High End Cables Thread (digital, analog, power)
Nov 16, 2023 at 12:50 PM Post #766 of 965
I am using a Shunyata 6000s v2 with a sigmaXC v2 power cord .before that I was using a exact power ep15a & sp15 regenerator combo with great results.Currently listed for sale on USAM for a great price for the combo
Nov 16, 2023 at 12:58 PM Post #767 of 965
I had the Venom X pc and Venom xlr a while back but they couldn't gel in my setups. read that Shunyata stuff only really get good Delta upwards. they're pricey stuff lol I really didn't want to get sucked in, power cords interconnects etc not to forget the conditioners. was eyeing the Denali for a while.
I do think the Delta made a noticeable difference over the Venom power cables. The only Shunyata power conditioner I have experience with is the lowest-end Venom PS10 power strip. I plugged my whole setup into it (replacing a Furman filtering power strip), and I didn't hear any difference from it. If there was a difference, it was far subtler than the difference that the Venom power cable made to the Erco. I also didn't notice a difference when I took it out after a week. I've only seen/heard the Denali in the store, where it was hooked up to a two-channel system, and while I did hook up my Stax amp to it during a meet, with so many other things different in the chain, I couldn't discern a difference then.

Agree that Shunyata stuff is crazy expensive. My dealer actually thinks they're better value than some other brands (he recounted how he thought a $3K Shunyata was better than a $9K cable from a different fancy brand at a store he used to work for), so he mainly carries Shunyata gear plus a few things from Kimber, but I haven't had experience with the Kimber power cables. I use the Kimber Hero Cu XLR interconnects between the Erco and my Stax amp; I think it adds a bit more treble clarity. And it was cheap enough ($220 from one dealer) to buy blind. I wouldn't buy any Shunyata product without trying it at home first - for me, they're too expensive to gamble on when not everything helps and things that can help only help some types of gear.
Nov 16, 2023 at 2:08 PM Post #768 of 965
You can borrow cables from the Cable Company for a 5% fee which you will get a credit for the fee once you return them,
Or if you decide to buy the fee will go towards the purchase or any other purchase from them.
I recently got a Shunyata Omega AES cable to try in my system I compared it to other cables I had on Hand & end up buying it.
Nov 17, 2023 at 1:09 AM Post #769 of 965
I just received a set of Lessloss c-marc 1m rca Entropic process interconnects and a 5m length of DHLabs Reunion Cat8 ethernet, ordered through the Cable Co. took a few weeks for Lessloss to send them the cables, and then 3 days FedExto get to me thereafter.

i have the Lessloss rca in between my Wavelight dac and Zahl HM1. it replaces a length of lower tier Atlas Audio rca interconnects. first thing that hits me is the uptick in clarity and cleanliness up top. vocals are slightly forward compared to the Atlas cables. there is audibly less bass, but i get a lot more information from the low end notes, in terms of texture and details; the low end is definitely cleaned up a fair bit at the expense of some oomph. there is slightly less punchiness too. will run in it for a few weeks and see how it goes.

i've read a lot of good reviews on the Reunion ethernet. decided to give it a go, since i needed a longer length of cable, and the price was right. the Reunion Cat8 went between the Melco S100/2 and Innuos Phoenix NET. the Reunion ethernet is not a very flexible cable, rather stiff, and doesnt really want to bend as i want it to. i'd rate it 8/10 stiffness. i was fairly surprised on first listen, as it immediately felt like there was a lot more low end, to the point of some boominess and bleed into the mids. i was thinking this could well be the most amount of bass i've heard from the Abyss so far. caveat is i didn't get much listening done with the new cable in place, so i am just reporting my very initial impressions. hoping to test and compare a bit more over the coming days.
Nov 17, 2023 at 4:22 AM Post #770 of 965
I just received a set of Lessloss c-marc 1m rca Entropic process interconnects and a 5m length of DHLabs Reunion Cat8 ethernet, ordered through the Cable Co. took a few weeks for Lessloss to send them the cables, and then 3 days FedExto get to me thereafter.

i have the Lessloss rca in between my Wavelight dac and Zahl HM1. it replaces a length of lower tier Atlas Audio rca interconnects. first thing that hits me is the uptick in clarity and cleanliness up top. vocals are slightly forward compared to the Atlas cables. there is audibly less bass, but i get a lot more information from the low end notes, in terms of texture and details; the low end is definitely cleaned up a fair bit at the expense of some oomph. there is slightly less punchiness too. will run in it for a few weeks and see how it goes.

i've read a lot of good reviews on the Reunion ethernet. decided to give it a go, since i needed a longer length of cable, and the price was right. the Reunion Cat8 went between the Melco S100/2 and Innuos Phoenix NET. the Reunion ethernet is not a very flexible cable, rather stiff, and doesnt really want to bend as i want it to. i'd rate it 8/10 stiffness. i was fairly surprised on first listen, as it immediately felt like there was a lot more low end, to the point of some boominess and bleed into the mids. i was thinking this could well be the most amount of bass i've heard from the Abyss so far. caveat is i didn't get much listening done with the new cable in place, so i am just reporting my very initial impressions. hoping to test and compare a bit more over the coming days.
Oh, the DHLabs stuff looks fairly affordable when compared to the LessLoss cables hahaha
Worst is when converted to MYR for me...............*faints*

Do you have an impression between the Reunion vs the others you've tried?
Nov 17, 2023 at 7:07 AM Post #771 of 965
Oh, the DHLabs stuff looks fairly affordable when compared to the LessLoss cables hahaha
Worst is when converted to MYR for me...............*faints*

Do you have an impression between the Reunion vs the others you've tried?

anything converted to MYR now is going to be terrible..

no comparisons yet. Just had a brief listen with a few of my usual test songs. the low end seems to have reduced slightly.
Nov 19, 2023 at 8:47 AM Post #772 of 965
Just received Triode Wire Labs The Obsession
The sound field is very wide and natural, the background is extremely quiet, and the notes are full
This power cord is priced way too low, it shouldn't be in the 1500$ zone, it's a killerObsession2.jpg
Damn, this makes me want to upgrade my 7-plus. Perhaps I shall give Pete a buzz.
Nov 30, 2023 at 9:41 AM Post #773 of 965

quick short review. got these cables in an equipment trade. for the price (second hand) they're good!

nice bass, a bit bloomy but rather enjoyable. mids and vocals placed slightly back, and top end is quite full and rounded. doesn't have sharpness or etch. would do really well in a system u wanna take some edge off.

comparatively less airy, less space and less background quietness than cmarc lessloss entropic rca. the cmarc sounds cleaner and more detailed but has less low end. central imaging and clarity of vocals is not as strong on the acrolink; there is a slight blurring of the edges. overall the cmarc has a more refined presentation and the Acrolink seems more towards the fun laid back sound.

The acrolink cables are quite heavy and a bit thick but otherwise take bends surprisingly well. the rca plugs are bigger than usual (almost like Xhadow plugs) so might be a problem when the rca ports are close together.
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Dec 7, 2023 at 5:25 PM Post #774 of 965
For power conditioners, I've used Blue Circle Audio (now Entracte Audio by Gilbert Yeung) and think they are very good, and I'm also using PS Audio Power Plant 12 (not a conditioner, but serves an equal purpose).

Not sure how they compare with Shunyata or Audioquest conditioners. Ansuz and Gigawatt also interesting with some good reviews, but the pricing on Ansuz is astronomical!
I had the Ansuz d-tc2 Mainz8 power distributor and their higher end power cables. I would caution about buying higher priced items from them new. The loss in resale value is as astronomical as the purchase price. If someone is after an organic music presentation, it is the wrong product.

I replaced the Ansuz power distributor with a JMF PCD–102 filter. Stratospheric price too, but the result was worth it. Imagine music coming out of a water tap through the system. The imaginary tap doubled in diameter with the JMF. I am done with looking for filters.

A more affordable option is Torus Power with their isolation transformers. Have not heard them myself. Two people whose taste I respect like them a lot.
Dec 7, 2023 at 5:38 PM Post #775 of 965
I'm considering a good power distributor for my system. I'm not sure if i want to spend that much on megabucks power distributor so i limit my budget up to 2000 USD

It seems the Ansuz Mainz8 X-TC is recommended a lot but are there any strong contender at this price point?
Dec 7, 2023 at 6:00 PM Post #776 of 965
I'm considering a good power distributor for my system. I'm not sure if i want to spend that much on megabucks power distributor so i limit my budget up to 2000 USD

It seems the Ansuz Mainz8 X-TC is recommended a lot but are there any strong contender at this price point?
I had the Ansuz X2 distributor for a smaller system, and it is OK.

I like the approach of The Chord Company to cables. Had a number of their various cables in the higher end ranges. They have power distributors called PowerHaus and they are in your desired price bracket.

I have used Furutech NCF (unfiltered) distributors and they are doing their job well.

If you need only four outlets and shell out maybe 40% more, you could get yourself a Torus Power TOT Max. If three outlets are fine, the TOT Mini will do.
Dec 7, 2023 at 6:26 PM Post #777 of 965
I'm considering a good power distributor for my system. I'm not sure if i want to spend that much on megabucks power distributor so i limit my budget up to 2000 USD

It seems the Ansuz Mainz8 X-TC is recommended a lot but are there any strong contender at this price point?
How many outlets do you need?

I feel like alot of companies, even the better ones, make them specifically for the two-channel world. As Head-Fiers we don't usually run a pre-amp and rarely run a "power amp" and even more rarely run mono-blocks.

For instance I run a Shunyata Research Hydra Delta D6. It has 6 outlets. I have my DAC installed in one pair and zone of outlets, I have one amp on another pair/zone and and a second amp in another zone/pair. I like this configuration because I could grow my system in thr future(no plans in that) and still have three available outlets.

In reality at the time of my purchase, Shunyata didn't have a four outlet product available. Had I had the option I might have very well gone with a four outlet product and saved a bit of money and been done with it.

So I'd say, you should access your needs. Maybe account for growth in your system when you decide.

Also allow for a budget for the power cable from the wall to the power conditioner. I've finally found what I need in a Shunyata Delta XC power cord for my conditioner. It took some time and I definitely learned a few things and definitely spent unnecessarily. But I finally have the right power cord(20amp) into the conditioner. I'm happily running other brand(Cardas) power cords out of the power conditioner. But I do think you should consider staying with the same brand, at least from the wall into the conditioner.

Good luck. A lot of great products out there. Please share how it all goes for you and what you decide.
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Dec 7, 2023 at 6:39 PM Post #779 of 965
Whoops i forgot to mention how much outlets do i need

I need at least 3 outlets ( Streamer, DAC, amp ) but i think 4 is a safer choice in case i want to add something like external clock or power amp in the future

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