Headphones vs. Speakers
May 9, 2003 at 6:43 PM Post #31 of 112
Heh...after reading Jatinder's comments...maybe I should just audition some Stax and get speakers for back ground music only
May 9, 2003 at 6:48 PM Post #33 of 112

Originally posted by jatinder
My headphone systems (R10, Orpheus) really do blow the socks off my speaker system (Avantgarde Duos and MF Nuvista M3 amp).

It is *so* much more pleasurable to listen to the headphones compared to the speakers.


What does Orpheus use for output tubes?
they are push-pulls right?

Duo and Musical Fidelity. Interesting combo.
have you tried micro-watts SET with your Duos?
May 9, 2003 at 6:57 PM Post #34 of 112

Originally posted by elnero

If anything can beat NS-1000's, it would not be horns. I hate horns. You really have to hear the Yami's to appreciate the complete lack of distortion from the midrange on up. Room resonances prevent the bass from being as clean. Impreccable.
May 9, 2003 at 7:02 PM Post #35 of 112
Ahhhh Mike, you never cease to amuse me.
May 9, 2003 at 7:46 PM Post #40 of 112

Originally posted by MERTON
what would happen if you listened to speakers and open air headphones at the same time? to the same recording of course.

I have listened to earbuds (E888's) and headphones (D77's) at the same time. Interesting effects.
May 9, 2003 at 9:13 PM Post #41 of 112

Originally posted by MERTON
what would happen if you listened to speakers and open air headphones at the same time? to the same recording of course.

And the same source, preamp, amp and cables, of course.

Even then, the electronics/cables that work with certain set of 'fones isin't a guarantee that they work with certain pair of speakers.
May 9, 2003 at 10:51 PM Post #42 of 112
So what draws you guys to headphones if you feel speakers out perform headphones?

I love my home audio system and listen to it all the time, but there is something that draws me to headphones while I work at the computer or lay in bed. Now, I'm new to serious headphone listening, all my new gear is still breaking in and still find it hard to compare to my loudspeaker system. But I don't really care to. They both have their place in my listening.

May 10, 2003 at 1:04 AM Post #43 of 112
I am enjoying my Corda2 HD600 w/Cardas cables more and more although I reserved my best source, powercord, and interconnect for my big rig.

I agree that a headphone setup is a much better deal. But you can never put an exact value or price on any sort of improvement.

For me I think speakers are better (at a much higher cost). It is of course more realistic. Speakers can surround you with music better. You just can't reproduce the type of bass that speakers are capable of with headphones. I mean bass doesn't just go to your ears it goes deep into your body and rattles it. With that said speakers generally have more problems than headphones but a better system is a better system and a good speaker based system does a better job.
May 10, 2003 at 2:00 AM Post #44 of 112
I find it difficult to imagine any headphones that could equal the satisfaction provided by my speaker system, probably because I prize the sense of recreation (or simply creation) of a real event above all else.

Headphones are my compromise. There is no way to live without compromise; but in terms of all-out personal satisfaction, my speakers do it for me.
May 10, 2003 at 2:27 AM Post #45 of 112
"So what draws you guys to headphones if you feel speakers out perform headphones?"

Was more of an experiment for me than anything else. Wondered for a year if a ~$600US headphone/amp combo could compete with my modest main rig. So far it can't but I have few more flavours of headphone to try before I can say flat out that headphones can or can't compete.

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