helpppp "Ultimate Ear" or "Sensaphonics" or "Westone"
Dec 31, 2004 at 7:43 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 14


New Head-Fier
Dec 31, 2004
Hello everyone. I have been lurking for a few weeks now and I just decided to register. I know everyone is "sorry for my wallet" and I appreciate that.

However I need some help. I have read all the reviews I can read. I keep on flip flopping around between these three custom ear sets:

•Ultimate Ear UE-10 Pro
•Sensaphonics 2x-S
•Westone ES3

I can not make up my mind. First I was dead set on the "Ultimate Ear UE-10 Pro" because.. well...all the reviews that I have read make them sound like the "GREATEST" thing.

Then I read a little more and found that the "Sensaphonics 2x-S" were softer and more comfortable and sounded "GREAT" with the IPOD.

Then I stumbled across the "Westone ES3" that look very interesting and high-end but very little info in the way of user reviews. However for some unknown reason they have captured my attention.

So there you have it. I will be placing my order on Monday January 3, 2005 and I will let this forum chose for me. My main use will be with my IPOD- mostly un-amped and my taste in music varies widely. I listen to Pop, Club, Rock, Jazz, Classical, Reggae and other types of music.

Please help me by posting replies and answering the poll. Thanks to everyone and Happy New Year!
Dec 31, 2004 at 8:18 PM Post #2 of 14
I have never tried either, however most people who have seem to like the sensas best. I don't think the westones are even in the same league.
Dec 31, 2004 at 8:29 PM Post #4 of 14
you are going to be able to find a lot of good things about the ues and the sensas, but there will be limited information about the westones. this is not to say that the westones are not good, but it is difficult to purchase a custom product when you do not feel comfortable about it.

most of the pre-purchase comfort you get before buying a custom molded product comes from reviews you read from people who already have it. that being said, it will be difficult to feel as comfortable buying the wesontes, as with the sensas and ues.

i will give you a vote for the sensaphonics, cause i have them and they are amazing...and they have completely cured my upgraditis. but many others will be able to tell you the same thing about the ues.

here's some logic though, that might help you choose the sensas:

the sensas cost 200 less than the ues and are unanimously considered to be at least the same level of quality, as the ues...and in some people's opinions, including mine, i would say the sensas are better.

if you don't care what you spend then i would say it is alright to consider the ues, but if you care how much money you are gonna drop, it would be kinda silly to get the ues when you can have the sensas for hundreds of dollars less.

good luck choosing.
Jan 20, 2005 at 10:58 PM Post #6 of 14
You should try westones. Only es3 uses 3 drivers to cover all frequency range (one driver for bass, one for mids and one for highs). Both UEs and SENSAPHONICs use 2 bass drivers and one for mids and highs.
Jan 20, 2005 at 11:04 PM Post #7 of 14

Originally Posted by Mr Iriver
I have never tried either, however most people who have seem to like the sensas best. I don't think the westones are even in the same league.

I thought you meant the UM2s. But the ES3, I think should be in the same league.
Jan 21, 2005 at 3:33 AM Post #8 of 14
My $0.02, as a Sensaphonics owner.

Don't get overly pursuaded by the uberlove the Sensas seem to get from a lot of people here. Read the comparison reviews of the Sensa/UEs carefully. I think people who actually own the two are very clear that they are different phones, and while they may prefer one over the other, it's not as if it's a trump either way. And I believe there has been at least one person who preferred the UEs.

All I know is that my Sensas aren't the end-all-be-all, and I am considering picking up a pair of UEs.

Best regards,

Jan 21, 2005 at 4:25 AM Post #9 of 14

Originally Posted by KPOT
You should try westones. Only es3 uses 3 drivers to cover all frequency range (one driver for bass, one for mids and one for highs). Both UEs and SENSAPHONICs use 2 bass drivers and one for mids and highs.


UE-10 Pro uses two drivers for bass, one for treble. Sensaphonics uses two drivers total, one for bass and one for treble.

It really doesn't matter what the technical claim is. Westone can say how they use three drivers to cover different ranges individually, but given how little there is left to improve, I doubt there's much of a difference. As those people who thought that UE-10 Pro's triple-driver system thought it was going to be soooo much different than the dual-driver system; that proved out to be untrue. There are only slight differences.

It's not the same as going from single to dual-driver.
Jan 23, 2005 at 12:07 PM Post #11 of 14
What is sort of ludicrous about this poll is that sixteen people have voted. How many people here have the UE-10, 2X-S, AND the ES3? Even one?

Really, what you're getting is closer to "who owns what" than "which product is better."
Jan 23, 2005 at 12:37 PM Post #12 of 14
I would love to hear the sensa's. I have the UE10's and I cant imagine iem's getting any better. With a lossless library on an ipod, the sound is simply incredible. Nothing against the sensas for I have never heard them. I have read that they are fantastic iems. But like I said, I couldnt imagine where these could improve. And on top of their fabulous sound, their customer service is second to none! And that I know for a fact. I have experienced it first hand and could not have been treated better or with more respect. The sensas might be good to, but I can assure you, you will not be dissapointed with the UE's. And the whole hard vs. soft thing, I personally think the hard acrylic is better. It is much easier to put in and take out. And people say that the soft is more comfortable, but its a mold of your ear. When its in you dont even really feel it. Thats the whole point of making a custom earpiece. I sleep with mine in every night. So I would say they are comfortable. And if soft material is a big deal you can get the full soft from UE also. Its a little different from a full silicone piece, but the same effect. Like someone else said, its not a HUGE difference between the two. I think you will be happy with either one.
Jan 23, 2005 at 4:06 PM Post #13 of 14

Originally Posted by labrat
I am also in the situation of choosing between the UE10Pro's and the Sensaphonics, and I am not sure of which to choose either.
After what I have read here, and in other forums, the UE10's sounds much like the Shure E5, which I already have, and find they give too much bass.
I prefer the sound of ETY4P with the P>S adapter-cable over the Shure's, but would have liked a bit more bass in them.

You're way off base here. The UE5C's are bass heavy, the UE10PRO's are not--and neither is comparable to the Shure E5. If you like the Ety4P, which is what I came from, the UE10PRO is probably your best bet. The Sensa's, which I haven't heard, from what I understand from Lindrone's posts, have a more prominent bass than the UE10PRO's. It comes down in large part to sound signature--and coming from Ety 4P's, and having had both the UE5C's, and the UE10PRO's, the UE10PRO's are a godsend if you like the Ety's in every way--fantastic, but not overpowerring bass, improved mids, and even better clarity, and the highs don't have the harshness the Ety's have at relatively higher volumes. The UE5C's on the other hand are very bass heavy; I think you've confused the UE5C's for the UE10PRO's in your post. And despite the fact that I preferr the UE10PRO's to the UE5C's by a substantial margin, the UE5C's are still significantly better than the Shure E5's--the highs on the UE5C's alone make them IMHO worth the extra money over the Shure E5's. Not to mention fit/comfort issues...
Jan 23, 2005 at 7:39 PM Post #14 of 14

Originally Posted by jjcha
My $0.02, as a Sensaphonics owner.

Don't get overly pursuaded by the uberlove the Sensas seem to get from a lot of people here. Read the comparison reviews of the Sensa/UEs carefully. I think people who actually own the two are very clear that they are different phones, and while they may prefer one over the other, it's not as if it's a trump either way. And I believe there has been at least one person who preferred the UEs.

All I know is that my Sensas aren't the end-all-be-all, and I am considering picking up a pair of UEs.

Best regards,


Agreed. The Sensas are incredible but they are not necessarily the last pair of canalphones that anyone will buy. I believe the same would apply with the UE10s. Although both are far and away better, if you want something that sounds more like an Ety4s on steroids then get the UE10. If you want something with a sound signature more like the Shure E5 with better bass control and better highs, then get the Sensas.

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