How loud do you listen to your music?
Oct 7, 2006 at 6:23 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 23


Headphoneus Supremus
Jan 13, 2009
Usually I'm hovering at around the 11 O'clock position on the volume control (X-CAN V2, 2.5amp PSU, senn HD-600) but recently I've been watching some heavy rock live DVDs and have been cranking her way up to the 4 O'clock position. There's just no way I can watch / listen to Status Quo at anything less than 3 O'clock position.

They say this is bad for your hearing but I don't really mind as I'd rather enjoy certain types of music "full on" with my teeth rattling
For a really jaw dropping experience you need to try the Senn HD-25/1 at the 2 O'clock position, they rock!

Of course I don't listen at these extreme volume levels all the time, just occasionally, but must confess I'm enjoying "loud" sessions more than I maybe should be. Gotta preserve those ears you know

What's your favourite position on the dial?
Oct 7, 2006 at 8:13 PM Post #3 of 23

Originally Posted by PinkFloyd
What's your favourite position on the dial?

On the Mcubed 8.42 is comfortable , 11.00 is pretty loud > 12 is ear-bleeding , thus I normally listen between 8.42 and 10.00
Oct 7, 2006 at 8:17 PM Post #4 of 23
Oct 7, 2006 at 8:26 PM Post #6 of 23
I usually have the volume set between the 10 and 12 O'clock positions. Can't listen to volumes louder than that like I used to as my ears really take a beating.
Oct 7, 2006 at 8:28 PM Post #7 of 23

Originally Posted by AdamCalifornia
Great thread! You might be interested in
some interesting responses from Head-Fi'ers,
some links included etc.
on those two threads (which include polls):

How Loud Do You Listen to the Music Thru Headphones?


Has Prolonged Headphone Use Negatively Affected Your Hearing?

Since you are Pink Floyd (all four of them?) I am justified to finish this post with

See You on the Dark Side
of the Moon


Sorry Adam, I've been out of the loop for a while didn't realise you'd already started a similar thread with one of your "polls" attached, now I'm back I'll try to keep up with your frenetic postings / polls

I'm actually the fifth one that never made it into the band, I play a mean psychedelic Kazoo and should have been there alongside Waters and Gilmour.... everyone agrees, Floyd would have been a much better band with added Kazoo, but ces't la vie......

Careful with that axe Eugene
Oct 7, 2006 at 8:39 PM Post #8 of 23
Position "6" on the SRM-313. Something like 1 'o clock.
Oct 7, 2006 at 8:43 PM Post #9 of 23
I hope that you're joking and not angry with me and has not misunderstand me.

This thread is great and I like it a lot. I was not before you and you are not
after me. Period.

Anyway, when I was auditing a few headphone amps I could go to about 9 - 9:15 o'clock
with the Sennheiser HD 595s and 10 - 10:15 o'clock with the Beyedeynamics DT880s.
Of course a lot depends on the recording, how loud it is.

I can have to go to the max, say 4 o'clock when I am trying to hear what
the custodian at the Abbey Road says at the end of the Dark Side of the Moon
and to listen to the Beatles' Ticket To Ride: Formidable Test For:SA500, AKG K701, ...

Have Martini or Gin & Tonic or Double Gin on the rocks.
I'll have a pitcher of the Fuller's London Pride or ESB!

Oct 7, 2006 at 8:58 PM Post #10 of 23

Originally Posted by PinkFloyd

I'm actually the fifth one that never made it into the band, I play a mean psychedelic Kazoo and should have been there alongside Waters and Gilmour.... everyone agrees, Floyd would have been a much better band with added Kazoo, but ces't la vie......

Careful with that axe Eugene

So you took the place of Syd Barret (died July this year).
Now I know why they were so damn good. Only four on the stage and always
the 5th one around for extra edge!
There were five of them for a few months perhaps in 1968-1969 (I've seen the photo.)

Yeah, careful with this axe PinkFloyd because of this ....

... I don't know whether you're into the fabulous Black -
I've watched the DVD about their
reunion with Ozzy Osbourne in 1997 in Birmingham, England(not Alabama).
They were all saying that there was always the FIFTH member among them.
They composed musis with so much ease - they said it was like the music
was already there (in the studio) and they just wrote it down.
You know that they wrote Paranoid in about 20 mins because so much time
was left on the tape (or in the studio).
But now I know why - You were the Fifth one who worked for Black Sabbath.

How come?

Oct 8, 2006 at 3:24 AM Post #11 of 23
On my Headfive, zero volume position is around 7 o'clock. With the DT770s (80 ohms), I usually listen around 10 o'clock. I just bought a sound level meter today b/c I was paranoid about listening safely. Turns out it doesn't get to 85 dB until around 11-12 o'clock. Good to know.

Highly recommend one of these meters to protect your hearing. Bought it at Radio shack for $50. An analog version is available for $40. It also works great to balance your home theater speaker levels...if you're into that stuff too.
Oct 8, 2006 at 3:35 AM Post #12 of 23
95db on speakers is about what I like.
Oct 8, 2006 at 4:12 AM Post #14 of 23
Well, it depends...

I have run my (long departed) m³ (with STEPS) as hight as 4 o'clock, a Raptor (in Ray's & a bunch of other people's presence) at about 3 o'clock (almost shaking the grills off my HD600), and simply dying since I run this stinking HEV70 in the red constantly.

Peter, I implore you, hurry with that EA-6 - when my ears don't bleed, no one is happy.
Oct 8, 2006 at 6:11 AM Post #15 of 23
As loud as it needs to be. I used to be obsessive about keeping the volume down, now I really don't care. I play it as loud as it needs to be to fully get into the vibe of the music. With soft rock/pop, it's fairly low, with hard rock/techno, it's fairly loud. I don't really care that my ears ring after a loud listening session. I figure if I have hearing loss, then at least I had fun.

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