How much current does a CMOY use?
May 26, 2006 at 2:15 PM Post #2 of 6
It's a pretty simple calculation for the Cmoy, just add up the current draw of the components. As far as I see it you've just got the opamp and LED. The opamp should be about 12mA (based on the 843's data sheet) and the LED will be whatever you set it at with RLED. Assuming a standard red led (2V drop) and your spec'd 24V power supply you'd be drawing around 2.2mA w/ a 10k RLED.

Just one question, any particular reason for not using the TLE2426 to create the dual power supply?

Hope that helps,

May 26, 2006 at 3:39 PM Post #5 of 6
You don't have any issues of being able to supply enough current, quite the contrary, if you were using a dual regulator supply and "most" of the opamps people use for a CMOY, you would actually have to add additional load (like power resistors) across the rails just to draw enough current to keep some regulators stable, because the opamps themselves aren't enough of a load. AD843 uses more current than most opamps put into a CMOY though, and being a single rather than dual channel opamp, it wouldn't have that issue with the more common regulators like LM317/337.

That is, unless your dual supply were already powering other parts and you were already just about at it's limits, which in itself would be more of a problem regardless of a couple dozen or so mA used by a pair of AD843.
May 27, 2006 at 1:25 AM Post #6 of 6
The input is only 5v, so I have to use a regulator that steps up. I decided to use a Maxim MAX743, which provides +-12v (or +-15v) at up to 125mA. As soon as I receive the parts, I'll get to work with designing the power supply. For now, I'll tweak the opamp circuit using some larger DC/DC converter modules (good for at least 1A, way overkill and too big to fit in case).

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