Help - Headphone for Mastering & Monitoring
Jan 25, 2021 at 10:37 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 54


Oct 23, 2010
Hi all,

Firstly, please excuse me if my English isn't as clear as others' - I'm not a native speaker.

I've used to read this forum a lot in the past, but it's been a while and I'm really not familiar with today's market. Given I don't have the time to go through the long and interesting threads around (as I'd rather babysit my cute little children !), I hope that someone could use their experience to help me out.

I remaster recordings, which also includes observation of small details that appear on the recording, and I need a headphone that would help me get my job done as perfectly as possible. Not looking for any musical pleasure or great style, just to have good results. It's going to sit on my head continuously for a few hours every day.

I'm trying not to limit myself with regards to costs (as long as it doesn't get to thousands of dollars of course). After some research both here and on the net, I've narrowed my choice and now I mainly focus on the HD800 (not the S) and the LCD-X. However, I'm not completely sure I actually have to go that far to this very high end gear - maybe there's something else that would do the job just fine. Again, I don't want to compromise on sound quality, it's just that I'm not looking for any mainstream etc. stuff, but just to get the job done. It needs to be just (well, 'just') -

- as neutral as possible,
- comfortable - both physically and sound-wise (not fatiguing)
- durable, well built,
- I wouldn't say 'extremely', but yeah, very detailed.

The gear I'm going to drive is with is a Violectric V800 and an SPL Phonitor.

I hope everything's clear and that I didn't miss any important detail.

Please, help me guys. Any input appreciated !

Best wishes everybody,
Jan 25, 2021 at 11:08 AM Post #2 of 54
From my understanding, for audio production (creating, editing, mixing, etc),
it's better to use boring (un- biased) sounding headphones.

Sony MDR-V6 headphones, lots of used one being sold on eBay.
Might have to spend $6-$10 for new ear pads.
Use the MDR-V6 for audio production.
Get another headphone for everything else (audio enjoyment).
Jan 25, 2021 at 1:01 PM Post #3 of 54
ATH-R70X gets my vote, so long as your environment will allow an open back.
Jan 27, 2021 at 3:44 AM Post #5 of 54
Jan 27, 2021 at 10:59 AM Post #6 of 54
I own the DT880 600-Ohm, good for music, but slightly on the bright side.
Is a great choice for older receivers and tube amplifiers
But I try and steer people away from 600-Ohm headphones, not practical.
Jan 27, 2021 at 12:00 PM Post #7 of 54
I own the DT880 600-Ohm, good for music, but slightly on the bright side.
Is a great choice for older receivers and tube amplifiers
But I try and steer people away from 600-Ohm headphones, not practical.
Kind of a moot point considering the SPL Phonitor is one of the most powerful headphone amps out there ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Jan 27, 2021 at 12:07 PM Post #8 of 54
Kind of a moot point considering the SPL Phonitor is one of the most powerful headphone amps out there ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Is it really? I don't like mine with power hungry headphones. The problem is that you have to boost the outputs then on the socket on the Phonitor's ground and in my experience this causes unpleasent distortion.
Jan 27, 2021 at 5:22 PM Post #9 of 54
Is it really? I don't like mine with power hungry headphones. The problem is that you have to boost the outputs then on the socket on the Phonitor's ground and in my experience this causes unpleasent distortion.
DT880 600 ohm is not insanely difficult to drive, so using lower power settings will still yield excellent results.
All the nonsense about powering them with speaker amps is overkill beyond reason.... audiophoolery really.
Jan 27, 2021 at 6:00 PM Post #10 of 54
DT880 600 ohm is not insanely difficult to drive, so using lower power settings will still yield excellent results.
All the nonsense about powering them with speaker amps is overkill beyond reason.... audiophoolery really.
Well my Sennheiser HD250 Linear 600 Ohm can't be driven with my Phonitor 2 on the lowest gain. Yes it gets loud enough but really sounds like crap. I'm also not a fan of overpowering a headphone but i think the Phonitor works better with medium hard to drive headphones like HD600.
Jan 27, 2021 at 6:06 PM Post #11 of 54
Kind of a moot point considering the SPL Phonitor is one of the most powerful headphone amps out there ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I know zero about the SPL Phonitor, but I would still seer people to something like a planar, over Beyer 600-Ohm headphones.
Jan 28, 2021 at 3:05 AM Post #12 of 54
I know zero about the SPL Phonitor, but I would still seer people to something like a planar, over Beyer 600-Ohm headphones.
Budget planars almost always have mediocre treble compared to dynamics.
It either rolls off way too early, or is coloured in some way and details just aren't up to the same quality as dynamics.

The most neutral planar right now would probably be the Hifiman Susvara, but at $6000 I don't think that's a good suggestion.
Most budget planars have colourations that make them unsuitable for mastering.
Also, most planars are too heavy for all-day work use. It's just not practical.
Jan 28, 2021 at 3:33 AM Post #13 of 54
Thanks everyone for your suggestions and info !

The reason I initially focused on those two expensive phones (the LCD-X and the HD800) is that the so called remastering I do, isn't of musical recordings but of private field recordings - lectures, lessons, or old souvenir recordings of this type. These recordings are usually veiled or otherwise unclear, and I'd really like to make sure I remove all the interfering noise and make it sound as clear as possible. This is why I thought I need a neutral and revealing headphone. Other than that, I also transcribe recordings, which I guess also calls for a detailed SQ.

@PurpleAngel, I've never heard the MDR-V6, could you tell me how are they considered with regards to detail retrieval ?

I currently have a $850 offer for a mint LCD-X, which is quite tempting, but I'm worried about its weight. I remember I was discouraged by the weight of an LCD-2 when I auditioned it.


@GREQ, would you please tell me how the Hifiman HE-500 is, in these aspects ?

Thanks a a lot,
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Jan 28, 2021 at 4:16 AM Post #14 of 54
Thanks everyone for your suggestions and info !

The reason I initially focused on those two expensive phones (the LCD-X and the HD800) is that the so called remastering I do, isn't of musical recordings but of private field recordings - lectures, lessons, or old souvenir recordings of this type. These recordings are usually veiled or otherwise unclear, and I'd really like to make sure I remove all the interfering noise and make it sound as clear as possible. This is why I thought I need a neutral and revealing headphone. Other than that, I also transcribe recordings, which I guess also calls for a detailed SQ.

@PurpleAngel, I've never heard the MDR-V6, could you tell me how are they considered with regards to detail retrieval ?

I currently have a $850 offer for a mint LCD-X, which is quite tempting, but I'm worried about its weight. I remember I was discouraged by the weight of an LCD-2 when I auditioned it.


@GREQ, would you please tell me how the Hifiman HE-500 is, in these aspects ?

Thanks a a lot,
HE-500 is extremely neutral and detailed, but it's just not comfortable to wear.
I would be happy to use it to check the final masters for short time periods but I think it's wasted on such an application where the DT880 easily rivals it in most aspects and beats it hands down in build quality and comfort.

You can modify the HE-500 with comfort padding and more comfortable ear pads, but every ear pad I've tried ruins the fine details and presentation in some way.
I never wear it for more than a couple of hours or so at a time due to it's weight.
Also, if you move your head around, even to look down at your phone or something and it will start sliding off your head.
Jan 28, 2021 at 9:26 AM Post #15 of 54
Thanks everyone for your suggestions and info !
The reason I initially focused on those two expensive phones (the LCD-X and the HD800) is that the so called remastering I do, isn't of musical recordings but of private field recordings - lectures, lessons, or old souvenir recordings of this type. These recordings are usually veiled or otherwise unclear, and I'd really like to make sure I remove all the interfering noise and make it sound as clear as possible. This is why I thought I need a neutral and revealing headphone. Other than that, I also transcribe recordings, which I guess also calls for a detailed SQ.
@PurpleAngel, I've never heard the MDR-V6, could you tell me how are they considered with regards to detail retrieval ?
@GREQ, would you please tell me how the Hifiman HE-500 is, in these aspects ?
Thanks a a lot, Roy
Have not listened to them in years (MDR-V6), I just remember their sound was on the boring side, not very lively.

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