Hifiman HE6-SE
Mar 8, 2024 at 6:07 PM Post #3,856 of 3,955
for my
Wild question for y'all: I just plugged an LM4562 into the little powerhouse amp feeding my V2, and VOILA ! It sounds terrific, primarily because I don't need to EQ the 2K trough !! Unfortunately, I'm now missing key HF elements I enjoy from my standby NJM5532DD. I wonder if any on this board have relevant experience with any of the 4562, 49720, or 49860 variants out there. This is a great-sounding chip, but the hi-hats, string overtones, and live atmosphere are greatly suppressed [no "air"]. I would REALLY love to ditch my EQ apks. I've read too many reviews about the sound signature variation in this chip family, so thought I'd start here to see if anyone has a recommendation !
@6Channel ... for my op amp rolling I use either the Burson or the Sparkos.. Those change the sound sig significantly... so you would need to do some research to see what they would do for your setup... warmer selection or brighter airier type sound sig... and of course once you get them installed you would need to spend enough time for your brain burn in to make sure of what you changed you like it or not... the down side is they aren't cheap but they do sound very good... for what they offer as to sound sig you should be able to look around the forums to see what they might do for you... check on the Burson Amp posts and you should be able to get info on both Burson opamps and or the Sparkos... and Burson just released a new version but I haven't heard them... does this help you ??
Mar 8, 2024 at 7:05 PM Post #3,857 of 3,955
Wild question for y'all: I just plugged an LM4562 into the little powerhouse amp feeding my V2, and VOILA ! It sounds terrific, primarily because I don't need to EQ the 2K trough !! Unfortunately, I'm now missing key HF elements I enjoy from my standby NJM5532DD. I wonder if any on this board have relevant experience with any of the 4562, 49720, or 49860 variants out there. This is a great-sounding chip, but the hi-hats, string overtones, and live atmosphere are greatly suppressed [no "air"]. I would REALLY love to ditch my EQ apks. I've read too many reviews about the sound signature variation in this chip family, so thought I'd start here to see if anyone has a recommendation !
What Dixter said above is all correct, I just wanted to chime in that I have tried the LM4562, LME49720, and the NE5532. Not the 49860 though. I didn't document the differences between any of those op amps as they were all around the same technical range (different sound signatures, but similar in technical ability).

The best sounding op amps are large, maybe too big for whatever you are plugging them into. In general the best IC op amps are around the same technical ability of the worst discretes. Some recommendations are:
  • If you have unlimited space then the Sparkos SS2590's are typically considered the most accurate and transparent op amps on the market. The Burson V7's are about to be released, so they are a wildcard that could potentially be even better.
  • If the Sparkos don't fit, the next best bet will be the Burson V6 Vivids or Classics (or the V7's mentioned above). Most seem to prefer the Vivids.
  • If the V6/V7's won't fit, next up is either the Sparkos SS3601/3602's or the Burson V5i. Both are barely larger than an IC and are better than almost every IC op amp out there.
  • If everything above is too large, then the best IC options I've come across will be Muses01/02/03 or AD827SQ. There's a lot of IC op amps out there though. I've only tried around 50 of them (out of hundreds, maybe thousands), so plenty of IC's to research and try.
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Mar 8, 2024 at 9:58 PM Post #3,858 of 3,955
What Dixter said above is all correct, I just wanted to chime in that I have tried the LM4562, LME49720, and the NE5532. Not the 49860 though. I didn't document the differences between any of those op amps as they were all around the same technical range (different sound signatures, but similar in technical ability).

The best sounding op amps are large, maybe too big for whatever you are plugging them into. In general the best IC op amps are around the same technical ability of the worst discretes. Some recommendations are:
  • If you have unlimited space then the Sparkos SS2590's are typically considered the most accurate and transparent op amps on the market. The Burson V7's are about to be released, so they are a wildcard that could potentially be even better.
  • If the Sparkos don't fit, the next best bet will be the Burson V6 Vivids or Classics (or the V7's mentioned above). Most seem to prefer the Vivids.
  • If the V6/V7's won't fit, next up is either the Sparkos SS3601/3602's or the Burson V5i. Both are barely larger than an IC and are better than almost every IC op amp out there.
  • If everything above is too large, then the best IC options I've come across will be Muses01/02/03 or AD827SQ. There's a lot of IC op amps out there though. I've only tried around 50 of them (out of hundreds, maybe thousands), so plenty of IC's to research and try.
Thanks for the tips, Dramlin & Dixter. I've only ever fiddled with ~15 selectable chips, including a V6, but my ear always seems to prefer the damned 5532, and the NJM I found on is a sweetie - it presents everything just as honest as I think it can be. I've been a Beyer/Quart man for many years, but sense some real potential in these V2's. I've only stooped to EQ for these Hifimen (also 400se) because of the intolerable 2K trough. In my meager 50 years of audio systems, no equalizer has failed to introduce artifacts that audibly affect the source (my test is to set it flat and see just how much the circuitry messes with the sound). I find the PowerAmp apk the most pleasing frequency bender, but I suspect it's nevertheless introducing "deleterious" artifacts during heavy passages. I'm thinking of getting more of the 4562's and staging them either just behind or just ahead of the 5532's. Just wondered if anyone else has slain that 2K dragon with the 4562/49720/49860. (4562 = 49720, AFAIK, but TI may put a twist into, or hand-select, various versions for SQ). My 4562 seems "almost there".

From impressions I've read, I'm pretty sure the Muses & Sparkos are too warm & soft on the top for my ear.
Mar 9, 2024 at 6:29 PM Post #3,863 of 3,955
Is HFM HE-6 SE/500 considered brighter/ less bright than hekv2?
The HE-500 is on the warm side on neutral. It's significantly less brighter than the any of the HEK series of headphones in my opinion.
Mar 10, 2024 at 7:01 PM Post #3,864 of 3,955
Is HFM HE-6 SE/500 considered brighter/ less bright than hekv2?
HE-500 is denser and maybe warmer. HE-6 SE is closer to HEK v2 treble with better bass impact. Both have fairly wide but short soundstages. HEX v2 larger soundstage - a bit too big sometimes. HE-6 SE is a power piglet however - 2 wpc@50 ohms min.
Mar 10, 2024 at 7:19 PM Post #3,865 of 3,955
Is HFM HE-6 SE/500 considered brighter/ less bright than hekv2?

HE500 is very different. Quite dated today, but had an incredibly engaging presentation, with great bass and midrange, and balanced treble. It remains one of my favorite cans ever.
HE6SE is brighter, has a less pronounced midrange and clearer bass, but has better detail retrieval and soundstage. IMO, the HE6SE is overall an improvement over the HE500 - though arguably some would prefer the HE500 tonality and flexibility (ie, less harsh, easier to drive).

Re: comparison with HE1000, I agree with Bagwell359 above - HEK is brighter and has less slam, but a wider soundstage. For me, it is a clearly different style: the HE500, HE6OG, HE6SE, and Susvara share a common sound profile / presentation that is just different from the HEK series.

Assuming power is not an issue - which it really is with the HE6SE - I'd argue that the HEKv2 is a better all-rounder and overall better headphone than the HE6SE and (quite better than) the HE500, but if you really like the presentation of the round Hifimans, the HE6SE and the HE500 would probably make you happier.
Mar 10, 2024 at 7:32 PM Post #3,866 of 3,955
I have both HE500, HE6SE (v1) aswell.

HE6SE resolves better and is more mature sound but stock frequency response is worse with recessed vocalist and bass deficiency. Also when i remove grills from HE6SE it becomes too soft while HE500 is more incisive and stays snappy enough after removing grills.

Newer eggshaped Hifimans have too much high treble boost for my ears and i can't listen them for long.
Mar 10, 2024 at 7:45 PM Post #3,867 of 3,955
I have both HE500, HE6SE (v1) aswell.

HE6SE resolves better and is more mature sound but stock frequency response is worse with recessed vocalist and bass deficiency. Also when i remove grills from HE6SE it becomes too soft while HE500 is more incisive and stays snappy enough after removing grills.

Newer eggshaped Hifimans have too much high treble boost for my ears and i can't listen them for long.

Agreed on HE6SE being more mature and the impact of removing grills.

I also generally agree that the eggshaped Hifimans have a treble boost relative to the round ones (especially the Arya family), but for me it's ok / not that far off when looking at the HE1000s (v1, v2, SE - haven't tried the Stealth).
I'd argue that HE6 (SE and OG) is quite more sibilant or treble forward in some regions than both the HE1000v1 and HE1000SE. So, for me, it's just a different overall presentation, in which the round Hifimans are harder hitting while having less clarity and soundstage. That statement obviously excludes the Susvara, which has the best of both worlds.

Come to think of it - I'd also say that, if this is someone's first foray into planars / upper-end Hifimans, the HE500 would be an incredible gateway drug. Not only it sounds amazing, but is far, far less source-picky than both the HE6SE and HEKv2 (HE1000 don't need that much power, but really scale with better DACs and amps).
Mar 10, 2024 at 9:29 PM Post #3,868 of 3,955
Some good details in these last few posts.

I think all the HFM's discussed need PEQ. The HEK v2 is the least treble happy, the HEK Stealh has the least upper midrange hole, but its hot in the 5.5-7.7k area. They are more technical than the 500 by a good amount. The HE-6 SE massaged with mods and PEQ outdoes the XS, Ananda, and the non Stealth Arya in overall sound - esp bass impact, and the lacking lower bass due to being open is easily added in with PEQ - assuming enough juice to give the correct headroom.

I only disagree a bit on the stock rear screen on the HE-6 6 screw, SE and SE v2 - too much reverb on wood blocks/finger snaps - the Arctic screens do the trick for me. Also the 500's bass isn't a match for any HE-6 under 100 Hz. - if you deaden the cups and add some low bass by PEQ its improved but not as good. The bass does have nice slightly warm timbre however. It's sort of the HD-650 of planars.
Mar 15, 2024 at 11:05 AM Post #3,869 of 3,955
Speaking of foray into planars and high end, here’s my story. After years loving IEMs my ears suddenly became intolerant of sticking things inside them- severe itchiness, etc.

I ended up with some Fidelio X2 as first open back. A couple months ago I decided to go for it again with headphones and tried DCA E3 but couldn’t spend much time in a closed can- fatigued too quickly due to perception of Pressure on ears due to enclosure. So returned them and picked up hekse…which I adored but just found intolerable on many songs due to brightness which with extended listening actually triggered tinnitus, so returned and picked up hek2v2 which was much better but still bright at times and lacked bass, plus the oval shape and clamp pressure triggered my TMJ.

So just returned them and picked up JMA XTC2 because the glowing reviews suggested the custom tuning and extreme comfort would solve my TMJ and tinnitus. It’s only been 2 days so way too early to say. I’m hopeful they will work on those too fronts. Tuning wise I’m super confident. Fit/comfort wise not sure yet. The hope is I can wear them long sessions and they are my go to all rounder worn most of the time.

And even if they check all boxes, I can tell already that I dearly miss the planar sound. So considering options for highest value/ bang for buck planar that is warm and super comfortable with round (not the HFM oval) ear pads with light clamp force. This would complement the XTC. I have a powerful enough audio-gd R28 NOS all in one to drive them.

Mar 15, 2024 at 1:18 PM Post #3,870 of 3,955
Speaking of foray into planars and high end, here’s my story. After years loving IEMs my ears suddenly became intolerant of sticking things inside them- severe itchiness, etc.

I ended up with some Fidelio X2 as first open back. A couple months ago I decided to go for it again with headphones and tried DCA E3 but couldn’t spend much time in a closed can- fatigued too quickly due to perception of Pressure on ears due to enclosure. So returned them and picked up hekse…which I adored but just found intolerable on many songs due to brightness which with extended listening actually triggered tinnitus, so returned and picked up hek2v2 which was much better but still bright at times and lacked bass, plus the oval shape and clamp pressure triggered my TMJ.

So just returned them and picked up JMA XTC2 because the glowing reviews suggested the custom tuning and extreme comfort would solve my TMJ and tinnitus. It’s only been 2 days so way too early to say. I’m hopeful they will work on those too fronts. Tuning wise I’m super confident. Fit/comfort wise not sure yet. The hope is I can wear them long sessions and they are my go to all rounder worn most of the time.

And even if they check all boxes, I can tell already that I dearly miss the planar sound. So considering options for highest value/ bang for buck planar that is warm and super comfortable with round (not the HFM oval) ear pads with light clamp force. This would complement the XTC. I have a powerful enough audio-gd R28 NOS all in one to drive them.

I can't respond with a magic solution for you, but the JMA's are characterized as "warm yet detailed" - I'd stick with 'em for awhile. We don't know anything about your listening habits, eqmpt, etc. - if your post was on a new Facebook thread, you'd certainly get ~100 suggestions. This thread is Hifiman-centric, so I dunno what you'll see.

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