HIFIMAN Arya - Arya Stealth - Arya Organic :: Impressions Thread
Nov 11, 2021 at 9:36 PM Post #5,866 of 12,150
Perhaps some of you may be interested on new pads for your Arya, or ananda or Hek.

Good luck with your pads, they look interesting. I would point out here, though, that the sub-bass roll-off in the graph you shared doesn't actually exist and is likely a measurement artifact. Arya is well known to extend ruler flat all the way down below 20hz.
Nov 12, 2021 at 7:06 AM Post #5,868 of 12,150
So, they send me the wrong xDuoo 05 (not Bal) and I have no cable to connect it with my Hiby. Doesn't matter... the Arya's sound already very good out of my Hiby. Pretty much addicting. I was very unsure if would like the sound because I was expecting a lean sound like a AKG 701. I was wrong.

Comfort is very good too.
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Nov 12, 2021 at 9:09 AM Post #5,869 of 12,150
I think my Hiby R6 pro has enough power to drive the (Stealth) Arya's and therefore there is no need for further amplification. I will send the xDuoo back. I will instead buy an balanced cable for the Arya's and my Hiby. Any (maybe AE or Amazon) recommendations for an 4.4 after market bal cable?

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Nov 12, 2021 at 12:05 PM Post #5,870 of 12,150
I think my Hiby R6 pro has enough power to drive the (Stealth) Arya's and therefore there is no need for further amplification. I will send the xDuoo back. I will instead buy an balanced cable for the Arya's and my Hiby. Any (maybe AE or Amazon) recommendations for an 4.4 after market bal cable?

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I have the 6.3mm version of that cable for my Edition XX. It's passable. Very stiff and a tad microphonic when you rub against it. But for the money it's fine, and looks attractive.
Nov 12, 2021 at 12:16 PM Post #5,871 of 12,150
Got the Arya 30 min ago and it's the Stealth version. I didn't know what I get. The sound is way warmer and musical than expected. I like it so far. At the moment I hear it right out of my Hiby R6 pro and next I will unpack my xDuoo Bal and I will see how this will sound.
New headphones day is always exciting and fun. Keep us posted.
Nov 12, 2021 at 12:19 PM Post #5,872 of 12,150
So, they send me the wrong xDuoo 05 (not Bal) and I have no cable to connect it with my Hiby. Doesn't matter... the Arya's sound already very good out of my Hiby. Pretty much addicting. I was very unsure if would like the sound because I was expecting a lean sound like a AKG 701. I was wrong.

Comfort is very good too.
Yeah, wait 'til they loosen up a little from the factory tightness. The bass gets deeper and more detailed, and the sound-staging expands too. The best is yet to come.
Nov 12, 2021 at 12:37 PM Post #5,873 of 12,150
I think my Hiby R6 pro has enough power to drive the (Stealth) Arya's and therefore there is no need for further amplification. I will send the xDuoo back. I will instead buy an balanced cable for the Arya's and my Hiby. Any (maybe AE or Amazon) recommendations for an 4.4 after market bal cable?

Is this OK?
I've got that cable but in full size XLR. It is a thin 4-core silver plated copper cable, I believe, and sounds kind of "lean" but is good in a crunch until you can invest in a better quality (ie: thicker) cable. It is silver-plated copper and has some of that "zingy" sound quality and lean-ish bass. I just received a Periapt XLR cable in the mail today and I'm listening to it right now. It is a very good quality all copper cable. I've also got a silver plated 8-core XLR cable that is meant for the Gold Planar GL2000 but fits all 3.5mm terminations. I'm a little down in the cable rabbit hole but not so far that I can't see the light at the entrance, hahaa.
Nov 12, 2021 at 1:22 PM Post #5,874 of 12,150
New headphones day is always exciting and fun. Keep us posted.
This is my first planar hp. Usually I hear music with my UM Mest. But this is really an experience. At the moment I enjoy David Crosby "here if you listen". I'm glad I bought these and not LCD-X's because of hearing loss of high frequencies the LCD-X would be too dark for me.

I always thought that bass in a flat line (FR curve) is lean and sounds dull. But these sounds very warm and lively without distortion. Very addictiv.

Never thought I would buy some Hifiman because of the craftsmanship and the (lack off) QC but everthing seems fine. They are very light too.

And they sound great with my Hiby R6 pro. No problem for the dap.
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Nov 12, 2021 at 2:27 PM Post #5,875 of 12,150
This is my first planar hp. Usually I hear music with my UM Mest. But this is really an experience. At the moment I enjoy David Crosby "here if you listen". I'm glad I bought these and not LCD-X's because of hearing loss of high frequencies the LCD-X would be too dark for me.

I always thought that bass in a flat line (FR curve) is lean and sounds dull. But these sounds very warm and lively without distortion. Very addictiv.

Never thought I would buy some Hifiman because of the craftsmanship and the (lack off) QC but everthing seems fine. They a very light too.

And they sound great with my Hiby R6 pro. No problem for the dap.
That flat-line bass goes down to below 20hz and virtually no regular dynamic can can do that. It seems like it'd be lean but instead what you get is just what's on the recording - no fat slow bass, just quick-hitting low frequency bass that shows up by surprise. It is addictive.
Nov 12, 2021 at 2:58 PM Post #5,876 of 12,150
So, where to go from here? There is definitely no need to buy more IEM's. Let's say I would spend around 5000€ or $ for an Amp/Dac, how much estimated improvement in sound would this produce? Compared to my Hiby dap. 5%... 7%? Is this even possible to say?
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Nov 12, 2021 at 3:11 PM Post #5,877 of 12,150
So, where to go from here? There is definitely no need to buy more IEM's. Let's say I would spend around 5000€ or $ for an Amp/Dac, how much estimated improvement in sound would this produce? Compared to my Hiby dap. 5%... 7%? Is this even possible to say?

I've got a Benchmark stack for my desktop use, about that price, and the Lotoo PAW Gold Touch as my DAP. I frequently run the Arya out of both. It is decidedly better sounding on the stack. Less glare, less shout, more control in the bass, better imaging, and wider soundstage. I haven't heard any headphones that sound better on a DAP than on a desktop set-up. And, it's not a matter of cost either. I would actually suggest the D90/A90 stack instead of the Benchmark stack. While it's not as good, it has the same sort of flavor/effect and it costs far less.
Nov 12, 2021 at 3:32 PM Post #5,878 of 12,150
I have a technical question. If I buy a desktop dac and I connect my Hiby dap (music library/source) with the dac and from there into an amp is it still possible to EQ the music using the Hiby? Is the music although EQed still digital?
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Nov 12, 2021 at 3:59 PM Post #5,879 of 12,150
Who's ready for the weekend and for good time with their favorite music?! It is almost black friday, lots of sales and offers popping all around too, so today we can focus on a review about a newly released headphone that may have the right value points for you

Today's focus falls upon the Arya Stealth from HIFIMAN Electronics, a headphone made to sound sweet, deep, clean, and wide! I do in-depth comparisons between the Stealth and the original version, as well as comparisons with other 3 headphones~

I also do pairings this time around, as Arya was quite hard to drive, so pairings with 3 sources are included in today's full written review about Arya Stealth and the refinement of one of their most sold high-end headphones!



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