Headamp Blue Hawaii Special Edition
Feb 13, 2015 at 3:21 AM Post #6,856 of 9,976
  I am interested to know what was the shortest wait time for this batch :)

A few months ago, I suggested that Head-fiers who finally get their BHSE publish their wait time, from initial order to delivery -and possibly more details such as balance payment request date... IMO, the longest wait time would be interesting to know as well. I understand that domestic (US) shipments start first, so that possible problems are easier to address.
I'm still waiting for my BHSE... initial order: September 26, 2012!
Feb 13, 2015 at 7:30 AM Post #6,857 of 9,976
Any statistics are only as valid as the data set is complete, so chances are very slim to begin with.
The BHSE is not exclusively sold to head fi members and not all obviously responded to that request...
On the other hand is there any point in this data other than comparing your personal suffering in waiting to others?
It does not have any value to predict anything in regards to actual delivery in the future.
Similar to the fine print legal disclaimer of banks or anyone offering shares, stocks, bonds etc.
I am all with you and keep my fingers crossed that the BHSE shipments get out of the way,
so Justin can continue work on the current batch of GSX-MkII
wait time for me "just" 13 month ...
Feb 13, 2015 at 12:09 PM Post #6,859 of 9,976
  Any statistics are only as valid as the data set is complete, so chances are very slim to begin with.
The BHSE is not exclusively sold to head fi members and not all obviously responded to that request...
On the other hand is there any point in this data other than comparing your personal suffering in waiting to others?
It does not have any value to predict anything in regards to actual delivery in the future.
Similar to the fine print legal disclaimer of banks or anyone offering shares, stocks, bonds etc.
I am all with you and keep my fingers crossed that the BHSE shipments get out of the way,
so Justin can continue work on the current batch of GSX-MkII
wait time for me "just" 13 month ...

Yes, I admit I would be pleased to know that other people suffered more than me.
Feb 14, 2015 at 3:38 AM Post #6,861 of 9,976
A few months ago, I suggested that Head-fiers who finally get their BHSE publish their wait time, from initial order to delivery -and possibly more details such as balance payment request date... IMO, the longest wait time would be interesting to know as well. I understand that domestic (US) shipments start first, so that possible problems are easier to address.

I'm still waiting for my BHSE... initial order: September 26, 2012!

July 2012
Feb 14, 2015 at 5:42 PM Post #6,863 of 9,976
  I got a shipping notice. I feel...strange.

Yahoo!!! Time to crack open that bottle you have been saving... 
...did you have any one pinch you yet? You know to make sure you are awake...

Keep us posted, take pics when you get the box!!!
Feb 14, 2015 at 6:47 PM Post #6,864 of 9,976
  I got a shipping notice. I feel...strange.

Take it easy now ... breathe normally. Do not open the box immediately when it arrives.
Slowly try to adjust to this new phase and when you are sure everything feels OK you can start to take a peek.
It was a seriously long courtship, don't screw things up now 

Feb 14, 2015 at 7:12 PM Post #6,865 of 9,976
hey, I know, you could post the tracking info as it makes its way to you...not the number just the status so we can ride along with you...
Did I mention I was a little jealous?  I've still got a wait ahead of me....
Feb 14, 2015 at 8:58 PM Post #6,866 of 9,976
maybe Justin can put a tracker on each box, and we all can track the location of each unit as it crosses the country/world.
kind of like those FAA websites that show the position of all the planes in the air  :)
Feb 15, 2015 at 4:24 AM Post #6,868 of 9,976
Happy for everyone as well.  Please post their impressions when guys get a chance to listen to your amps.  I'm still loving mine after two years of ownership.

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