Headphone signature sound sticky thread? What do you think?
Sep 4, 2006 at 1:42 AM Post #2 of 23
Start a-writin'. If it's good maybe a moderater will turn it into a sticky and you'll be famous. Seriously, I like the idea. However, some of the info posted there could be too subjective for a sticky.
Sep 4, 2006 at 4:47 AM Post #4 of 23
Were you thinking of a list of headphones with a description of properties such as bass, soundstange, etc. and a summary?
Sep 4, 2006 at 1:11 PM Post #5 of 23
I like it. I would also add the music genres that each can does well. I would have killed for something like this when I first joined. I have a list somewhere from Headroom that does this, I will try to dig it up.
Sep 4, 2006 at 4:55 PM Post #6 of 23
Nope... complately subjective. should not be stickied, as new members will mistake oppionons for facts. But then again, even this is my subjective oppinion. So... as always take it with a grain of salt.
Sep 4, 2006 at 5:10 PM Post #7 of 23
There seems to be broad consenus about basic properties of various models, so it makes sense. But here's the important part: it would have to be done like Wikipedia does stuff, whereby dissenting opinion is acknowledged and incorporated provided that it is not nuts. So, it's something that somebody would have to "own" in the sense of maintaining it, reading other opinions, etc. This is not a "do it once and then you're done" effort. It's an ongoing project that somebody would need to reliably see about. In my experience, this is the kind of thing that people like the idea of, but nobody wants to actually do. It's the difference between "idea" and "work".
Sep 4, 2006 at 5:25 PM Post #8 of 23

Originally Posted by kramer5150
Nope... complately subjective. should not be stickied, as new members will mistake oppionons for facts. But then again, even this is my subjective oppinion. So... as always take it with a grain of salt.

I agree 100%. One person's clear and detailed is another person's bright and harsh.
Sep 4, 2006 at 6:16 PM Post #9 of 23

Originally Posted by kramer5150
Nope... complately subjective. should not be stickied, as new members will mistake oppionons for facts. But then again, even this is my subjective oppinion. So... as always take it with a grain of salt.

While there is disagreement, there is not an infinite number of kinds of opinions per can. So, for example, Grado-lovers and Grado-haters will use different descriptors to talk about Grado attributes, but they won't have 27 different things to say, just a couple. This can be handled by simply reporting that "Grado-lovers describe this attribute as 'X', while those that don't like Grado's expereince it as 'Y'".

The fact that there are subjective judgments is not a problem. All you need to do is objectively report what the subjective opinions are. For a given can, the number of different opinions will be relatively small, and they will cluster around properties that people mostly agree about, they just disagree whether they are positive or negative.
Sep 4, 2006 at 8:17 PM Post #11 of 23
There is the www.headphonereviews.org sticky which is an attempt of a variant of it. Rating of the characteristics and some user review.

There is also the giant Recommendations for Best headphones on the market (new and old) sticky. which is an other approach.

An other solution may be a feedback style sub-forum. You can create one tread per headphones and everybody add comment to this tread. Like in the feedback forums where everybody add comment to a single user tread., But then you have to moderate and make it clear so newbie people search and post in active treads instead of starting dozens of new tread.
Sep 4, 2006 at 9:03 PM Post #12 of 23

Originally Posted by Iron_Dreamer
I agree 100%. One person's clear and detailed is another person's bright and harsh.

Definitely. Something this subjective would be a detriment to new folks me thinks.
Sep 4, 2006 at 9:24 PM Post #13 of 23

Originally Posted by Iron_Dreamer
I agree 100%. One person's clear and detailed is another person's bright and harsh.

I sort of disagree. Clear, detail, bright, and harsh all to me means emphasis on treble; and that I should be the one ultimately making the decision as to whether I find a headphone detailed or harsh. If one said clear and detailed and another dark and muddy, that would spell trouble. So, while I don't disagree that this is a highly subjective topic, as long as everyone has an understanding that different sound signatures are perceived differently by different people, we can reach some sort of very general concensus for more popular brands.
Sep 4, 2006 at 9:30 PM Post #14 of 23

Originally Posted by powermung
I sort of disagree. Clear, detail, bright, and harsh all to me means emphasis on treble; and that I should be the one ultimately making the decision as to whether I find a headphone detailed or harsh. If one said clear and detailed and another dark and muddy, that would spell trouble. So, while I don't disagree that this is a highly subjective topic, as long as everyone has an understanding that different sound signatures are perceived differently by different people, we can reach some sort of very general concensus for more popular brands.

The problem is that concensus is hard to come by. Hence the sometimes rather polar extremes faced on this board when discussing gear. For instance, some feel the R10's have wonderful powerful layered and deep bass. I don't think they have much bass at all. Many don't. So who is right? If one has a tricked out amp that accentuates the bass, then sure, they may have a boat load, but many will chime in that the amp is not the culprit, the R10's simply do have this bass.

HP-1000's a the best phones in the world, because they are super linear, crystal clear, textured, extended. Oh wait! No many say they are boring because of x, y and z. To have a sticky to bring attention to subjective traits (or perceived ones) is too confusing overall. Some feel HD600's are not veiled, others find they are. Again, who is objectively right? It may hold too heavily to the subjective realm to make a decent enough statement.

The best then is for newbies to come in, read a good amount of threads, particularly meet threads where a number of people comment on the same system, then look up those individual's profiles, look at what they use, what they have used. Do some research on their previous posts and from there...start to draw some type of conclusion. THEN! post a "what does this sound like, if I find phone a sounds like this, while listening with this gear and this type of music." If everyone did this, the suggestions overall to this person or anyone for that matter, would be a whole lot more useful.
Sep 4, 2006 at 9:32 PM Post #15 of 23

Originally Posted by Zanth
Definitely. Something this subjective would be a detriment to new folks me thinks.

Yeah. I didn't try some headphones simply because I didn't like the descriptions I read when I was new here. Something like that could really screw a new guy looking to find his sound over.

Also, such a thread would pretty much turn into an endless barrage of insults and fanboy lines drawn in the sand.

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