How old are you?
Apr 13, 2010 at 6:59 PM Post #46 of 60

Originally Posted by scrane /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I origionally posted this in the IEM forum, but it was moved. I posted in the IEM section because I spend some time there, and it is a very dynamic forum with a low cost of admittance (cheap IEMs), a lot of enthusiasm, and a diverse preference of music type. I was interested in the particular demographics of this active, mobile group. This is why the categories are skewed toward youth.
Being on the up side of elderly I was also interested in how many of my peers were still willing to confront their ear wax on a daily basis. To maintain the plugged in state as we wander into the kitchen for a glass of beer or confront the daily commute. There is a difference between sitting in the musty leather chairs of the Members Lounge, warmed by our tubed amps and bopping down the street like John Travolta swinging a can of paint.

Since I started to use IEMs I've declared a war on ear wax. Sunflower oil and pressurized hot water helps a lot, my ear wax is under control.

Oh and I'm 22 this May the second.
Apr 13, 2010 at 8:31 PM Post #47 of 60

Originally Posted by limpidglitch /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Since I started to use IEMs I've declared a war on ear wax. Sunflower oil and pressurized hot water helps a lot, my ear wax is under control.

Oh and I'm 22 this May the second.

Hey that's my birthday too! I'm slightly older though
Apr 14, 2010 at 4:11 PM Post #49 of 60
It doesn't sound like a lot, it is a lot! I'm thankful I'm still here to laugh about it
Apr 14, 2010 at 4:44 PM Post #50 of 60
60 years old, retired,and loving life again! There's golf all year long in Tucson,my two Jack Russels are a pain in the arse but a ton of fun,Beautiful wife who is 6 years younger than me and still loves going to work everyday(thank you Lord), and my Westone um2's make beautiful music to me everyday.
How sweet it is!
Apr 14, 2010 at 4:56 PM Post #51 of 60
47, so almost in the >50 and therefore irrelevant category.
Apr 14, 2010 at 5:33 PM Post #53 of 60

Originally Posted by scrane /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Nothing complicated... just wanting to get an idea on the demographics of Head-Fi. How do you feel about your place in time?

Funny (just as I expected), a normal Gaussian Distribution. Nothing surprising.
Apr 15, 2010 at 11:38 PM Post #59 of 60
Turned 18 today! I'M A GROWN ASS MAN NOW!!!

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