Hi I'm new! and lookin' for IEMs!
Jan 6, 2010 at 9:39 PM Post #16 of 21
The energy and speed of the RE0 would be great for the alt rock that you listened to (I always loved listening to the Killers on em) but may not be so great for rap music. For the curret price though, you ought to give them a go with a nice little amp like the E1 for your iPod. They are so hyper detailed it's worth learning whether you'll appreciate the sound or not.
Jan 6, 2010 at 9:57 PM Post #17 of 21
Well, I bought a pair of Shure Se115 today for $103 Cdn and I can say that durability is excellent on these. About the sound quality, I too listen to a lot of hiphop/dance/electronic and the se115 are treating me really well (I'd say theyre very balanced headphones) + isolation is outstanding.
Jan 6, 2010 at 10:36 PM Post #18 of 21
Thanks for all the nice suggestions everyone! I still haven't made a final decision but here's my take on what you guys have said:

It seems that the RE0 are a great pair of IEM's and are a steal at their current price but they don't fulfill my needs for the heavier bass oriented music I listen to, Hip-Hop and Electronic wouldn't sound too great with these. My more rock-oriented music should sound great since I don't really ask for a huge amount of bass in this type of music with these and I might consider getting these just for that purpose.

The Klipsch S4 also look like a nice choice since a lot of people seem to enjoy them but I'm kinda scared about their durability since these headphones seem pretty fragile.

The Cyclone PR1 Pros look like a very nice choice as well without breaking the bank but I can't find them online.

Right now, the RE0s seem like my best choice even if I have to sacrifice some of my bass love. I'm still open to suggestions though, just remember that I'm looking for something in the 100$ range! Thanks for the help!
Jan 6, 2010 at 11:42 PM Post #19 of 21
For your tastes, I gotta second the Atrio M5. I really liked those phones, and the bass really slams. There was a deal posted up on here a week or two ago where they were available new for 99$. I'm still debating whether I think the S4 sound better than the Atrios; the deciding factor for me right now is the remote in the S4i, since I use them almost exclusively with my iPhone at the moment.
Jan 7, 2010 at 3:42 PM Post #20 of 21
I've been thinking about it and it looks like I'm leaning more towards the S4s now, from all I've read it seems that they would work better than the RE0 for my needs with my sources being an unamped Clip and a D2+. I also got a good price on them from ebay, 70 euros with shipping. I'll probably order them in the next few days. Still, if you guys got some other suggestions, I'll be glad to take into consideration everything! Thanks for the help guys! my wallet isn't too happy though xD
Jan 7, 2010 at 6:36 PM Post #21 of 21
RE0s don't sound bad unamped, they just don't sound as superb as they are capable. Unamped from a Fuze they still sound great. A Clip and D2+ are both good sources.

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