Hidden Songs on CDs
Oct 31, 2003 at 4:28 AM Post #16 of 56
I emphatically don't like them on an album. When I'm seriously listening to an album, I don't want to be bothered by either 1) a bunch of silence in between songs, or 2) having to get up to skip that silence before the "hidden track."

It's a gimmick. If you want me to listen to it, put it on the *******ed album normally, or put it on a bonus CD.

Oct 31, 2003 at 7:37 AM Post #18 of 56
I'm neither yay or nay on hidden tracks.

DVD easter eggs though piss me off. There's nothing to do in order to get to listen to a hidden track. No code to press in. But easter eggs hide something from you, and you either have to waste time trying to find the right button combo, or go on the internet and look it up. Some people may never know there's an easter egg, and pay money for something to be hidden from them.

With hidden tracks its just a few seconds of holding down fast forward. No biggie. They've surprised me sometimes too. I have fallen asleep listening to a cd and have the hidden track wake me up. The song was good too; It was kinda sweet to wake up to a rockin' song.
Oct 31, 2003 at 2:10 PM Post #19 of 56

Originally posted by Sentral Dogma
I'm neither yay or nay on hidden tracks.

DVD easter eggs though piss me off. There's nothing to do in order to get to listen to a hidden track. No code to press in. But easter eggs hide something from you, and you either have to waste time trying to find the right button combo, or go on the internet and look it up. Some people may never know there's an easter egg, and pay money for something to be hidden from them.

With hidden tracks its just a few seconds of holding down fast forward. No biggie. They've surprised me sometimes too. I have fallen asleep listening to a cd and have the hidden track wake me up. The song was good too; It was kinda sweet to wake up to a rockin' song.

Well, some hidden tracks appear before track 1, and those are a pain to find. Others are hidden as a CD-ROM track and require a computer.
Oct 31, 2003 at 2:43 PM Post #20 of 56
i don't see what the big fuss is all about. i voted "yes" though it really isn't for me to say. i consider each album to be the work of an artist (well, the albums i buy anyway..) and that means they can do whatever the hell they want with it, for whatever effect they want. i find the majority of the time, there isn't even a song on the hidden track anyway, or it's usually some weird short audio track or something silly as such. my listening style is generally by album anyway, so this doesn't really bother me, and a lot of the time i'm doing something else while listening to music. i guess if you're one of those "hit song" people, i can see the bother.

other than that, it really doesn't bother me for one second as i have eac and cool edit. i once made an edit of our lady peace's spiritual machines by removing all of the stupid intercallory tracks of useless vocalizing, as well as the excessively long and stupid hidden track. this concept album didn't work for me and i really just liked listening to the songs instead.
Oct 31, 2003 at 5:27 PM Post #21 of 56
i can't believe how friggin lazy some of you can possibly be, did i actually read that some of you don't like to actually have to wait to hear a song for 20 or so seconds, i mean really, what an inconvienience for you it must be. these are the same people who would start a thread saying "hey, what the hell ever happened to the extra tracks on cds, are the bands getting lazy or what?"

i say get a life and worry about something alot more important like the increasingly poor quality of recordings coming out or the absolute seeming lack of talented bands that actually get any airplay on radio or in any newsprint.

or if you really hate those terrible hidden tracks so much, just boycott any cd that has them, or write your favorite band and scold them for daring to do something so tricky and mean!!!
Oct 31, 2003 at 6:16 PM Post #22 of 56

Originally posted by fyrfytrhoges
i can't believe how friggin lazy some of you can possibly be, did i actually read that some of you don't like to actually have to wait to hear a song for 20 or so seconds, i mean really, what an inconvienience for you it must be.

My, aren't you being Mr. Self-righteously-indignant today.

I take listening to music very seriously. Usually, I get very comfortable, close my eyes, and concentrate completely on everything from individual bars of music to the overall mood of an album. A chunk of silence in between tracks, or having to fast-forward through it to get to some gimmick like a "hidden track" completely breaks off concentration.

So no, it's not lazyness. It's preference. This poll asked for a preference, those of us who don't like it voiced our opinions. Tell us why you *like* hidden tracks, or get off your high-horse and move on to another thread. But don't start taunting those of us who have a different opinion from yours.

Oct 31, 2003 at 6:37 PM Post #23 of 56
i call em like i see em, and i believe it's laziness. i could say the same for you, if you don't like my opinion, disagree and move on, don't try to silence my criticism. and maybe you shouldn't take listening to music quite so seriously, after all it's only listening to music you know. if you can't handle some opinions that don't fit your own you can silence me in one way, use the ignore feature, it's very easy to use, i highly recommend it.
Oct 31, 2003 at 7:02 PM Post #24 of 56
We're "lazy" because we don't want to sit around doing nothing waiting for some track of questionable origin and quality to play on our cd player??

Thats the most idiotic thing I have ever read. Sheesh. There's nothing lazy about it, its about being to the point and not falling for DUMB GIMMICKS.

Don't try to silence your criticism?? Your calling me and others "lazy", so you want us to shut up and take it without saying anything in our defense?? Whats wrong with you?

Oct 31, 2003 at 7:27 PM Post #25 of 56
oh what a bunch of whiners, i never told any of you to shut up. i threw out a criticism and I was told to back off. you know what, my opinion of you lazy asses is already out there so i'll get out of this thread so you guys can quit crying, like i said the ignore feature is a great thing when you learn how to use it.
Oct 31, 2003 at 8:10 PM Post #26 of 56
hmmm hopefully the above posts haven't killed the thread.

So anyways, I like bonus songs as long as they are just that. If it is a whole different production quality song then throw it in the track listing, but for example the lounge music song at the end of STP's Purple or Incubus's jamming tracks, they really don't belong with the rest of the cd and as such work well as bonus songs. I see bonus tracks as means for creative bands to kind of "let their hair down" and just have fun, and your then given the choice to listen to it or not. Alot of people don't want to hear incubus jamming, they just want "radio quality" songs.

But yah, if your listening to Michele Branch, Kylie, Britney Spears or some other pop nonsense it really doesn't make sense for them to have a bonus track thats just more of the same overproduced crap. They should know their audience better.
Oct 31, 2003 at 11:47 PM Post #27 of 56

Originally posted by fyrfytrhoges
oh what a bunch of whiners, i never told any of you to shut up. i threw out a criticism and I was told to back off. you know what, my opinion of you lazy asses is already out there so i'll get out of this thread so you guys can quit crying, like i said the ignore feature is a great thing when you learn how to use it.

You obviously dont see the point of this thread and thats fine. But why are you in here posting in it in the first place then? Criticizing us as well. If you've got nothing to add then dont add anything and stop being a thread-crapping troll.
Nov 1, 2003 at 10:31 AM Post #28 of 56

Originally posted by fyrfytrhoges
i can't believe how friggin lazy some of you can possibly be, did i actually read that some of you don't like to actually have to wait to hear a song for 20 or so seconds

Well, first of all, some of them are a lot more than 20 seconds. And, for example, in my car, it's dead air time. I have my CD player because I want to be listening to music, not to silence. If I wanted to be listening to silence, I would turn my CD player off.

Secondly, and more importantly, it's not laziness, it's frustration factor. I liken it to driving. I drive fast not because I actually believe I will get there any sooner, I drive fast because I like to drive fast. I don't like anyone in front of me blocking my view, so I go around people.

Same with bonus tracks on CD's. It's gimmicky and annoying. I want to be listening to music. Yes, I have been known to rip my own CD's and reburn them so that I didn't have to do put up with this. Is that laziness? Sounds pretty pro-active to me.
Nov 2, 2003 at 7:32 AM Post #30 of 56
The "hidden track" business has gone to epidemic proportions. I can think of maybe one or two "hidden tracks" that I like so much that I don't mind the trouble of fast-forwarding the album to get to them (Spinner by Brian Eno abd Jah Wobble, and Orblivion by the Orb -- note that both are electronic albums). Otherwise, "hidden tracks" can be roughly classified as follows:
  1. "Legit" songs or instrumental pieces -- stuff that won't bring the artists to shame had they been released "regularly": these are uncommon, examples include the aforementioned.
  2. 20-second jam/rehersal sessions -- e.g Gravity by flamenco guitarist Jesse Cook
  3. Instrumentalists' attempts at singing, usually has a good reason to remain hidden -- e.g. Hi How Are You Today by Cape Breton fiddler Ashley MacIssac.
  4. Stuff that makes absolutely no sense -- e.g. 3 minutes after the last track of the album Salt Rain by British/Indian singer Susheela Raman (a wonderfully mischievous album that I recommend), there comes a few strange gurgling sound, somewhat like a cross between a rainstick and a person rinsing his mouth. Then the album stops.

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