Help a new guy out!
Dec 26, 2010 at 4:20 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 5


New Head-Fier
Dec 26, 2010
Hey guys, long time lurker here. I'm getting a pair of Sennheiser HD650's for my birthday next month and i need a cheap amp solution. I would have about $150 max to spend on it. I was wondering if I should...
-Get the Fiio e7 to have both a DAC/Amp 
-Get the Ibasso T3D and save up for a DAC next quarter (I'm a college student)
-Get something you guys can suggest for me that fits my needs.
I'm just wondering if it is more important to have a good amp at first and save up for a DAC later or to have both a DAC/Amp.
Most likely in the summer I will purchase the Apogee One, as I am a guitarist. I understand that it is a good DAC as well. So Ibasso T3D + Apogee One? or buy the Fiio e7 now and probably purchase the e9 in the future?
-Thanks in advance!
Dec 26, 2010 at 11:07 PM Post #3 of 5
You are in the Portable amp section and it is a challenge to amp the HD650 with that budget.  You better save up a little more otherwise you won't be happy with your sound.  Around $250.00 you may be able to get into the range of some used portable amp that will do a good job.  I'll look into Ibasso, their price to ratio is pretty good like the Toucan.  If you don't mind carrying a charger, the Headroom Micro amp could do the job also and is in that range used.  Good luck.
Dec 26, 2010 at 11:23 PM Post #5 of 5
Little dot mark 2!!! It's around 170 and is a tube amp that has got lovely sound. Or you could get a LD hybrid that also costs around that price. Portable amps are not worth it. 
Hey guys, long time lurker here. I'm getting a pair of Sennheiser HD650's for my birthday next month and i need a cheap amp solution. I would have about $150 max to spend on it. I was wondering if I should...
-Get the Fiio e7 to have both a DAC/Amp 
-Get the Ibasso T3D and save up for a DAC next quarter (I'm a college student)
-Get something you guys can suggest for me that fits my needs.
I'm just wondering if it is more important to have a good amp at first and save up for a DAC later or to have both a DAC/Amp.
Most likely in the summer I will purchase the Apogee One, as I am a guitarist. I understand that it is a good DAC as well. So Ibasso T3D + Apogee One? or buy the Fiio e7 now and probably purchase the e9 in the future?
-Thanks in advance!


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