Help! Which one to get Karma or iRiver iHP?
Oct 14, 2003 at 5:20 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 6


500+ Head-Fier
May 16, 2003
Golly, I can't seem to decide..

I do love the size and remote of iHP-120 with FM tuner (yes, I do listen to Radio) but it's only 20GB. I want at least 30GB and only 20GB means I have to sacrifice big time. It would be super if iRiver can come up with 40GB version soon! but when!?!

I can wait until Karma 40GB to be released (think it will come much sooner) but Karma shows major flaws which I am not sure if I can tolerate. For example, medicore sound compared to Zen and iHP (very critical), crashes much too often and no case to protect itself.

Nevertheless, I think Rio DJ is an extremely useful feature...I used to own Rio Riot and that was the only thing I love about Riot.

So here I am, still stucked as to what I should get...

iHP-140 (40GB) + Rio DJ like function = Ultimate!!
Oct 14, 2003 at 1:39 PM Post #2 of 6
How do you figure mediocre sound versus Zen and iRiver? I believe no one here has had the chance to compare them. I haven't done a direct comparison but I do know that the Karma sounds very good - phenominal with the RCA's out of the dock.

The crashes issue I'm concerned about as well - but I haven't had a crash for over two weeks (I am running beta firmware, usually a few steps ahead of the consumer releases). These problems are getting fixed fast and new features are being added.

Very few people on this board (if any) have posted major experience with the Karma (one disgruntled user who posted a few posts and then left the boards). I'd suggest trying the Karma 40 if you can wait to see how it is for yourself and just return it if you are extremely unhappy. I am very pleased with the Karma 20.
Oct 14, 2003 at 1:51 PM Post #3 of 6
you can always wait for the iriver ihp140 heheh
Oct 14, 2003 at 7:45 PM Post #4 of 6

Originally posted by ian
How do you figure mediocre sound versus Zen and iRiver?

I was surprised to hear about the low sound quality of Karma as well from the guys at Riovolution forum. I was expecting Karma to be excellent in sound although it integrated the same sound chip used in iPod. I didn't like the sound of iPod.

I will be content if Karma has the same level of sound quality as Riot. Again, Rio DJ is the sweetest thing!
Oct 14, 2003 at 8:10 PM Post #5 of 6
im in the same boat. i need 30 or 40 gigs, but i also need an mp3 player that doesn't use software to transfer the songs. so im stuck.

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