How do i record with the 0404? (guitar)
Apr 3, 2005 at 4:02 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 12


100+ Head-Fier
Sep 19, 2004
question as title.

just for personal use. i dont have a studio mixer or anything.

would it work to just use an adaptor and put the mix stright into the inputs?
would it work if i plugged it into a cmoy and then into then inputs?

Apr 3, 2005 at 4:51 AM Post #2 of 12
You'd need a preamp (the cmoy should work, I think), but yeah, I think you have the right idea.
Apr 3, 2005 at 11:24 AM Post #3 of 12
Are you plugging an electric guitar directly in it? Or using a microphone? You could get a single channel mic preamp.
Apr 4, 2005 at 7:07 PM Post #7 of 12
well, guys, i put the cmoy adaptors into the inputsof the 0404. plugged the mic into the cmoy. nope. no signal.

but i still have my creative soundcard. would this affect it? it doesnt affect the sound coming to my headphones. i can use both soundcards (havent tried at the same time, separately, definately works.) to listen to music, but cant record with the 0404, but can with the creative.

any help?
Apr 4, 2005 at 11:53 PM Post #8 of 12
now i am really confused.

You want to record a guitar through a mic ? directly in ? both ?

If using a X10 cmoy as a mic pre you are screwed way that is enough gain for a real microphone (not a computer mic)

you will need to bang up the gain to X100 but i would only use a very low noise opamp like the AD797 for that and even then,a balanced mic transformer inpto that.

A cheapo route would be to purchase one of the Rolls microphone preamps (do a search).again not the lowest noise opamps but already boxed and ready to go for around $40.

If you are serious look at building this for microphone use :

A true pro quality mic preamp that will not let you down no matter what the could also go to Analog Devices and download the AD797 data sheet which also has microphone preamp plans which are almost as good but cheaper to build because the tranny is left out (not cheap).

no way you had a chance with a X10 opamp gain stage
Apr 5, 2005 at 4:25 PM Post #10 of 12
actually i am just ..basically Mic--> cmoy--> emu 0404. wouldnt that work?

if not... i could get a small mixer or DI box i guess.... money again ...
Apr 5, 2005 at 6:38 PM Post #11 of 12
if the mic is a real microphone,not the PC type mic then you are not even close to the gain required with a "cmoy" amp Op-amp gain stage.

A X10 gain is just not enough and you need more like X100.Check the data sheets for the AD797,really,all is explained.
To compound that problem you have even more trouble getting a signal if the mic also happens to be a condenser mic which MUST have a DC bias on the internal FET.

Not knowing the mic I generalise the requirements here.

Using a "direct Box" is the exact polar opposite to gain.It is a gain reduction device that takes the higher level signal of a guitar pickup then converts both the voltage and impedance to a signal that can drive a microphone input on a mixing console or mic preamp.

You best solution it seems is the simple FET gain stage from the guitar pickup directly into the computer "line" input unless you also want to record the guitar amp tone.In that case you want a fairly good mic (Shure SM-58 is reasonable) and a microphone preamp (see above links) into the "line" inputs of the computer also.

and finally,and the best solution for guitar recording :

1-Guitar Preamp for direct recoding
2-Mic Preamp for recoding the amplifier "tone"
3-simple JFET mixer with a Pan Pot to adjust the Guitar direct/Amplifier mix for best sound

Easy builds and not a lot of loot but if still scary i again suggest the Rolls company for a cheap solution or if a kit is of interest chack out PAiA.Seriously good kits for ridiculously low cost (and ALL can be upgraded during the build to even better performance levels)

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