How many people here will not get Windows Vista?
Jan 18, 2007 at 9:26 PM Post #16 of 157
I am in no hurry to upgrade. However, I am sure they will eventually come out with something that makes it worthwhile for me. At that point, I will probably jump on board just like I did when I moved from 98 to XP. Right now, I am happy with XP.
Jan 18, 2007 at 9:56 PM Post #17 of 157
I have no doubt that Windows Vista will be "better" than Windows XP Pro. But, will Windows Vista's security be as good as OS X, Gentoo or Red Hat Fedora NSA Security Enhanced Linux, or OpenBSD? How about stability? What about performance?

I also have questions and concerns about Microsoft Office 2007. A lot of the features is not necessary for me. OpenOffice.Org is good enough for me. There are more versions of Office 2007 than Windows Vista. It's too fragmented. It has features bloat written all over it and I thought Windows Vista was already pushing it hard.

Count me out twice.
Jan 18, 2007 at 10:01 PM Post #18 of 157
I don't like DRM, NSA backdoors, or my media being downgraded because I didn't shell out a grand for my monitor. I've switched to Linux for everything but gaming, and I've slowed that down to the point where all the games I play work fine in Linux anyhow. And if I was REALLY desperate I could always get a Mac. But, no, I'm not getting Vista.
Jan 18, 2007 at 10:17 PM Post #20 of 157
after three years with Windows XP and the pathetic excuse of a company called Gateway... i've gone Mac, and after just 1 month, i know i'll never go back.
Jan 18, 2007 at 10:20 PM Post #21 of 157

Originally Posted by Welly Wu /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I have no doubt that Windows Vista will be "better" than Windows XP Pro. But, will Windows Vista's security be as good as OS X, Gentoo or Red Hat Fedora NSA Security Enhanced Linux, or OpenBSD?

Vista could be the most secure program ever written, yet not be as secure as any of the alternatives mentioned. That's the unfortunately reality of being the dominant market leader.
Jan 18, 2007 at 10:21 PM Post #22 of 157

I don't like DRM, NSA backdoors, or my media being downgraded because I didn't shell out a grand for my monitor. I've switched to Linux for everything but gaming,

I don't even game. So I will probably leap to linux. I already use open office for work.

I stuck with windows because I was using my computer as something of a HTPC, but I gave up on that and just use a DVD player/surround reciever like everyone else, so now all I use it for is

1. music, I will miss EAC and foobar, but surely I can deal

2. downloading and playing anime, something that I assume one can do under linux.
Jan 18, 2007 at 11:53 PM Post #23 of 157

Originally Posted by marvin /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Vista could be the most secure program ever written, yet not be as secure as any of the alternatives mentioned. That's the unfortunately reality of being the dominant market leader.

This is so true. If someone wants to cause havok by creating a virus or wants to attack people with Trojans to gain important info they are going to aim for the most people that they can attack at once - that means Windows.

As for me though I'll probably upgrade when I update my PC. I did download a beta and test it out and what I saw I was quite surprised with - it looked nice, it ran (fairly) well (even on my very very old hardware) but the performance just wasn't enough to do what I use my computer for. I'll be getting it mainly as DX10 will only run on Vista and I like my PC games.

If I could get all my PC games to run as well as they do in Windows on Ubuntu (or whatever other Linux is available) then I'd never touch the system again.
Jan 19, 2007 at 12:00 AM Post #24 of 157
I have a PowerPC Mac and two relatively new PCs that already choke on XP. Needless to say I won't be needing (or wanting) Vista.

Jan 19, 2007 at 3:35 AM Post #25 of 157

Originally Posted by GlorytheWiz825
I won't for 1 simple reason, XP works. Why fix something that's not broken?

What version of XP are you running!?!

Anyway, I am running it now... it is okay. There are a lot of compatibility issues, especially drivers and codecs.
Jan 19, 2007 at 6:17 AM Post #26 of 157
Did anyone here read the latest Maximum PC article, "10 Reasons Why NOT To Get Vista?" I glanced over the reasons and now you can count me out. XP4LYF!!!11
Jan 19, 2007 at 6:33 AM Post #27 of 157
Gee, it all depends how long MS will continue to support XP, doesn't it? Not such a big deal when you contemplated upgrading from Win98, which you could install as you saw fit, but the more you depend on Big Brother for permission to use your OS, the easier it is to force you to upgrade. And who the hell needs ANOTHER version of Word? Well, you will, when you're on Vista, because you can be sure there'll be some "compatability issues" if you try to use an old version.

That said, sure, I'll upgrade. In a couple of years, when my current PC is dying.
Jan 19, 2007 at 6:37 AM Post #28 of 157

Originally Posted by marvin /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Vista could be the most secure program ever written, yet not be as secure as any of the alternatives mentioned. That's the unfortunately reality of being the dominant market leader.

This is a slightly misleading statement, since most of the www is hosted on linux servers. While granted this is a smaller userbase and definitely not virus/malware demographic, it IS an area where security is required and open systems such as linux and freebsd (hi yahoo) have proven themselves very secure...

Count me out of Vista. My goal last year was to move to linux before the release of vista. I'm posting this on a Debian machine.

Jan 19, 2007 at 6:40 AM Post #29 of 157
I still use windows 2000
Jan 19, 2007 at 7:18 AM Post #30 of 157

Originally Posted by eyeresist /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Gee, it all depends how long MS will continue to support XP, doesn't it? Not such a big deal when you contemplated upgrading from Win98, which you could install as you saw fit, but the more you depend on Big Brother for permission to use your OS, the easier it is to force you to upgrade. And who the hell needs ANOTHER version of Word? Well, you will, when you're on Vista, because you can be sure there'll be some "compatability issues" if you try to use an old version.

That said, sure, I'll upgrade. In a couple of years, when my current PC is dying.

Office 95 worked fine on Windows XP for me. There's no reason Vista would break compatibility with any 32-bit version of Office. MS isn't too bad with OS support either. Win 98/ME were EOL'ed in July 2006. They supported 98/ME until XP had been out for almost 5 years. Compare that to Apple which EOL'ed OS X 10.2 about two and a half years after its release, and EOL'ed OS 9 shortly after OS X's release.


Originally Posted by jesse_w
This is a slightly misleading statement, since most of the www is hosted on linux servers. While granted this is a smaller userbase and definitely not virus/malware demographic, it IS an area where security is required and open systems such as linux and freebsd (hi yahoo) have proven themselves very secure...

Apples to oranges. The vulnerabilities, user knowledge levels, usage patterns, and financial incentives are very different when comparing personal computers to servers. I didn't say that Linux/BSD/etc were insecure. I noted that the incentives for writing functional Windows exploits are much higher than the incentives for doing the same on other OSes, therefore the security of Windows systems will always be worse than that of other OSes, regardless of how technically secure Windows is.

Either way, I've never had a virus, spyware, or other worm infect any of my Windows XP computers, so it's secure enough for me. Nor have I had any other OS issues, aside from application and driver issues. (Creative's horrendous early X-Fi drivers come to mind.)

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