Help me hear my ipod
Jun 10, 2003 at 10:55 PM Post #16 of 45

Originally posted by paulj
I've always been puzzled by the number of people that complain the volume is too low on iPods.

I run all my wavs through wavegain before encoding which usually reduces the volume between 5db and 15db. With my Shure's or my PX100's, one third volume is still plenty loud enough. Anything over half way is just way too loud. Without the wavegain, I doubt I'd even get past one quarter!

All I can surmise is that these people are using ear buds or some open headphone in a very noisy environment that requires the volume to be cranked up to dangerous levels.

Maybe the chinese production line has a problem with consistency. I'm not looking for head banging levels. I'm serious when I say that 100% volume is frustratingly low, its not just my ears either. Everyone who hears it is staggered at the level. I've borrowed US & Euro models (20gb is marginaly better) which sound the same to me (mines a US model). The Zen has way more volume, and tonal seperation which is disappointing. Its not just a question of 'throwing it on ebay' either. I've paid good money for a product that is hyped to infinity and I'm determined to get something back for my foolishness. And as far as 'watching my mouth' wasn't me who fronted the attitude.

Appreciate the amp advice.
Jun 10, 2003 at 11:34 PM Post #17 of 45

Originally posted by T07
Using the Lemon ones included, Sony MDR3, MDRV6 (barely audible at all on those big muthas) and borrowed a mates Sony MDR-G52 which he said were great but to honest they sound and look like $20 givaways.

There's something seriously wrong with either:
1) Your iPod
2) Your ears

The MDR-V6 play extremely loud from the iPod; unlistenably so. So either you and your friends have already gone partially deaf from listening to music too loud, or your iPod is defective.
Jun 10, 2003 at 11:38 PM Post #18 of 45
I have to wonder myself if the new iPod's don't have lower volume than the older ones.

Both my Grados and my Senns need the volume in the 75% to 100% range out of the iPod, depending on what's going on around me. This is plenty of volume for me and my music, but I can see how some wackos want even more.

Or maybe I just need to clean the wax out o' me ears?

Jun 10, 2003 at 11:55 PM Post #19 of 45
get a meta42.
Jun 11, 2003 at 9:01 AM Post #22 of 45

Originally posted by MacDEF
There's something seriously wrong with either:
1) Your iPod
2) Your ears

The MDR-V6 play extremely loud from the iPod; unlistenably so. So either you and your friends have already gone partially deaf from listening to music too loud, or your iPod is defective.

Other ipods sound the same as mine, though the 20gb 2nd gen is louder. Which model do you class as "unlistenably so" out of interest?

I dont actually like loud music so can hardly have gone deaf from that, I ride as do most (though not all) of my peers so maybe that would be a more plausable argument.

If you look on the MAC forums you'll see this is a long standing problem. The 20gb could be adjusted by downloading the older software, but it seems this doesn't work with the new gen models (anyone know why...I thought the circuits were the same).

Someone suggested there may be a better way to rip, I'm using EAC with lame and ephpod for there a better way? I've done a search and its seems to be the most popular method....
Jun 11, 2003 at 9:15 AM Post #23 of 45
i have v6s and about 2/3 of the way up the volume i hit the point where it seems if i went any higher my eardrums might cave in. i didn't know people had such crazy discrepancies in hearing sensitivity. well maybe that explains some car audio people and one of my old neighbors.
then again i've been to quite a few raves where i've lost hearing to the point where i couldn't hear anyone for a day or 2 afterwards without them having to yell at me but as of now, when it's quiet i still think the lowest volume setting on the ipod is too loud. so yeah. who knows... good luck on your search though.

oh and maddog, no one actually "sells" the meta. something about the non commercial nature of this place. you have to find someone and have them build it for you or get one second hand. it's all down-low and kind of shady like that.
Jun 11, 2003 at 9:24 AM Post #24 of 45

Originally posted by usc goose
i have v6s and about 2/3 of the way up the volume i hit the point where it seems if i went any higher my eardrums might cave in.

Thats incredible. I dug out an old Rio 64 and the sound from that is fine, more than enough. I would estimate the output from the new ipods to be around 50% of the Rio if that brings the problem into context. The 20gb my friend lent me is definately better, but he installed an old software version before they started to limit it.

Can I ask what model you get these volume levels from?
Jun 11, 2003 at 9:49 AM Post #26 of 45
same as yours, 30gig dockable. in all honesty, i probably could push it all the way to the top and enjoy it, but i think i trick myself into listening at lower and lower levels to protect my hearing for special occasions. as a kid i used to watch tv at the lowest level i could discern speech and get used to it, and then turn it down a little, get used to it and kept going. now i can understand conversations going on 50ft away from me if the wind is right and ambient noise isn't a foghorn in my ear or anything. it's all mental. unless it's physical. or chemical. or... ah screw it.
Jun 11, 2003 at 11:22 AM Post #27 of 45

Originally posted by MadDog
Who's selling Meta42 assembled? Do you know any link for the distrubutors? Thanks!

No distributors only DIY-ers. Try JMT, Fiddler and Tangent
Jun 16, 2003 at 11:30 PM Post #29 of 45
To enable you to assist any further questions about ipod volume problems, I thought you may be interested in the following article found on

So maybe it will open the posiblity that people who are suffering from problems not experienced by yourselves are not necessarily wrong, and might promote responses a little more inteligent than

"There's something seriously wrong with either:
1) Your iPod
2) Your ears"


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Warning: Don't buy an European iPod, it's volume is too low
The NEW iPods do have the volume cap that was introduced in the iPod firmware back to version 1.2.x already built into them. But Apple seems to have overdone it: the European iPod's max-volume is so low, that you can't use your iPod in crowded places like a subway or bus. You simply can't hear the music at an efficient level! According to user's tests the volume is about 25-30% lower then with the US version.

But not only the headphone jack is capped, also the line out: That means, that if you connect your iPod to a stereo at home or in the car, you have to turn the volume of that stereo way up what in many cases is causing sound-distortions.

There are plenty of people complaining about that on the net. What is striking is that Apple simply deletes those threads from their discussion board after a day or two.

There are many other bugs in the 2.0 firmware, but I'm sure Apple will address them. I'm also sure they will NOT change the volume cap as they officially refuse to comment on that in a detailed juristic way.

Apple does NOT inform about this volume cap on the iPod webpages.

Apple technicians told us on the phone that this cap is irreversible.

Apple claims European law to force them to implement this cap. This is NOT true! In fact it is a French law that is not valid for the rest of Europe. Also, there are people (including myself) who studied law who strongly think that this French law is against EU-law due to a EU principle called mutual-allowance (if you are interested, I'll explain it in more depth).

It's not about a law: it is about Apple being to "lazy" to find a way to provide European users except French with a different firmware. And don't tell me about costs. I studied economy (as well as law) so I know enough about costs. I can think about 20 different ways to provide us with a new firmware that don't interfere with French law and don't cost a billion.

Now other personal stereo / mp3 player or whatever found in Europe (or even France) has a max volume that is that low. So Apple hase overdone it.

Until now, no one has found a way to put an US firmware on the European iPod.

However, there is one way to get around that problem to a certain degree: Select all tracks in iTunes, hit apple-i and then increase the volume-adjustment slider to about 80-100%. Re-sync the songs to your iPod. This will increase the volume on the iPod substantially. BUT: many users suffered from sever sound-distortions after doing so.

If you discuss this matter on the Apple discussion board, you will get plenty replies within a short period. Be sure to have subscribed to your topic by e-mail, cause Apple will delete it within a day or two.

If you have just bought your iPod over the net and want to return it, you always can return it within 14 days of your purchase according to EU-law without the need of mentioning any reasons.

However, if that 2 week period is over, I suggest doing the following:

Call Apple and complain. Some users had success and Apple took back their iPods. If you want to fight for your rights, here is how to argue:

"You have bought the iPod to use it in everyday life like an average mp3 player. Because Apple does NOT state on their web-pages otherwise, you can assume the iPod to have average features of an average mp3 player. Regarding the output volume, this is clearly not the case as can easily be proven. Most of other mp3 players sold Europe or French (in fact: 100% of those I tested) play at a substantial higher volume. Thus, the iPod does not have the features you had the right (!) to assume and clearly works not 100% as it is advertised. This gives you the right to return the iPod to your dealer as soon as you find out about that problem within an reasonable period that is not limited to 2 weeks."

Good luck.
To conclude:

I do think the iPod is a great product and I'm not returning my iPod for sure! It is the best mp3 player out there, in terms of style, use, functionality and simple joy of having it.

But Apple did make a huge mistake with that volume cap. A mistake that bad, that it really does effect the use of a very expensive mp3 player in a intolerable way. Heck even my Eur 30 Siemens mobile phone mp3 player plays louder and that was even made in and for Europe!
Click 'Read more' for full article.

By King Aragorn on Jun 16, 03 9:35 am | Tell a friend
Jun 17, 2003 at 12:24 AM Post #30 of 45

Originally posted by T07
So maybe it will open the posiblity that people who are suffering from problems not experienced by yourselves are not necessarily wrong, and might promote responses a little more inteligent than

"There's something seriously wrong with either:
1) Your iPod
2) Your ears"

Are you saying you're in Europe?

If so, filling in your profile so that people know you're writing from Europe would have allowed us to tell you from the beginning that the Eurpean models have a volume limiter.

By the way, I agree with the person who wrote that article; it would have been nice if Apple didn't punish the entire EU because of a French law.

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