Holo Audio Red Streamer
Oct 23, 2023 at 3:22 PM Post #1,306 of 1,977
Since it is based on the Raspberry Pi I think that is the reason.
The Pi has sold out time and time again since Corona and has also risen in price due to high demand.
And it usually takes months to get a new one, so I don't know why that is.
Last but not least, the Pi5 is in the starting blocks and everything will probably be used there.
What I can also imagine is that the Pi1 will slowly disappear, also because of the requirements.
Oct 24, 2023 at 1:46 AM Post #1,307 of 1,977
My red is rock solid, even more stable than my rpi4 configure as server. (8GB with more process running)
Oct 24, 2023 at 12:33 PM Post #1,309 of 1,977
Can the Red operate as a streamer + DDC? Ethernet in, SPDIF out in my case? Thinking about buying a SPDIF only vintage DAC
Oct 24, 2023 at 1:44 PM Post #1,311 of 1,977
Oct 24, 2023 at 5:05 PM Post #1,315 of 1,977
Greetings again from Finland!
I tested my "system" with and without the DI20HE, so directly from the Red´s I²S connection to R-27 2021 and as I used to do it, from Red´s USB out to DI20HE and from there via I²S to R-27 2021.

Directly from Red via I²S: It has darker background and soundstage widened a bit and became a bit deeper. "Biggest" differences were found in the bass and treble region. More air and more "zing", string instruments and the "vibration" on the string were more hearable. The quiet bits of a song and fade outs had more material suddenly. Bass region was a dissapointment, it was somehow "muddier" and with less resolution and separation and ooomph / attack. Tested with LCD-X 2021.

After listening Opeth´s Watershed album (I´m very familiar with that album) I decided to go back to "normal" with a bit less "zing" and clarity in the upper register and with more authority and attack in low frequensies. For my taste the DI20HE has a place in my "system" after this brief test. The differences weren´t night and day, I would estimate well under 5%. But there was a noticeable difference. For me, I´m going to continue with DI20HE in the chain.

After disconnecting the HDMI from Red and plugging in USB cable I discovered that the USB out connector was loose! I mean very loose...and this was only the second time that I have even used that connection / plugged in USB cable. Contacted Jos from Magna and I´ll be shipping the Red back for inspection / warranty repairs. Magna has great customer service!
Any update or other comparison with Holo Red and Audio GD DI-20HE possibly with loudspeaker system too?
Oct 25, 2023 at 12:55 AM Post #1,317 of 1,977
You're asking if the Red can be used as a streamer & DDC simultaneously, correct?

You're using your Red as a streamer and DDC simultaneously?
Not simultaneously, although I believe it can do streamer->USB out and USB in->DDC simultaneously.

I only use 2 of the DDC outputs simultaneously, with streamer input.
Oct 25, 2023 at 1:20 AM Post #1,318 of 1,977
Not simultaneously, although I believe it can do streamer->USB out and USB in->DDC simultaneously.

I only use 2 of the DDC outputs simultaneously, with streamer input.
Thanks for the clarification--I emailed Tim at Kitsune about another subject and he clarified that the Red is either a streamer or DDC and can't be used as both at the same time which I already understood as we all should, which is why I asked if you were doing both.
Oct 25, 2023 at 6:10 AM Post #1,319 of 1,977
Any update or other comparison with Holo Red and Audio GD DI-20HE possibly with loudspeaker system too?
I'm listening to loudspeakers 90% of the time.
The DI-20HE is a pure DDC and offers more options, while the strength of the Red is its polyvalence as a device.

As pure DDCs, the quality of these devices is similar but not identical.
The USB input of the Red has a slightly better galvanic isolation than the one of the DI-20HE. If your source is not clean, you may get better results with the Red.
With a clean source, the way I'm using it, the sound with the DI-20HE is more refined with an additional layer of sonic textures.
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Oct 25, 2023 at 7:17 AM Post #1,320 of 1,977
I have another 1-2 stupid questions,
If I want to use the Red as a streamer what software do I need for Roon on the Red?

The second question if I go in via lan, can the usb out also be used or only the typical outputs where the Red has?
Coax,Aes,I2S ect....
I'm asking because if Usb Out could also be used,in theory you could use the Red as a streamer and feed the Dac via Usb Out.

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