Headphone Quandary
Jul 15, 2014 at 6:46 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 11


Jul 1, 2014
Hi all,
The return window for my Sennheiser 598s is about to close — tomorrow. And I can’t decide whether to keep them or send them back. Receiving the NAD Viso HP50s last night did not help all too much. While they sound great, my initial impressions of the headphones are the same as with the Momentums (which I parted with) — both headphones sound great but are not particularly comfortable. I have a big head and I’m not fond of the clamping pressure. So it remains to be seen whether I keep the HP50s or not. 
The 598s, on the hand, are supremely comfortable but when compared to the HP50s or Momentums, I can’t really say I dig the sound of the 598s all too much. For instance, I’ve been listening to Simon and Garfunkel and the harmonies are so much richer and more “enveloping” in the HP50s than the 598s. I noticed this difference when I compared the 598s to the Momentums in the past. Furthermore, when I compared the 598s to either of the closed back options on Adele, her voice was much lusher and in-your-face through the closed backs. 
Now, I’m not entirely sure if this is an open back vs closed back thing, or if my HD598s are having trouble reaching their potential when plugged directly into my MacBook Pro headphone jack (how I use them)? 
I’m not saying I don’t think the 598s produce a good sound; truthfully, in a vacuum, I would like their sound a lot. I’m just wondering if being able to drive them to high volumes with an amp would help make the vocals less distant?
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Jul 15, 2014 at 8:14 PM Post #3 of 11
  Distant-sounding vocals is just how the HD598 sounds, an amp won't really change that.

Thanks for the response -- I feel more compelled to return them based on this information. Do the 650s and 800s share this distant-sounding vocals aspect? It's a shame, since I like the aesthetics and comfort the 598s afford. Why do all the reviewers say they have such a lush mid-range? 
I'm wearing the HP50s as I write this. They clamp too tightly and/or exert pressure at the top of my ponderous noggin. It's early, but the good sound to pain ratio appears similar to the Momentums. 
All I'm looking for is a can which sounds like the HP50s and Momentums but is decidedly comfortable.
My top choice may be the KEF M500 but I'm afraid they won't stay on my head or be driven well by my MacBook.  
I've also begun to reconsider the DT 770s 32ohm version. I'm not a bass head but they may fill all the other boxes.
Do either of these cans have distant vocals? 
Jul 15, 2014 at 8:38 PM Post #4 of 11
The HD598 and HD800 sound more similar to each other than either of them do with the HD650 (the HD598 and HD800 both have angled drivers). I haven't heard the NAD HP50. The HD650 are more close-up and full-sounding headphones than either the HD598 or HD800, as are the KEF M500 (but the KEF are slippery and could be prone to falling off).
Where do you live btw? I'd guess you're in the USA and there are a surprising number of meets/shows coming up around the country very soon where you could demo a lot of headphones (DC, Seattle, NorCal, SoCal, et al), just check out the Meets forum to see if one is near you: http://www.head-fi.org/f/24/local-regional-head-fi-meets-parties-get-togethers
Jul 15, 2014 at 8:45 PM Post #5 of 11
  The HD598 and HD800 sound more similar to each other than either of them do with the HD650 (the HD598 and HD800 both have angled drivers). I haven't heard the NAD HP50. The HD650 are more close-up and full-sounding headphones than either the HD598 or HD800, as are the KEF M500 (but the KEF are slippery and could be prone to falling off).
Where do you live btw? I'd guess you're in the USA and there are a surprising number of meets/shows coming up around the country very soon where you could demo a lot of headphones (DC, Seattle, NorCal, SoCal, et al), just check out the Meets forum to see if one is near you: http://www.head-fi.org/f/24/local-regional-head-fi-meets-parties-get-togethers

Thanks. I live in Upstate New York. Do you have any experience with the Beyerdynamic DT 770 32 ohm ? 
Jul 15, 2014 at 10:21 PM Post #7 of 11
  Sorry, have never heard those. I'd suggest that you try the Senn HD600 or HD650 for a more comfortable headphone that won't sound distant.

I could definitely see myself liking either of those options based on what you said. However, what I'm really looking for is a versatile, closed-back option. The only reason I opted for the 598s was that I was so intrigued by the vast soundstage and really wanted to give it try. To my ears, the 598s sound a bit more spacious than the closed-back headphones I've had but I consider much of what is said about their soundstage to be hyperbole, more or less. I suspect an amp would broaden the soundstage. Nevertheless, I'm looking for a comfortable closed-back headphone with a similar sound signature to the HP50s or Momentums -- which I could wear while drawing at a local coffee shop (to enrich the experience) and in solitude at home. 
I work for a major retail store, so I get pretty sweet deals on various cans. The KEF M500s are reduced by $100 and the HP50s and Momentums were essentially half off. Unfortunately, my company does not carry Beyerdynamic. I may just pick up a pair of the 770s (32 OHM, velour pads) off Amazon and return them if they don't meet my expectations. I don't consider them the sexiest option but their reputation for comfort doesn't fall on deaf (and yearning to be comfortable) ears. 
Jul 15, 2014 at 10:29 PM Post #8 of 11
The KEFs are still high on my list, but I like to really rock out to my cans while at home, bounce around and such. I tried them on briefly at an audio store and was surprised at the comfort for an on-ear, but they would definitely come off with a little bit of head bobbing. I didn't really give them a proper listen at the store, as I had come to see the HP50s. 
I also tried the B&W P7s briefly at the Apple Store -- seemed to clamp a bit tight. Neither are the Focal Spirits universally touted for their comfort. If a headphone is found comfortable by some and not by others, I almost always fall into the latter group. I need a headphone which is found comfortable across the board. 
Another (even less sexy) option is Bose. The SoundTrues are $94.50 w/ my discount. But, boy does Bose do comfort right. If only others would take notes. 
Jul 16, 2014 at 12:14 AM Post #9 of 11
Check out the closed headphone options in the Summer 2014 Buying Guide (linked on the right side and bottom of this page), there are a lot there that you may not have heard of. And before you ask, I haven't heard most of them.
Jul 16, 2014 at 1:49 AM Post #10 of 11
  Check out the closed headphone options in the Summer 2014 Buying Guide (linked on the right side and bottom of this page), there are a lot there that you may not have heard of. And before you ask, I haven't heard most of them.

Thanks, you're right, a lot of headphones I didn't really know about. I'm going through them all and taking notes. 

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