Headphones for Highs and Bass, No Amp, < $200 ?
Jul 28, 2004 at 4:21 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 15


Jul 27, 2004
Hey all, I've been reading a lot on these boards since yesturday and I've learned a lot.

I bought a Creative Zen Xtra mp3 player and I want some headphones that will sound good with the music I listen to. I listen to a lot of funk, psytrance, drum and bass, and classical, which means I'm usually lessening emphasis on the midrange frequencies whenever I get the chance to use an EQ, so that the DEEP BASS and HIGHS contrast greatly. I used to own a pair of Sennheiser HD 497's which I enjoyed a lot, but after about a year of use, the right side began cutting in and out, then finally both sides went dead. I tried fixing those phones but failed
. Anyway...

My budget is $200 or less.
I will be using the headphones unamped because of cost and portability.
I'm also not considering any kind of canalphones or earbuds.

So far, I've THOUGHT about getting the following

Sennheiser - HD580 - many say that this has a more "classical" sound, but I don't know what that means. But one thing that I keep hearing about Senns is that they are good with deep round bass, which is really important to me.

Grado - sr225 - I read that these have good detail in music but are lacking in bass, which makes me put this towards the bottom of my list.

I've read a lot in the past couple of days, but I'm still really not sure what I should buy.
Jul 28, 2004 at 4:39 AM Post #2 of 15

Originally Posted by Xeo
Grado - sr225 - I read that these have good detail in music but are lacking in bass, which makes me put this towards the bottom of my list.

Lacking in bass? I don't know where you read that, but the bass in the SR225's is what I love most about it. Not that they are overly bassy or boomy... but it is definitely not lacking.
Jul 28, 2004 at 4:42 AM Post #3 of 15
I think the Hd-580s need an amp as they have an impedence of 300ohms or so. THe Sr-225s have a lower power requirement and probably would sound better without an amp. Also since they are lighter and smaller than the HD-580s which may be a factor if you care about portability (since you are using a DAP, i figured you might want them to be portable.)

If you don't mind closed cans, maybe the ATH-A900s? They probably will not require an amp to run. I'm not too sure how portable they are since many people say they aren't, but when mine finally come, I'll know haha.
Jul 28, 2004 at 4:43 AM Post #4 of 15
Slug, actually what I've read is that the the bass in the Grados is not tehchnically lacking, but that the mids and highs are prominent. I've READ that this prominence overtakes the bass, even though the bass is there, and makes it seem more washed out when compared to other phones. Thats only what I've read, I've never personally heard any of them.

Natsuiro, I dont care about portability in the headphones. I also don't care if they are closed or open. All I care about is sound quality, the dynamics between the deep bass and highs, and not having to carry around an amp.
Jul 28, 2004 at 5:39 AM Post #6 of 15

Originally Posted by Xeo
I'm usually lessening emphasis on the midrange frequencies whenever I get the chance to use an EQ, so that the DEEP BASS and HIGHS contrast greatly.

The Beyerdynamic DT770's or 990's are what you want.
Jul 28, 2004 at 5:53 AM Post #7 of 15

Originally Posted by Xeo
Slug, actually what I've read is that the the bass in the Grados is not tehchnically lacking, but that the mids and highs are prominent. I've READ that this prominence overtakes the bass, even though the bass is there, and makes it seem more washed out when compared to other phones. Thats only what I've read, I've never personally heard any of them.

That information is incorrect. sr225's are bass heavy compared to a lot of headphones..

Anways headphones with all highs and lows are dt770 and sony v6. Of course I think each sounds horrible but you would likely enjoy either... :p

Jul 28, 2004 at 6:39 AM Post #9 of 15
I actually have DT990s... bought almost in the same year they came out. Courtesy of my 50 year old dad ^^

A900s are huge... comfy, but huge. I've seen my cousin wear them, and he looks hella wak with those huge cans on. DT990 are noticibly smaller, and as I found, have softer pads... they soak up heat faster, but they're softer O.o
Unamped, they sound pretty much the same. Not suprising considering the quality of my ears though...
But if you want portable.. I don't know how you could walk out of the house with A900s. Everyone would be staring at the size of those things... As well their size doesn't make for good portability.

Heh Xeo.. he doesn't want ear canal phones (even though they are great for portablility).
BTW, why arn't you considering ear canal phones?
Jul 28, 2004 at 8:22 AM Post #10 of 15
LOL, as far as the A900 size goes, anyone who doesn't like the look of me wearing huge phones can kiss my audiophile-style behind! I'd be wearing them to listen to music, not to please onlookers.

I don't want earbuds or canal phones for a couple reasons. The first one being that I've never found a pair that actually stayed in my ears. Maybe I have an odd ear shape?! The second thing I don't like about them is that they feel wierd in my ears, no matter how long they're there. I remember playing old school original game boy with those things in and they bothered my to no end!

I actually like the feeling of a big pair of headphones on my head, it makes it seem like I'm in some kind of "music world". Maybe I'm weird, but that's me.

Can anyone tell me the noticable differences between the DT990s, Grado sr225, and Audio Technica A900 phones are? So far, from you guys, I know they that all put out great bass. What about the clarity of these three different pairs? I've read that the Grados have detail, and also that it's a good "rock and roll" type. What sound characteristics does this property cover? I'm not very familiar with all the different styles of rock. I also dont know about the DT990's or the A900's in terms of sound characteristics in all ranges.
Jul 28, 2004 at 8:49 AM Post #11 of 15
I am not familiar with your mp3 player but I think your biggest problem in buying full sized cans is lack of power.Most portables will not properly drive my grado 225 and I prefer my koss ksc35 for this purpose.If you insist on buying full sized cans you might try the beyer DT440.
Jul 28, 2004 at 10:33 AM Post #12 of 15
DT440 seems to obvious candidate to me. Should suit your music very well indeed.

DT770 & 990 both require an amp, and drown the sound in bass. Fair enough if thats what you want. 580 sounds good but requires an amp not to sound muddy, weak and lifeless.

Never heard the canal phones, but I suspect that their soundstage would not suit psychedelic trance as it would sound too closed in, and the bass would lack the impact of a bigger headphone.

A900 might be an option, but I guess from descriptions you may find the bass slightly too weak.

Grado's might be an option, but again I think their soundstage would not work great for psy-trance.
Jul 28, 2004 at 10:58 AM Post #13 of 15
Oh no, it's broken record time again.

Sennheiser HD25-1. Very portable (The Grados are non-portable in an actual portable situation!), very isolated, very efficient, not offensively bassy but is indeed so. Highs are prominent too.

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