluted Hydrogen Peroxide for me.

Fortunately, my earwax is the dry flakey stuff, and does not accumulate.

Nov 21, 2005 at 10:39 AM Post #25 of 44
Dude that's a horror story!! But beat this... when I was at school a kid had some swimming goggles with a safety pin on them and was mucking around with them. The pin got flicked off and HIT ANOTHER GUY IN THE EYE!!!!!!

Um... sorry for off topic...
Nov 21, 2005 at 10:56 AM Post #27 of 44
i've had sort-of-dry earwax roll out of my ear while im sitting or lying down. happens once in a blue moon though.
Nov 21, 2005 at 11:54 AM Post #28 of 44
Audiclean this stuff is great.

I suffer from too much wax - when I get a build up and go deaf, only thing I can do is go to ENT and get wax sucked out :S

But with Audiclean - 3-4 10 min soaks compleatly removes all wax
Nov 21, 2005 at 12:13 PM Post #29 of 44

Originally Posted by AML
Patrick, i'm curious to know if you have tried these or did you just google the info?

I have tried these to great effect without the so called problems from that article. My flatemate has also done this for his tinnitus and it's improved his tinnitus slightly. Of course it does help to use some good old common sense when using them. Never buy cheap brands, put a small towel on the side of the head, and always make sure you have someone with you who can watch the candle.
You'd be amazed at the amount of wax that ends up in the candle when you open them's gross.

Why Candling Can't Work

Since wax is sticky, the negative pressure needed to pull wax from the canal would have to be so powerful that it would rupture the eardrum in the process. However, candling produces no vacuum. Researchers who measured the pressure during candling of ear models found that no negative pressure was created. The same investigators candled eight ears and found that no ear wax was removed and candle wax was actually deposited in some of them! [3]

Isn't that convincing enough?

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