High Resolution Blue Hawaii Pictures
Mar 7, 2004 at 2:44 AM Post #16 of 86
New version of the triode amp built with 829B's is next.

Not in the same chassis. 829B's are huge.

kevin nice camera. No macro or telephoto lenses?

Old telephoto should work fine. Not auto focus but
probably not necessary. Not sure about macro yet.
Mar 7, 2004 at 3:29 AM Post #17 of 86

Originally posted by EyEPoD
I beg to differ.

I have a 3 panel display here at work, and those images look absolutely incredible. I finally dont have to settle for a streteched image for my desktop

HI!! Question: How many people do you think have 3 panel displays at home or at work??

Not many? You and maybe, one other person??

It's cool though, I'm just trying to point out the fact, that for some people, it is very, very annoying to be dealt gigantic images for no real reason.

And there is a simple solution for your problem. Take 3 images you like, and make one big file with them right next to each other. Then use that on your triple display set up. It will look a heck of a lot better than putting one giant image across 3 monitors as well.

It doesnt really make sense to put any of those images on a triple display setup, since, they are obviously composed as a single frame and thus not meant to be divided across 3 frames.

EDIT: For future notice, it is generally thought that large images are thought of as rude, warnings or not. I dont mean this harshly, but educatingly.

Sorry if I appeared harsh previously.

If the topic was "Check out the 14 MP images from my new camera", it would have been better.

I shouldn't have said anything. Because it's going to come across as nitpicking. But, it happens constantly, on webpages all over the place. At the very least KG was nice enough to post links and not embed the images in the thread...

Sorry again.
Mar 7, 2004 at 3:44 AM Post #18 of 86

Originally posted by dabeststax
IMO only newbies who have never heard of photoshop post images that big on the internet.

That's a rather rude thing to say, and Dr Gilmore is a respected person here. If he wants to post big pics, I'll take the trouble to download them.
Mar 7, 2004 at 3:48 AM Post #19 of 86

IMO only newbies who have never heard of photoshop post images that big on the internet

you do realize that many ppl on hifi-based audio forums are not computer saavy. The fact that they post pics alone is good enough. Cut the older generations some slack
ps. kevin gilmore definitely ain't no newb.

anyway, kevin, I hope you don't mind, but I took the liberty of resizing the pictures myself and put it on my webspace:





Mar 7, 2004 at 3:56 AM Post #22 of 86
kevin seems to just like blue , his ss designs back at headwize used the same style casing.Kinda industrial-retro with some color

but THIS :



you win Kevin ,the 829B will not fit my chassis !
Mar 7, 2004 at 4:01 AM Post #23 of 86
to keep the whining moaning b*tches at bay, i've put up a little mirror of resized photos: http://fitterhappier.com/headfi/gilmore/

although i'd personally like a darker color, it looks like a damn fine amp. please keep us updated with anymore you build and thanks for posting the photos for us.

***edited by moderator for language ,c'mon,you know better***
Mar 7, 2004 at 5:33 AM Post #27 of 86

Originally posted by soupy
I took the liberty of resizing the pictures myself and put it on my webspace...


Currently, I'm matching JFETs for a Borbely style descrete amp. Blue Hawaii looks like a real barn burner. Awesome.

Mar 7, 2004 at 8:52 AM Post #29 of 86

Originally posted by Norbert
Umm...Where's the volume control on this beast????

My guess is that his CDP has a volume control, or he routes his CDP signal thru a preamp first. There is no volume control in his amp. His XLR outputs that run into the amp will vary, giving him volume control without a DACT or pot.
Mar 7, 2004 at 9:45 AM Post #30 of 86
dabeststax, see how much detail your missing with lower resolution images?

i rather wait 1/2 seconds longer and have those big pretty images in my screen

back on topic
gilmore, that's an AMAZING looking amp and camera you got there.. very impressive

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