How big is a step up from the ksc75 to grado 60s?
Mar 16, 2005 at 10:39 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 23


100+ Head-Fier
Sep 19, 2004
i heard that they are both fun cans, and i would like an upgrade (as i've just felt like it

but how much is the sound quailty difference? the grado's are 3X the price here, and i dont know if they're a VERY big steop up, seeing the praise here. maybe ishould wait for the grado 125s? (i mean money-wise)

i MIGHT use an amp with it portably and definately will at home.

so should i upgrade? i dont want to use money on stuff that i wont hear the difference on though

and about pads. can i just reverse them on the grado 60s? to make the difference/better sound? cause im not sure about ordering more pads...
Mar 16, 2005 at 3:56 PM Post #3 of 23

Originally Posted by rob1031
i heard that they are both fun cans, and i would like an upgrade (as i've just felt like it

but how much is the sound quailty difference? the grado's are 3X the price here, and i dont know if they're a VERY big steop up, seeing the praise here. maybe ishould wait for the grado 125s? (i mean money-wise)

i MIGHT use an amp with it portably and definately will at home.

so should i upgrade? i dont want to use money on stuff that i wont hear the difference on though

and about pads. can i just reverse them on the grado 60s? to make the difference/better sound? cause im not sure about ordering more pads...

SR-60s come with comfies, not bowls. I hate my SR-60s from my iPod, but love them from a portable cd player with bass boost. I use the lower setting of boost if theres 2 settins, and they sound great
Mar 16, 2005 at 7:10 PM Post #4 of 23
Not huge. I like Grado sound better because of the better midrange but I don't think the upgrade from KSC75s to SR60s is a big one.
Unless you feel that you're missing something (in the midrange) in sound I wouldn't spend my money on it.

To explain better what I mean. When my best cans were the PX100 and I heard the sr60s it was a wow moment. But mainly because I didn't like the soundsignature of the PX100 from the start. It lacks mids and treble for my taste.
The PX100 is a dull sounding headphone IMO and the grados are the opposite so I got what I was missing in the PX100s. The KCS line isn't dull at all. So unless you have this constant feeling that there is missing something in your 75s the sr60s won't be a big upgrade.
Save your money and go for a bigger upgrade later.
Mar 16, 2005 at 7:17 PM Post #5 of 23
Yes the PX100 has eventually turned "dull" to me, too.

The KSC75 has to have less detail than the SR60, less clarity, but also not the bright/piercing highs of the Grado... It depends on your tastes.
Mar 16, 2005 at 8:06 PM Post #6 of 23
The SR60 is more clear and defined sounding, a "tighter" sound all around, with slightly less bass output. How much tighter??? I would say, ~15% if you wanted to put a (nearly meaningless) number to it. The KSC75 sounds a little loose and sloppy by comparison.

Put it this way, the SR60 is roughly 3.5 times the cost of the KSC. But IMHO the SR60 is not 3.5 times better/tighter/clearer sounding than the KSC75. But thats my oppinion. Others will disagree, that the extra cost is justified.

Mar 17, 2005 at 1:13 AM Post #7 of 23
So if you've already got the ksc75s, what is the next "wow" step? I'd like something with clear, crisp highs with the same oomph bass. Of course lush mids would be nice, too. And not too expensive

Seriously, with all your collective experience, what would be the wisest next step?
Mar 17, 2005 at 1:21 AM Post #8 of 23
I dont have either set of these cans so I may be totally off here, but arent the sr-60's considered one of the top sets in their respective price range? That wouldnt make sense if they were and were only slightly better than $20 cans. Does the difference go up drasticly as you go up slightly to say the SR80's? What Grado's are 3.5x as good as the ksc75's? I am only asking because I just got a pair of AKG K222m's for $20 on ebay but I was going to get the SR60's for my portable and use the AKG for my computer, but if they are even fairly close to them I will hold out and save up for ones that will make a real noticable difference.
Mar 17, 2005 at 2:34 AM Post #9 of 23
i personally was blown away by my sr60. more of everything, yet balanced and sweeter. (own a ur40 (same drivers i think) ) i don't hear any of the harsh or grainy highs many have noted. im lovin it.

after 6 or so sub-$100 phones, only the sr60 gave me that "wow" experience. (out of mdrv6, koss ur40, e2c, hd280, koss pro titanium -- and other auditioned phones) (the a700 gave me a similar experience)

but.. since i've never heard the ksc75, i cant really say.
Mar 17, 2005 at 2:34 AM Post #10 of 23

Originally Posted by Audio Wasabi
So if you've already got the ksc75s, what is the next "wow" step? I'd like something with clear, crisp highs with the same oomph bass. Of course lush mids would be nice, too. And not too expensive

Seriously, with all your collective experience, what would be the wisest next step?

Hmm... unamped?... Maybe the K240s 55 ohm model or the DT250 80 ohm model.

IMHO you should try a ~$70 cmoy and a 100 ohm impedence adapter. KSC75s sound HUGE amped. Even with a modest single OP amp circuit. Mids smooth out revealing more highs and the woderful bass bloat resonates at a slightly lower frequency.

Love the sounds of my Audiotechnica HA2 => 100 ohm adapter => KSC75. Very good bang for the buck IMHO. Very bass heavy too, rivals my DT770 at times.

Mar 17, 2005 at 2:41 AM Post #11 of 23
Just keep the ksc-75 and forget about this place. Or else you're gonna end up with an RS1. No, seriously.
Mar 17, 2005 at 2:47 AM Post #12 of 23

Originally Posted by Kirosia
Just keep the ksc-75 and forget about this place. Or else you're gonna end up with an RS1. No, seriously.

lol.. i know right... i just got my sr60... absolutely love it... still want something new. i dont get how i think sometimes.
Mar 17, 2005 at 2:57 AM Post #13 of 23

Originally Posted by eight08
lol.. i know right... i just got my sr60... absolutely love it... still want something new. i dont get how i think sometimes.

It's called upgraditis. It's probably the main reason why head-fiers keep buying things they probably don't need. The only cure appears to be a savage beating combined with someone emptying your bank account. I can't even look at my wallet in the face anymore.
Mar 17, 2005 at 3:13 AM Post #14 of 23
I can't speak for the SR-60, but my SR-80's are miles ahead of my KSC-50's in literally every way. Better detail, much more punch, deeper, stronger bass, less decay, less graininess, excellent fluid midrange. You get the picture, it's like going from a Chevy Blazer to a Corvette.
Mar 17, 2005 at 3:15 AM Post #15 of 23

Originally Posted by rob1031

but how much is the sound quailty difference? the grado's are 3X the price here, and i dont know if they're a VERY big steop up, seeing the praise here. maybe ishould wait for the grado 125s? (i mean money-wise)

Do you live outside of american? If so, maybe look at the MS-1?

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