How do you control Oppo 980?
Aug 28, 2008 at 4:31 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 16


500+ Head-Fier
Aug 2, 2007
I've been using an oppo 980 as my music source without a monitor attached. How do you guys deal with settings? Do I need to hook a monitor up just to change sound settings? I'm debating on getting a new cd player just so I don't have to have a monitor attached to my listening setup. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Aug 28, 2008 at 7:08 PM Post #4 of 16

Originally Posted by jsaliga /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Unless you need DVD-A compatibility...


Even then, you'd need to set up the Oppo to default to 2ch or 5.1, or switch to which to use on the DVD-A after it's popped in. Either way, you most likely need a monitor.
Aug 28, 2008 at 7:11 PM Post #5 of 16
That wasn't my point. You said that DVD Players are generally a bad choice, and I said unless DVD-A compatibility is important to you. No need to argue over that.

Aug 28, 2008 at 11:04 PM Post #6 of 16
I keep a small "over the headrest" car video monitor around, which I can plug into a DVD player to change settings, although I don't use my Samsung SACD/DVD for "music-only" anymore. They should not be too expensive (try
Aug 28, 2008 at 11:18 PM Post #7 of 16

Originally Posted by FenderP /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If you want a pure audio player, DVD players are generally a bad choice.

I have heard many good sounding dvd players and was using an Oppo 970 as the main cd player for a while. It sounds great.

Aug 29, 2008 at 12:39 AM Post #8 of 16

Originally Posted by FenderP /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Yes, to change settings like DSD or PCM over HDMI, you need a monitor. If you want a pure audio player, DVD players are generally a bad choice.

The OPPO is a very decent audio player...above its price range by far...
Aug 29, 2008 at 2:19 AM Post #9 of 16
I own an Oppo 980H. For audio, it's only a transport to do DSD over HDMI (as well as DVD and DVD-A). Other than that, all CD is handled elsewhere. It isn't up to snuff IMHO on analog outs.
Aug 29, 2008 at 2:40 AM Post #10 of 16

Originally Posted by FenderP /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I own an Oppo 980H. For audio, it's only a transport to do DSD over HDMI (as well as DVD and DVD-A). Other than that, all CD is handled elsewhere. It isn't up to snuff IMHO on analog outs.

I have one as well, and sorry but I strongly disagree here, I'm not saying that it is a top notch player, but for 169.00 decent enough...May I ask with what analog outs are you comparing it to??? Do no forget it cost only $169.00 bux...Anyway my main player is an ES, but it does the job very decent, in comparison...

IMO on that price range there is no much to look for, besides them, and I have heard players two and three times that price, that do not sound as good...
Aug 29, 2008 at 2:48 AM Post #11 of 16
I have heard the Oppo analog out needs a good bit of burn-in, and then it sounds decent. I never bought one because I planned to mod my Samsung HD940 but never got a round tuit.
Aug 29, 2008 at 3:22 AM Post #12 of 16

Originally Posted by Sovkiller /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I have one as well, and sorry but I strongly disagree here, I'm not saying that it is a top notch player, but for 169.00 decent enough...May I ask with what analog outs are you comparing it to??? Do no forget it cost only $169.00 bux...Anyway my main player is an ES, but it does the job very decent, in comparison...

IMO on that price range there is no much to look for, besides them, and I have heard players two and three times that price, that do not sound as good...

My CD5001, DV9500, and the DV-58AV I had for about a week all sound better on redbook than the Oppo. I'm not saying the Oppo is the worst player ever; far from it. It's a bargain, but you can do better in the price range if your only or main goal is redbook.
Aug 29, 2008 at 3:45 AM Post #13 of 16

Originally Posted by FenderP /img/forum/go_quote.gif
My CD5001, DV9500, and the DV-58AV I had for about a week all sound better on redbook than the Oppo. I'm not saying the Oppo is the worst player ever; far from it. It's a bargain, but you can do better in the price range if your only or main goal is redbook.

But all those players you are mentioning are above that price big time, maybe used the 5001 can be purchased for that price used, but the rest como'on.....A side note about the Marantz fans (I was one for long time) I have owned a few Marantz players overtime, and on top that they do not sounded as I was expecting, they left me much to be desired, all of them had shown problems sooner or later, one of them was a universal player/changer and the firmware was so stupid that you were not even able to change the CD's while playing one...IMO Marantz is a good amp manufacturer, but period...Not even the reference players are on par to other reference players of other brands I have heard...

But let's keep that hread on topic about the Oppo...
Aug 29, 2008 at 6:23 AM Post #14 of 16
I've been thinking about the Oppo 980 for a while, as I wanted to use its SACD over DSD, I don't bother with redbook CD, thats taken care of with my SB3.
I have been using a PS3 to play SACD, and its fine as it auto starts SACD, no need to turn the screen on.
The oppo I don't know about, but I have a Harmony 1000 remote, so I'm hoping that I can program all the settings in that. Does the Oppo auto start with a SACD? or do you have to chose MultiCh. each time?

Aug 29, 2008 at 6:51 AM Post #15 of 16

Originally Posted by BigTony /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I've been thinking about the Oppo 980 for a while, as I wanted to use its SACD over DSD, I don't bother with redbook CD, thats taken care of with my SB3.
I have been using a PS3 to play SACD, and its fine as it auto starts SACD, no need to turn the screen on.
The oppo I don't know about, but I have a Harmony 1000 remote, so I'm hoping that I can program all the settings in that. Does the Oppo auto start with a SACD? or do you have to chose MultiCh. each time?


In one of the setup menus you tell it what layer you want it to default to. Mine is set to mch, and if I pop in a mch SACD, it plays that layer when you press play. You'd have to select another layer to use redbook or 2ch SACD.

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