Headphoneus Supremus
Hi, i have been looking in this forum for 1 week. Just recently my friend called me for an advice for IEM. He is looking for an IEM that can match the bass in Sennheisser PX-100 ><. I recommended him the PX-100 for him and now he is trying to find an IEM that can match it. He tried Shure e-3xx and e-4xx but he still not satisfied with the bass, added to that he said he doesn't want IEM that is bright in treble =S. I don't have any idea of wat IEM that can match the bass from full size can
. I have sony EX-61LP and for me it has alot of bass, so i will lend it to him for a week for him to try it out, but the treble seems to be very bright on some songs (especially cymbals which he probably won't like ><'').