Headamp Blue Hawaii Special Edition
Dec 16, 2013 at 10:36 PM Post #4,396 of 9,976
Link please?

Gone now, they found some more expensive ones from Clearaudio to sell instead. Mine are AudioAdvisor branded. Search for isolation accessories in the stores for the disks, sometimes call furniture protectors.
Dec 16, 2013 at 10:45 PM Post #4,397 of 9,976
Dec 17, 2013 at 1:04 AM Post #4,398 of 9,976
Congrats Songmic.  My amp looks identical to yours.  I love the look of my BHSE as well!  Now get your hand on those NOS Mullards EL34!!


Dec 17, 2013 at 1:54 AM Post #4,399 of 9,976
A great idea buying 2nd hand. I have to admit I am getting pissed off waiting for mine now. The fact that I ordered it in 2012 and I am unlikely to get it until well into 2014 sucks. I certainly wouldn't have ordered or paid in full for mine if I had known how long it was going to take or how poor the communication would be.
I have pretty much given up hope now. There is no longer any excitement about it. I'm just resigned to it turning up eventually probably when the SR009s I got over a year ago are no longer the Stax flagship.
Over a year of not being able to provide is mismanagement on Justin's part. To advertise to sell something you cant reliably provide is very dubious. We still don't even have a hint of an ETA.
Dec 17, 2013 at 3:29 AM Post #4,400 of 9,976
While I agree the time problem is something that needs to be addressed, you have to understand the problems Justin faces getting materials and labor that meets the standards of the product. It seems he opens a waiting list of sorts when a new batch is announced, and either has already started the batch or is just beginning it. Each batch seems to take about 2 years from start to finish, so if you sign up early, you wait a long time. Perhaps the solution is to announce batches when they are ~3-6 months from completion. Enough time to sell out the batch, but not so long that people lose hope.
Dec 17, 2013 at 3:31 AM Post #4,401 of 9,976
Nobody noticed that third party Stax cable

Dec 17, 2013 at 4:44 AM Post #4,402 of 9,976
  Congrats Songmic.  My amp looks identical to yours.  I love the look of my BHSE as well!  Now get your hand on those NOS Mullards EL34!!


Well it hasn't arrived yet, but I'm looking forward to it. I also recently bought a secondhand SR-007 mk1 for this purpose, realizing how fruitless it would be to endlessly wait for a guy who turns up to sell his ecp L-2... For the time being, the BHSE/OIImk1 is going to be a realistic alternative for me, until a miracle happens and I get an L-2. I think I may end up selling my SR-009, because I'm not a fan of its voicing and I heard that the BHSE is a much better match with SR-007 mk1 in terms of performance and synergy than the SR-009.
I suppose those NOS Mullard EL34 are the best tubes for the BHSE? I do use an NOS Mullard ECC35 for my ZDSE amp, and indeed it is the best tube I've heard with it. But I've grown really tired of hunting rare, vintage NOS tubes... I'm going to settle with the incoming Psvane EL34PH tubes the guy is sending his BHSE with for a while.
Dec 17, 2013 at 4:47 AM Post #4,403 of 9,976
  Nobody noticed that third party Stax cable

That's what I thought too when I received the pic. What?? An aftermarket Stax cable?? But then the guy told me that he just put something around the stock cable just for cosmetic purposes. I don't think any 3rd party cable makers out there would dare venture into the business of recabling electrostats... too risky, not to mention scary.
Dec 17, 2013 at 4:49 AM Post #4,404 of 9,976
Dec 17, 2013 at 5:45 AM Post #4,405 of 9,976
is that a flat cable? it could probably be optimized if they knew the pin-out of the cable. not sure if they have that information. it would make more sense to put the 580V bias next to the +400V DC supply wire than next to the -400V wire, for example, and you would want the filament wires next to each other
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Dec 17, 2013 at 6:08 AM Post #4,406 of 9,976
While I agree the time problem is something that needs to be addressed, you have to understand the problems Justin faces getting materials and labor that meets the standards of the product. It seems he opens a waiting list of sorts when a new batch is announced, and either has already started the batch or is just beginning it. Each batch seems to take about 2 years from start to finish, so if you sign up early, you wait a long time. Perhaps the solution is to announce batches when they are ~3-6 months from completion. Enough time to sell out the batch, but not so long that people lose hope.

i am trying to accelerate it. i am big enough that i cant do this myself but too small to hire several people because they will run out of work after 3 days and the have to wait a month for the next shipment of stuff to come in. This is where outsourcing comes in handy, which is what I do for many things, however despite what you hear about the economy most of these companies have more work than they can handle, and it takes months to get anything out of them. And, like i experienced earlier this year with bad aluminum, it is a major set back when parts have to be made 2 or 3 times and have to wait in line each time. Announcing the batch when it is completed also does not change the date of completion, but it does give me absolutely no idea of what the demand is like. My profit margin is too low to have a year or two supply of amps sitting on the shelf, in fact it would be impossible to do so without tax fraud due to the tax on unsold inventory.
but a status update on the current batch: i am processing the polished front panels now, as i have about half of them, and another 10% of them are arriving today.  Christmas is a great opportunity for this as i will be able to get them all inspected and laser engraved in peace. It's the most productive week of the year in fact, so i will be able to get a lot done on these. I just finished setting up new workstations with several sets of test equipment to get them tested as fast as possible. hopefully i can get about half of this batch sent out in January.
i've also ordered a significant number of parts for the next batch and already have many of the parts such as the PSU cables and connectors wired ready to go
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Dec 17, 2013 at 6:56 AM Post #4,407 of 9,976
Great news Justin, thanks for that meaty update! I ordered the SR009 with the BHSE, will the headphones arrive with the amp? Sometime this spring I'm figuring...
Dec 17, 2013 at 7:24 AM Post #4,409 of 9,976
i've also ordered a significant number of parts for the next batch and already have many of the parts such as the PSU cables and connectors wired ready to go

WOW your doing another run right behind this one huh.  Any chance for a BHSE mk2 of some kind?  lol ..  I know that would piss people off lol..

A mk2 version of a SE (special edition) version of a product? Please. 


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