High res shots of c-pads on 325i as requested! + questions
Jan 7, 2006 at 7:53 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 6


100+ Head-Fier
Oct 5, 2003
Apparently these are manditory when one has aquired c-pads!

This shot is for size reference to a pack of gum so people can see how big they are.

Here they are on the cans themselves. Purdy...

Finally, what you have driven me to...

For search hits: c-pad headphile grado 325 325i mod pad earpad woodie size beyerdynamic dt-770

The extra headband on there is a Sennheiser HD-280pro headband until I can get a Beyerdynamic one

Finally, I have a couple questions:
What pads do I have? Z-Flat, Z-Port, Alpha, Beta, I am confused!
Also, does anyone have any suggestions on the bass ports? What are some peoples' favorite configurations?

I will also post an ameteur review once I get more familiar with the new 325i. I can tell you that they fit a large head VERY will. If you have a small head (I didn't think I did), then you will have to add the headband to make them fit perfectly. They are VERY comfortable. That was my #1 complaint with my Alessandro MS-1 and that has been defeated.

Well, some comments. First off, it takes some time to get these to fit my head just right. I don't know if it is the shape or the size, but unless I bend the headband rather low and inwards, there is an opening where the bottom of the earpads should touch the bottom of my head. I've almost got it just right, but people say the beyer headband fixes this issue. They are COMFORTABLE though. I can't emphasize this enough. I want a pair of 770s now. Thats how comfortable they are. They completely cover my ears, but just barely. I have larger than average ears.

I'm a bit dissapointed in the build quality. The wood is cracked in one place (which isn't the sellers fault, it's obvious they were built this way) and a bass port falls out if they aren't positioned correctly. The wood isn't of great quality either, but I think (judging by the website) that he has updated his design and materials. I can't be too dissapointed though. I bought these used with Grado 325i for a total of $220 shipped, so they were essentially free.

As for sound. I tried plugging the bass ports (4 in each size) and playing a rock song that I know well (Symphony X - Inferno (Unleash the Fire)) which has decent impact bass and nice foreward treble. The bass becomes more laid back and less impactful. The treble becomes more recessed, which leads to a more "in your head" sound and reduced soundstage. In short, I didn't like it. I immediately reopened them. The sound is much more "Grado." People here say that it makes the sound much more similar to a Sennheiser. I'd tend to agree, but it would be a bit of an unjustified insult to Sennheiser to my ears. I like the Senn sound, and this is closer than with the bass ports open, but I feel it is less quality and Sennheiser's can maintain detail that sounds lost. In short, if you like Grado sound, but it is too forward, plug 'em and enjoy. If you like the forwardness and impactful bass (last reviewer on aforementioned page said it was "too prominant") then leave them open. I will experiment with 2 in each ear, as one person said their preference was, but I think I'm going to leave them open.

I plan to compare to the bowls later, then flats that came with my MS-1s.
Jan 7, 2006 at 8:24 AM Post #2 of 6
Ya know after looking at these I am tempted to click the button to "Report them as offensive/adult material". Do you want us spending more money?
Jan 7, 2006 at 9:02 AM Post #3 of 6

Originally Posted by KyPeN
Apparently these are manditory when one has aquired c-pads!

This shot is for size reference to a pack of gum so people can see how big they are.

Here they are on the cans themselves. Purdy...

Finally, what you have driven me to...

For search hits: c-pad headphile grado 325 325i mod pad earpad woodie size beyerdynamic dt-770

The extra headband on there is a Sennheiser HD-280pro headband until I can get a Beyerdynamic one

Finally, I have a couple questions:
What pads do I have? Z-Flat, Z-Port, Alpha, Beta, I am confused!
Also, does anyone have any suggestions on the bass ports? What are some peoples' favorite configurations?

I will also post an ameteur review once I get more familiar with the new 325i. I can tell you that they fit a large head VERY will. If you have a small head (I didn't think I did), then you will have to add the headband to make them fit perfectly. They are VERY comfortable. That was my #1 complaint with my Alessandro MS-1 and that has been defeated.

Way to go on the response time! It was Moi who requested the shots and review.
So...you purchased these and you dont know which c-pads you bought??
Sounds more like you mugged a fellow Head-Fier and dont know which pads you scored.

If you plan to write a quick review comparing and contrasting the stock bowls to the c-pads, may I suggest some areas to analyze? (feel free to ignore my suggestions)

1)Obviously comfort
2)Soundstage...do you find the velour muddies the sound and maybe closes up the "hearing space" a bit? (less airy)
3)Basssss-I would expect that more sound is trapped now b/c the velour is less porous resulting in better bass.
4)Any effect on mids/highs?

Lastly, if they indeed have not been stolen, what did you pay for them and was it worth it!?
Jan 7, 2006 at 4:39 PM Post #4 of 6

Originally Posted by KyPeN
Finally, I have a couple questions:
What pads do I have? Z-Flat, Z-Port, Alpha, Beta, I am confused!

None of those! These appear to be Zeta Bowl Port HP/PS/RS and should require either adhesive putty or similar to attach them to 325i's properly. They should also have 4 pegs for each unit, to plug the larger ports if desired.
Jan 8, 2006 at 12:09 AM Post #5 of 6
No opinions on the bass ports?
Jan 8, 2006 at 9:25 PM Post #6 of 6
Edit 1 with initial thoughts, comfort, and sound of changing ports

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