How did you get started with high end headphones?
Jul 19, 2008 at 3:02 AM Post #121 of 142
My interest really sparked northward when I went to a meet in April. Financially, I mark that day as the beginning of the end for my wallet
Jul 19, 2008 at 3:17 AM Post #122 of 142
started with bunch of sony, pana, and jvc earbuds.... then found c-net and headroom... got phillips first full size can (cant remmber the model), then sen 485... after that i ventured for IEM, sony ex-71 then shure e2c, then phillips she-9700... damn head-fi, i got the boa, ex-90, hd-201 (my 485 was lost) and planning for se-420 or ex-700 for now + another full size cans...
Jul 19, 2008 at 4:37 AM Post #124 of 142
I had the Bose QC2 and the Sony MDR-V600, and I knew neither pair was great, but having heard much worse, I was pretty happy with these. However, the wire is falling apart on the Sony pair, and the Bose fell apart. Browsing the local stores, I saw my choices were basically Bose, Skullcandy, or shopping online. Much research and debate later, I settled on the HD595, and decided I'd put up with the Sony pair at work until they died.

That idea didn't even last a month. You can't hear the 595 and then go back to the V600... so out with more cash, and in with the TF10!
Jul 20, 2008 at 10:07 AM Post #125 of 142
When I started getting serious about music production, and found this site in the process. My very first set of "audiophile" gear will be a pair of Beyerdynamic DT880 headphones, equipped with a Meier Audio Corda Arietta headphone amp, and since I'm new to the "audio" game, I have a very strong feeling that I'm going to be MORE than happy with this purchase! =]

Games, Movies, Music.. here we come!
Jul 20, 2008 at 5:02 PM Post #126 of 142
Somewhere around 1991 I was ready to buy my first real audio setup and was lurking for some mid-fi bell and whistle Technics/Yamaha/Sony receiver.

Then one of my friend introduce me to hi-fi audio by visiting and having a listen to some better stuff in many audio boutique in town. I remember listening to Sugden, Arcam, NAD, Rotel, Simaudio, NHT, Magneplanar, KEF and B&W gear. They were not high end but still a lot better than most mainstream japanese mid-fi stuff I heard. I was hooked.

I finally bought a 7240PE NAD receiver and an Arcam Alpha CD player. At the time, I was still living with my parents, and my father didn't let me buy loudspeaker for my room so I bought a used Sennheiser HD-540 Reference headphone. I upgraded them a few years later to used HD-560 Ovation. I still have them.
Jul 20, 2008 at 11:36 PM Post #128 of 142
After I got sick of using 5.1 headphones with one problem after another, the TB HPA1 had tinned center, and I in up sending that back for a barracuda which had no rear bass and bombs and what not sounded like ooom.

Decide to grab my first high end headphones the ATH-AD700 which I wished I bought in the first place.

I was stubborn and didnt belive I could hear my surroundings with 2 channel headphones.

I force my self to take the chance and I glade I did.
Jul 25, 2008 at 11:44 AM Post #129 of 142

as a teen went into a local cd store to listen to music listened to a pair on senns hooked up to a sony 5 disc and an amp (little beknown to me) the sound was amazing

spent years trying to recreate the sound...i even bought the most expensive walkman...(coudltn afford a discman)


finally i was at uni...and had money! so I went and bought myself an expensive player and an expensive pair of headphones! stock ipod and a pair of bose headphone well i think they were bose...........
the sound was horrible...and the ipod sounded tinny...i hated it

next was a sony minidisc and a pair of 212 pro's....

and then somehow i found this site and went broke
Jul 25, 2008 at 12:46 PM Post #130 of 142

IEM's give you max HiFi for your bucks, don't settle for anything less.. happy to chat..

Kind regards



Originally Posted by GlorytheWiz825 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
..friend of mine dished out $250 dollars for a pair of Etymotics E4R earbuds

Jul 25, 2008 at 1:25 PM Post #131 of 142
I started hearing things about this site on another forum I frequent a lot, and I decided to come over here. But this was after getting my HD555's, as recommended by... Aflac? Before that I was stuck with junk, junk and more junk for headphones.
Jul 25, 2008 at 2:40 PM Post #132 of 142
I was always fascinated by Audio stuff since childhood... be it speakers or headphones.

Always used to talk to DJs at a party and asking about how Turntables work n all.
At Public events i would checkout the Setup the guys are using.

My first 'Decent' ones were Sony MDR G58V (Neckband style)...used them a lot during High school days..

i bought them mainly for their stylish looks & being sony atleast a decent sound quality.

But i wanted Full-size cans or atleast Supra so Few years back I bought Creative HQ1400 . ..biggest disappointment..i made a thread: Creative HQ1400 - Design Flaw + Bad Customer Service - Notebook Forums and Laptop Discussion

I really wanted to buy the real headphones for a long time but never got a chance...and their price always seemed High. By Real i mean the big boy brand.

A DJ friend of mine used to carry around his Sennheisers ...i envied him.

And then the time came when few months later i spotted some new Sennheiser stock arrive in the Electronic store..

I had NEVER seen Sennheiser in consumer stores..atleast in my i got excited
I was in an amateur level Movie production, helping out a friend for Sound mixing. So i realized i need Monitoring equipment finally

i went out with my uncle bought HD-205.. my first senns.

its where it all started and i joined Head-fi..

In Head-fi i found like minded people...who can get too passionate sometimes

I realise HD-205 are just the beginning ... and i ve got a long way to go.
Jul 25, 2008 at 3:35 PM Post #133 of 142
My first foray into high-end audio was getting some 580s...before that I had numerous fontopia's and our Sharp turn-table had some full-size cans.
Jul 25, 2008 at 7:22 PM Post #134 of 142
My first taste of good headphones was around 1970 ( I was 13 ). My father bought the AKG K240M. I enjoyed listening to classical music with them. A couple years later I bought the HD 414 (I think) at Circuit City. My Basset Hound ate them and I was sad.
Jul 25, 2008 at 7:35 PM Post #135 of 142
this is my first post here at head-fi...i thought i could stay away, haha.

about 4 years ago, i decided i needed to upgrade my sound system. i bought the logitech z5500. my games, movies, music, all sounded great. i bought a zune the first day it was launched. with my music portable, i needed better sound than the stock headphones.i tried the shure e2c based on its popularity, but found it uncomforable. i stumbled upon this site while looking for reviews for earphones, and after reading a few i settled on a pair of sennheiser cx300. i was very happy with the, sound and i thought i would never need another pair of headphones. i thought i was done with this site.

a year and a half later, i was on a quest for headphones. i always liked the comfort of the bose OEs and AEs, but thought the price was too much. i wanted an alternative and ended up back at head-fi.

now, i am the happy owner of a pair of cx300, bose IE, senn px100, px200, hd202, mdr-v6, and denon d1000. now im looking to buy the hd555s.

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