How can you stand it?...
Sep 20, 2007 at 2:26 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 5


100+ Head-Fier
Sep 16, 2007
I always used "real" headphones but tried to give the cx300 a chance recently.

Sitting down they are excellent and comfy to wear.

But riding my bike or walking around, the sound of the cord annoys me too much to bear.
Since the phones are isolating the constant jumping around of the cord gets amplified into a loud, dumb sound that drives me mad.

Are all closed in-ear phones like this?
I know the majority on this forum are big fans of phones even more closed than the cx300 like Shure etc..
How can you stand it?
Or is it different from brand to brand?

I find these useles for real-world use, only good for sitting down really...
Sep 20, 2007 at 2:43 PM Post #2 of 5
My Shure E4 didn't have that problem, seeing as I wore it looped over my ears, which stops microphonics. I always (2 years) used it for anything: walking around, cycling, riding the bus, etc.
Sep 20, 2007 at 8:18 PM Post #4 of 5
Shirt clip the cable to your collar.
Run the wire over/around your ears.
Foam-roll eartips help too. They dont make them for the CX300, so you'll have to DIY yourself a set.

I have found this with just about all the silicone rubber tipped IEMs I have tried, although it varies a little from model to model. Some IEMs are more extreme than others. The rubber tips create a sealed pocket of air against your eardrums, the cable tugging and movement is directly transferred to the eardrum.
Sep 21, 2007 at 2:27 PM Post #5 of 5
My Ety ER-4 is famous for doing that, but I loop them over my ears, and it all goes away.

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