How do you save ignorant people?
Aug 10, 2014 at 12:52 AM Post #16 of 35
Getting from not knowing to a place of knowing is a journey only you can take yourself on. None of us can really do it for others. Even when you say, make knowledge available for random strangers, it's up to them to take an interest. You can't spoon-feed anyone and expect them to become less ignorant.
Also as a head-fier I don't believe Bose deserves such crap treatment as being mentioned in the same breath as Beats. Bose has way more technological substance, and is plaigiarised everywhere in the headphone world for aspects like business model, comfort and many, many technologies.
Aug 10, 2014 at 5:09 AM Post #17 of 35
  I take the Pros over the Q701 any day in a week :wink:.
Need to take a better example to convince me. It´s just that it´s a popular thing to bash on beats when there is so much better example of crappy overpriced headphones :). You picked a perfect example particularly since it´s the third release of the same damn headphones by AKG. They aren´t spending anything on research yet we should still pay premium for that hollow sounding can?

OK so that's you. But you know what they sell more of, and what makes Beats the brand, more than anything else? The Studio and especially the Solo. The latter is the closest I've come across to rolling out my own excrement and creating drivers from it. The fact that *that* basically built the brand to where it is is testament to the power of marketing, and the inability for 99% of the world to make, or be interested in making, informed choices. Some tentpole products may not be heinous in themselves, I'd agree with you on that point. It's the overall approach though that borders on reprehensible.
Apple brought us playcounts and thanks to one of the only two companies in the world at that point in time that could write software that worked (and the Zune didn't even exist back then), they brought us a library management software that actually worked the way most consumers wanted it to... and that was the reason I got into iPods in a big way. But thanks to the iTunes trojan invasion, they've brought us the rest of their version of Beats BS to everything else... including enterprise tech. And I despise them for that now.
Aug 10, 2014 at 6:38 AM Post #18 of 35
There is a huge viral marketing campaign going on at head fi against beats. People here that haven´t heard beats "know" they are bad. I actually haven´t heard the Pros I have heard the Solos and for headphones in their price range with focus on bass they are really not that bad at all. As mentioned there is much worse headphones for the price :wink:
Every company market their products. If you don´t think they do they do it in a really viral way :wink:
Aug 10, 2014 at 9:01 AM Post #20 of 35
  explain to him that more bass is not the same thing as "better"

Why should I explain to him what he wants?  It´s not like the Solos is the most bassy headphones out there either or there is anything wrong in liking bass.
Aug 10, 2014 at 12:56 PM Post #23 of 35
The problem with the Solos is that they only have bass going for them.They don't sound good with anything but the very bass-y genres. Even the bass isn't very good, and there's so much of it that everything else gets cast aside.They're still there, they just can't come out because of the bass.
Aug 10, 2014 at 1:51 PM Post #24 of 35
Why should I explain to him what he wants?  It´s not like the Solos is the most bassy headphones out there either or there is anything wrong in liking bass.

err okay then dont.  i was simply pointing out quantity and quality are not the same thing.
Aug 10, 2014 at 4:06 PM Post #25 of 35
Aug 11, 2014 at 1:49 AM Post #26 of 35

How do you save ignorant people?

I usually just hope their baby gets measles from someone who came from a place where vaccinations are even less common than where the anti-vacc people live. I can't save the ignorant, but that saves that baby from growing up ignorant.

On a more serious note - you can't save people when it comes to audio. If they're tone deaf and can't hear tonal differences, how much more other things like PRAT and imaging?
Aug 15, 2014 at 8:50 AM Post #27 of 35
My reply would be: Don't try to save ignorant people. Ignorant people allow marketing to work, so without ignorant people, a huge industry containing millions of jobs would collapse, and probably take several economies with it.
Ok, ok, extreme example, but still...
I suppose my point is that if everyone made the right decision every time, the world would not only be a boring place where everything was the same, but it would also mean that there was no competition in most markets. Then subjective things like audio and art would probably be the things that start wars, and we don;t want that no, do we?
.... that post didn't finish how I planned it to, but extreme analogies are often easiest to understand :/ 
Aug 15, 2014 at 9:35 AM Post #28 of 35
[size=medium]With patients... Sometimes lots of patients... Ignorance is basically not knowing... [/size]

Aug 20, 2014 at 7:07 PM Post #30 of 35
Since beats is fairly synonymous with bas-doof-doof, get an LCD 2 with high powered amp and put in on his/her ears. Usually helps if there's music playing as well.

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