Sep 25, 2015 at 2:17 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 19


New Head-Fier
Sep 25, 2015
So I decided I need a new set of headphones. I ended up with Beyerdynamicsd dt990 pro in the 250 ohm. I also bought a sony PHA-1A AMP. Its not enough for these head phones, and to make matters even worse, my home amp Parasound headphone out is a build in little amp and its not enough to power these phones. I went up to my theater room last night and my Onkyo amp was fine and these Beyerdynamics sounded great to me. (I had a few glass's of wine so I'll have to try it again tonight) So here are my options. Trade in the 250 ohm phone for 32 ohm, os seek a better portable amp. I'm a drummer and will be using these mostly when I practice. I have custom in ears but I wanted to here the drums a little when I'm learning new songs so I got these. So mostly they will be used with iPhone and amp. although after last night I might start listening with them more at home and will address the Parasound issue later.
So any ideas? I Need help soon because I can trade stuff back on Amazon.
I did a bit of research on the phones. I was first going to get Grado ps500e but I settled on these. As far as the sony amp. goes it was an impulse buy. I don't think I did enough research on that one.
Sep 25, 2015 at 2:26 PM Post #2 of 19
  I did a bit of research on the phones. I was first going to get Grado ps500i but I settled on these. As far as the sony amp. goes it was an impulse buy. I don't think I did enough research on that one.

The PS-500/e are highly regarded on the "Grado Fan Club" thread and are 32-Ohms so they are very easy to drive. Just so you know, there are only two series of this HP…the first being the PS-500 and the second (current series) being the PS-500e…there is no PS-500i

Sep 25, 2015 at 3:12 PM Post #4 of 19
  My typo. I meant to say PS500E. So is it your opinion to trade the DT900 in for the grade's and keep the amp I have?

I personally never heard the PS-500/e but only own Grados at the moment (see my signature) and like I said both series are highly regarded and are very easily driven, so yes you'll be just fine. In the future if you want to upgrade your amp then you can do so. If you decide to get the PS-500/e keep us posted on your impression.

Oct 1, 2015 at 6:30 PM Post #7 of 19
Well I'm sitting here with my PS500E'S on. Only using them for about 1 hour and I think i'm in love. Now to figure out the best dad amp for them. Currently I have the Sony PHA-1A. Whats better??
Oct 1, 2015 at 7:11 PM Post #8 of 19
  Well I'm sitting here with my PS500E'S on. Only using them for about 1 hour and I think i'm in love. Now to figure out the best dad amp for them. Currently I have the Sony PHA-1A. Whats better??

Glad your in love with the PS-500e.
Its really not a question of whats "better" its a question of what you are looking for as far as a sound-signature. 
What is your budget?
Oct 1, 2015 at 10:52 PM Post #9 of 19
I hate to say no budget, but I just spent $600 on cans. Why stop now?? I paid $300 for the sony and I can return it, so I guess in the $500 range. About 10 years ago I spent band on my home system and I can't believe the sound I get from it, so I am looking for the best. (kinda)
Oct 1, 2015 at 11:00 PM Post #10 of 19
Home system is Parasound A21's (one per side) with Paradigm studio 100's with 2 definitive super cube. ( one per side) Para sound p3 head, Onkyo cd player, technics turntable. So I like decent stuff. These Ps500e's however will depend on the good ol I phone plus whatever portable amp I settle with. So I want good
Oct 1, 2015 at 11:40 PM Post #11 of 19

Best/good once again depends on what you like, so I'll tell you what a lot of people with Grados use for amplification, and being we all  obviously like the Grado sound-signature over on "The Grado Fan Club Thread" I think it is safe to say we all have similar preferences in amplification for Grados also.
Here's a short list in no particular order…you can research their prices/designs/reviews/others opinions for yourself. 
Woo Audio
Mapletree Audio Design
Little Dot
Grado RA-1
There are many, many more, but like I said, a lot of Grado HP users prefer these for Grados…some are SS and some are tubes and some are hybrids. You will find that most prefer tube amps for Grados.
Oct 2, 2015 at 2:05 PM Post #13 of 19
First of all let me start by saying thank you for your help. I didn't mean to offend anyone. I never really got my initial question answered, and that was should I trade the 250 ohm phones that I had with the same model in 32 ohm. That being said, when I first started looking for a good set of headphones I was looking at Grado, and Im glad (after your comments) I returned my phones and got the Ps500e's.
Now the amp issue. I will read up on your recommendations and see what might work best for me.
I'm a drummer so I will be using these for recording, practicing, and all around listening. I lean towards rock, but also listen to jazz from time to time. I want an amp that I don't have to push to 8 or 9 to get the volume I need.
Again thanks for all your help.
Oct 2, 2015 at 2:38 PM Post #14 of 19
  First of all let me start by saying thank you for your help. I didn't mean to offend anyone. I never really got my initial question answered, and that was should I trade the 250 ohm phones that I had with the same model in 32 ohm. That being said, when I first started looking for a good set of headphones I was looking at Grado, and Im glad (after your comments) I returned my phones and got the Ps500e's.
Now the amp issue. I will read up on your recommendations and see what might work best for me.
I'm a drummer so I will be using these for recording, practicing, and all around listening. I lean towards rock, but also listen to jazz from time to time. I want an amp that I don't have to push to 8 or 9 to get the volume I need.
Again thanks for all your help.

Your very welcome, and once again, glad your enjoying the PS-500e.
The Little Dot 1+ Hybrid Amp (HERE) is a nice choice for Grados and you can roll tubes/op-amps for different sound-signatures. This amp is highly regarded for its versatility/price/performance ratio. There is also a huge thread on tube rolling for the LD1+.

Oct 2, 2015 at 9:12 PM Post #15 of 19
  First of all let me start by saying thank you for your help. I didn't mean to offend anyone. I never really got my initial question answered, and that was should I trade the 250 ohm phones that I had with the same model in 32 ohm. 

Two possibilities for lack of answers on that might be the generic and LOUD SHOUTING title, and also that a search will bring up threads that compare the 32 vs 250 a lot better than a typical post would.
I can't help with $500 amps, but it's interesting that the original plan was to either trade the 250 DT990 for an easier-driven headphone, or get an amp for it.  But now the 990 has been traded, and you're getting an amp anyway.  Anyway, good luck.  It sounds like you got the hardest part done already. (finding headphones you really like.)

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