Head Spinning
May 13, 2012 at 7:32 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 13


New Head-Fier
Apr 23, 2012
Hey Head-Fi forum goers,
I purchased my first real pair of head phones this week and am as a giddy as a school boy to get them, I bought the Dennon AHD2000s. I read a lot and di a lot of research, I know they should be able to run fine from my iphone but I felt it would be almost sac-religious if I did not at the very least look into amps and DACs. Well I have become Alice in this situation, hopelessly lost in wonderland.
I start with the normal google searching reading some random headfi reviews and searching the forums. Then I hit this thread, here. This is when I really started to become confused. Then I talked to my brother in law who says I need to spend atleast 450 to get soem thing worth investing in. I have already spent 250 on headphones and spent weeks transferring my cd's to lossless mp3s. So sadly 450$ was not in the budget, so I searched further. I have read review after review and post after post, about how this goes best with this and it depends on if you want neutral or a deeper tone. Honestly I have no idea what end is up and more. I am looking at the iBasso sight right now.
To be realistic I would prefer not to spend over 150$, but I would say 200$ would not be out of the question. I just dont want to buy some thing that is junky and will break down in a week. I come to you guys (and girls) now because I have no clue at this point. My taste in music falls mainly in the jazz realm with secondary taste to classics like pink floyd and some folk style similar to that of Jack Johnson. So what should I do Head-Fi? I am lost
May 13, 2012 at 7:37 PM Post #2 of 13
Why not listen to your phones first? If you're not getting enough volume from your player, then think about getting an amp or DAC/amp combo.

BIL notwithstanding, you don't have to spend piles of money to have a sound that makes you happy.
May 14, 2012 at 12:03 AM Post #3 of 13
Try the portable amps section. If you're on a tight budget, there are good solutions for your Denons. 
May 14, 2012 at 4:18 AM Post #4 of 13
Why not listen to your phones first? If you're not getting enough volume from your player, then think about getting an amp or DAC/amp combo.
BIL notwithstanding, you don't have to spend piles of money to have a sound that makes you happy.

Agree. You should get comfortable with your headphones first, get to know them better. There's always a lot of stuff to splurge money on, but not always needed.
May 14, 2012 at 12:39 PM Post #7 of 13
Fiio E17 amp+dac should be great for you. Fiio E11 for just an amp.
May 14, 2012 at 1:32 PM Post #8 of 13
To piggyback on OP, I just purchased the d2k's yesterday and am absolutely lost on which desktop amp to look at.  Going to wait until the headphones arrive to give them a try ampless, but any suggestions?  Been looking through search for over an hour, and have ended up more confused.
May 14, 2012 at 9:47 PM Post #9 of 13
With a 25 Ohm phone, you don't need an amp. You may find yourself wanting an amp.

Most devices will work well with your headphones. 
And what makes you think its "sacreligious" not to use an Amp? 
May 14, 2012 at 11:59 PM Post #10 of 13
Well If I am going to pay just for 200 bones for a pair of headphones I do not want to short change them by not giving them the power they need to run properly. I wouldnt want to settle for mediocre sound quality when they headphones can truly provide breath taking sound. I have heard them first hand now through my brothers tube amp, I just dont have the money to go out and buy a top of the line amp though sadly. 
I received my headphones and have tried plugging them in to my iphone. They sound alright but are extremely quite and sound a little wispy too. Like the vocalists dont have a lot of air in their lungs or some thing. This is know is partially brun in because I have not done so yet, but also I think a proper amp will aid the overall quality. 
I have been looking at the Fiio e17 alpen quite a bit. It looks like a really nice little amp that will give me the juice I am looking for. I am searching google right now to purchase one. It falls within my price range at 150. A little expensive but I am hoping its worth it. Will keepy ou guys all updated.
May 15, 2012 at 12:20 AM Post #11 of 13
I have heard good things about the Fiio E11 and Denons. With the bass boost function, it delivers more oomph. 
May 15, 2012 at 12:34 AM Post #12 of 13
25 Ohms, 106 dB/mW.
They are some pretty sensitive headphones. Almost in IEM category. I doubt there's anything to be gained by using the amp.
I don't know what your comparison is with, but most of the times amps sound juicier because they tend to be louder.
But if you've already made up your mind, then the Fiio is a good option to try out.
May 15, 2012 at 1:50 PM Post #13 of 13
25 Ohms, 106 dB/mW.
They are some pretty sensitive headphones. Almost in IEM category. I doubt there's anything to be gained by using the amp.
I don't know what your comparison is with, but most of the times amps sound juicier because they tend to be louder.
But if you've already made up your mind, then the Fiio is a good option to try out.

+1 to all this.
I've noticed that with all my headphones, the differences between amped and unamped have been rather small, and at times, difficult to distinguish the two. I even used to have a pair of Pro/4AA that were 250 ohms, and they were driven fine out of my laptop and iPod.

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