HIFIMAN Arya - Arya Stealth - Arya Organic :: Impressions Thread
Aug 10, 2021 at 6:30 PM Post #4,577 of 11,944
I don't have arya (yet?). What song are you using that sounds like its in front ?
Meant that my Arya sounds transparent and holographic. More than being far away at a distance from my head. Orchestral music and electronica have the most spatial attributes that Arya shows off well, IMO.
Aug 10, 2021 at 9:25 PM Post #4,578 of 11,944
I had the same feeling when I first got the Arya! I think in part, it was that my expectations for soundstage were too high. Another part is the actual recordings have to be mixed and mastered with soundstage in mind (orchestral soundtracks can be very good at this), and when I do get it out of your mind that I'm listening to headphones and just close my eyes, the Arya does sound VERY spacious, on all sides.

Surprisingly, I find the ZMF Auteur to have more forward depth than the Arya. The voice on vocal tracks is more intimate, but stuff that is supposed to sound farther in front of you really does sound far in front. And with all audio stuff, this is very subjective.
I get that. You said what I was trying to say.
Aug 11, 2021 at 2:12 PM Post #4,579 of 11,944
Meant that my Arya sounds transparent and holographic. More than being far away at a distance from my head. Orchestral music and electronica have the most spatial attributes that Arya shows off well, IMO.
which amp are you using with the arya? the gustard in your sig? im wondering if my amp (D30pro) may be the limiting factor.
Aug 11, 2021 at 4:08 PM Post #4,580 of 11,944
which amp are you using with the arya? the gustard in your sig? im wondering if my amp (D30pro) may be the limiting factor.
I used the Gustard H20 (bought used) with upgraded Sparkos Labs ss3602 discrete opamps. Discrete class A/AB amps play very well with Arya. The integrated IC opamp based amps that I tried at first did not give as realistic or natural sounding vocal and instrument presentation nor sound stage width/depth and imaging realism/naturalness that the discrete amps did [ex: the Topping A90, thx 887, Schiit Magnius (all ic based) didn't sound as realistic as the Schiit Magni 3+ or Emotiva a-100, and the H20 (discrete, class AB, class A discrete, respectively)], IMO. I'd suggest getting a discrete class A amp (even a used one) and trying it beside the D30 pro to see if it makes a difference in your setup. Power doesn't equal better quality and power, IMO.
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Aug 13, 2021 at 12:14 AM Post #4,581 of 11,944
Hey guys......What would your choice be between Burson Audio Playmate 2 vs Topping A90 for the Arya.....Since Arya pairs well with Class A amps and burson is in that segment......but Topping A90 is really well recommended by Joshua Valour on YouTube.....I am confused.....???
Aug 13, 2021 at 1:53 AM Post #4,582 of 11,944
Hey guys......What would your choice be between Burson Audio Playmate 2 vs Topping A90 for the Arya.....Since Arya pairs well with Class A amps and burson is in that segment......but Topping A90 is really well recommended by Joshua Valour on YouTube.....I am confused.....???
The a90 is not bad from a power standpoint but it's tonality doesn't suit Arya well, being bright and having a flat soundstage without much realism or depth. I haven't heard Burson's amps but anything that's not too annoyingly bright or harsh should work well with Arya, IMO.
Aug 13, 2021 at 2:17 AM Post #4,583 of 11,944
I vote Gustard, Schiit, or other discrete class A or AB amps. Throw in a neutral but not too brittle DAC and... happy listening. :L3000:
Aug 13, 2021 at 3:26 AM Post #4,584 of 11,944
Hey guys......What would your choice be between Burson Audio Playmate 2 vs Topping A90 for the Arya.....Since Arya pairs well with Class A amps and burson is in that segment......but Topping A90 is really well recommended by Joshua Valour on YouTube.....I am confused.....???
I am pairing the Burson Conductor 3X performance with the Arya and the Arya sings with it. Very resolving, musical and airy presentation.
Aug 13, 2021 at 4:58 AM Post #4,588 of 11,944
I never liked the arya out of the A90 or any thx amp
SP400 has a more lively & warmer sound than the other(older module) THX amps, with better soundstage..Just & channel separation than a lot of the other THX amps. It pairs fine. I think it's the SH9 from memory that sounds much the same minus some of the layering & channel & separation.
Having owned other THX amps though I do get where you are coming from, most of the other(older modules) models out there have a similar sound & ability. Sound fine at first then when you have it a while you realize its quite dry & stale sound, Very no frills, quite literally makes many headphones sound the same.
Aug 13, 2021 at 11:40 AM Post #4,590 of 11,944
I have a 789 and hpa4 , they are great amps in their own way and pair well with other headphones but or my taste I prefer the Arya out of the jotunheim 2. To me it just sounds more lively and engaging

Interesting. I would agree with you on the 789, but I think the Arya sounds amazing out of the HPA4. I don't hear any of that sterility or lack of life or dryness, it just sounds like... well, like it's not even there. Just the headphones without any sonic adjustment. Personally, I find that the Arya need no adjustment, so that's a perfect combination for me.

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