headsave amps
Aug 11, 2004 at 4:40 PM Post #61 of 82
thanks you guys once again,forget what i said about head fi ,
i have placed an order to norm , a go vibe , 2 batt and a headsave cable and sent my cash to him.

btw i wonder any headphones that are comparable to ETY 4s. I don't want to worry about the filter ( bad experience from ER6) laidback , relaxing kind of sound, not as bulky as HD600 or DT880
Aug 11, 2004 at 7:53 PM Post #62 of 82
Would a Go-Vibe do well with most any headphone? I've read nothing but positive comments about the GV and am very tempted to buy one. It seems like a great amp for the price.

I need something that will do well with low and high-impedance phones because I currently own some SR-80's and have a set of HD-580's on the way, but I can see myself selling the SR-80's for a set of 225's, MS-1's, AKG 501's, or Beyer 770's soon. Woe is me!

Or, should I spend a bit more and get a Headsave Classic or a Pimeta? I know a lot of it will depend on whether or not I need the amp to be portable (I really don't, but the small size would be beneficial). My question is, would the Classic or Pimeta sound a LOT better than a Go-Vibe, or just slightly better? If the sonic differences would be very subtle, I'd likely just purchase a Go-Vibe and use the money I saved by not going with a Classic or Pimeta for something else. However, if the Classic/Pimeta are truly light years ahead of a Go-Vibe, I don't mind to spend the difference and "do it right the first time."

However, with what I'm hearing about the quality of Norm's amps, I just have a hard time thinking anything costing less than several hundred dollars could be "light years" ahead of the Go-Vibe. I would think that statement also holds true for the Classic and Pimeta, though. Right now, something like a PPA or even Gilmore Lite is just out of my budget...or at least more than I want to spend at this point.
Aug 11, 2004 at 8:24 PM Post #63 of 82
My Headsave Classic was given a build date of Wednesday July 21st if memory serves me correct.

It was built on that date, shipped the next day and arrived at my door in UK on the following Monday (26th).

It was smaller than I had envisaged which makes it even more cool.

Norm answered all my questions politely and timely so Headsave are Ok by my standards.

Sorry I've not compared it against the Go-vibe but could not see a cheaper one being as good value as the classic for static use.
Aug 12, 2004 at 3:02 AM Post #64 of 82
I got my headsave classic amp today. As the previous poster noted, it is indeed smaller than one expects. The build quality is good: everything seems secure and the pot and mini-switch seem very nice.

If I had more experience with headphone amplifiers this is where I would give you a detailed description of its sound. However, this is my first headphone amplifier (previously used headphone out of a 70's amp) and I am pleasantly surprised that the music sounds 1. more crisp 2. flatter 3. the bass sounds tighter. I am using Senn. HD-280 headphones and a computer with a M-Audio Delta-1010 as a source. I got the standard op-amp.

To add: Norm was very helpful in answering my questions about op-amps and volume settings and how they would work with my equipment and possible future purchases. All in all the process took 1 month.
Aug 12, 2004 at 3:17 AM Post #65 of 82
Destron and StevieDvd:

Did your Headsave Classics make a big difference? Or is it a subtle one? The reason I ask is because I'm a college student on a budget, and I would really be disappointed if I spent the money for a Classic and didn't notice a pretty major difference in the clarity/detail/energy/etc. of my music. If an amp will only provide a subtle difference until you get into the ones that cost several hundreds or thousands dollars, then I'd rather just spend $70 on a Go-Vibe and be done with it.
Aug 12, 2004 at 4:07 AM Post #66 of 82

Originally Posted by Imyourzero
Destron and StevieDvd:

...If an amp will only provide a subtle difference until you get into the ones that cost several hundreds or thousands dollars, then I'd rather just spend $70 on a Go-Vibe and be done with it.

If you're on a budget, why don't you pick up one of the used ones that go on sale every so often? If you don't like it, you should be able to re-sell it without losing much on the transaction.
Aug 12, 2004 at 4:16 AM Post #67 of 82

Originally Posted by Nospam
If you're on a budget, why don't you pick up one of the used ones that go on sale every so often? If you don't like it, you should be able to re-sell it without losing much on the transaction.

I actually plan to--I wasn't shopping for a new one. Still, from what I've seen, used Go-Vibes usually go for around $60 and used Meta42-based amps go for $90-$110. Since the Meta42 could cost roughly twice what a Go-Vibe costs, I still need to know if the benefits would justify the additional cost.
Aug 12, 2004 at 5:16 AM Post #68 of 82
Aug 12, 2004 at 1:00 PM Post #69 of 82
I noticed that the dual OPA627 option for the classic is no longer listed on the headsave website. I read on the boards here that Norm was "out" of OPA627s, is it just temporary? Just curious.
Aug 12, 2004 at 5:32 PM Post #71 of 82
I just ordered a Headsave Classic, and my only option (which not listed at the web site) was dual OPA637s for an additional $45.00. At $200.00 for the amp, power supply and upgraded op-amps, delivered to my door, I figured why not. I've been unhappy with $1,000 amps (the Headroom Maxed Out Home), at $200 this amp is an impulse buy.
Aug 12, 2004 at 11:47 PM Post #72 of 82

Originally Posted by Imyourzero
I actually plan to--I wasn't shopping for a new one. Still, from what I've seen, used Go-Vibes usually go for around $60 and used Meta42-based amps go for $90-$110. Since the Meta42 could cost roughly twice what a Go-Vibe costs, I still need to know if the benefits would justify the additional cost.

For the Senn HD580, you are going to want the AD8620 opamp. One set of ears that I trust has been quite pointed about saying that the Burr Brown sound of the OPA... opamps sounds sleepy and boring with the HD580/HD600. And the AD8620 is fine for the Grado cans as well. The higher the source voltage you run this opamp at (up to its max at 24v), the more energy, depth of sound and translucency you will get from it. If you run your Go-Vibe using Plainview NiMH rechargeable batteries (recommended), you'll be using a 9.6v source voltage, which sounds fine. If you get the Classic, you get the choice of 12v($15) or 24v($35) source voltage. To ME, and MY ears, it is well worth the money to ME to give the amp 24v of source voltage. Only YOU and YOUR ears will be able to tell you if the sound quality increase with increasing source voltage is worth the money to YOU. We all have our different, individual marginal propensities to consume. But the qualities you will hear in increasing measure as you increase the source voltage are: sound depth, translucency and energy (this last one especially with the Senn HD580).

In making your decision, I'd lean on the recommendation of Norm, the owner of Headsave. He has a LOT of experience configuring amps, has a GOOD ear and is a very FRUGAL person. He makes great efforts to deliver the BEST value to his customers. I've taken Norm's advice several times, and have never regretted it. When Norm has recommended that I spend money, it has saved me quite a bit more than I spent in the long run.
Aug 12, 2004 at 11:59 PM Post #73 of 82

Originally Posted by Imyourzero
Destron and StevieDvd:

Did your Headsave Classics make a big difference? Or is it a subtle one?

Well, I suppose it depends where you are coming from and what you expect. Like I said, I came from the headphone output of a stereo and it has made a pretty big difference. I've already noticed things that I never noticed in some of my favorite CD's. If you are coming from another headphone amp then I suppose the difference will be less dramatic. BTW, I bought the 24W power supply.

I couldn't tell you the difference between the classic and go-vibe because I only have the classic. I bought it specifically for home use so I did not want a battery operated unit.
Aug 13, 2004 at 12:11 AM Post #74 of 82

Originally Posted by Imyourzero
Destron and StevieDvd:

Did your Headsave Classics make a big difference? Or is it a subtle one? The reason I ask is because I'm a college student on a budget, and I would really be disappointed if I spent the money for a Classic and didn't notice a pretty major difference in the clarity/detail/energy/etc. of my music. If an amp will only provide a subtle difference until you get into the ones that cost several hundreds or thousands dollars, then I'd rather just spend $70 on a Go-Vibe and be done with it.

I myself got my Headsave Classic yesterday. Using it with my HD-595 and Audigy 2 soundcard I can say "I" found the difference was subtle, didn't noticed THAT much of a difference. Then again that might be the Audigy 2's fault heh. Using it on my T.V. though it made a HUGE difference. The sound was horrible before I got the amp. and now it sounds awesome. So I guess it depends what your sources are, I really don't have great ones but at least they sound better now heh.
Aug 13, 2004 at 12:38 AM Post #75 of 82
sbulack, Destron, Saiya-Jin:

Thank you all for your comments and impressions. I think that I definitely do want to eventually move to an amp, and I'll probably just skip the portable ones and spend a little more for something like a Classic or Ultra or Pimeta since they are supposed to sound better and are still within my budget. I'd love to have a Gilmore Lite but I'd have to find a decently priced used one in order to spring for a Gilly...but thanks again!

Saiya-Jin, I'm very seriously contemplating buying some HD-595's after reading so many positive comments on them. Could you tell me what you do and don't like about yours? Also please tell me what other 'phones you have owned and how the 595's compare to them. I'd love to hear what you have to say, and we have a similar setup (I am also running an Audigy 2 for my source ATM).

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