HD650's or AKG K 701 for first open headphone?
Mar 10, 2007 at 4:36 AM Post #61 of 68

Originally Posted by makasin /img/forum/go_quote.gif
EDIT: One more thing, string instruments sound AMAZING on my HD's. I dont know what it is, but they sound very very real and have those subtleties that strings have. You can hear the string vibrating and all the resonances in the instrument, whether it is a violin, an acoustic guitar, or electrical guitar.

x2. You can hear the vibration/reverberation of the strings. It really is amazing. Same goes for piano on these things. You can hear/feel the keys being compressed. Just fantastic. On the other hand, the voices . . .

Well, they sometimes either sound a bit dulled (too laid back) or boomy.

Mar 10, 2007 at 5:13 AM Post #62 of 68

Originally Posted by kelvinz /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Thank you,
I read about you experience when you first posted about it and was surprised that you picked the HD650's after I had read this article: http://www.stereophile.com/headphones/806akg/

I'm starting to see myself lean more towards the HD650's as I have yet to hear a single person that has something bad to say about them. Although the people that like their AKG 701's seem to REALLY love them.

Hi there,
I too read the Stereophile article (and lots of other reviews and threads). As you may have picked up from reading my thread, I *really* wanted to like the K701 better, so I think I was being exceptionally honest with myself when I chose the HD650. Which again is just something from direct comparison under a specific set of circumstances.

There are no shortage of people who profess hatred of the HD650, for being bloated, bassy, muddy, veiled, boomy, boring, and any other epithet imaginable. And I don't really blame some people for perhaps finding them too warm, or for lacking maybe that extra touch in the highs. Similarly, there are a lot of people who love the K701, and I don't blame them either although I just found them too thin for my choral music and strings.

Really my preferred sound is somewhere between the Senns and the AKGs. The Senns just started closer to the mark for me. I hope you'll get some kind of chance to compare them or get a point of reference, but if not, take my experience as an indicator that they're both great sounding and it wouldn't be the end of the world to stick to one without hearing the other for a couple years.

Mar 10, 2007 at 7:58 PM Post #63 of 68
thank you all for the input a friend of mine has the HD650's and I'm planning to go over and listen to them this weekend.
Mar 12, 2007 at 4:29 PM Post #64 of 68
Ended up not being able to listen to the HD650's this weekend.

Found out that the E500's do not sound much better than the E4C's and also I was recommended Grado RS2's from a local dealer as an alternative to the headphones I've already listed.
Mar 13, 2007 at 5:49 AM Post #65 of 68
For your budget, I'd highly recommend Audio-Technica AD2000.

I had K701 and head-to-head compared with my AD2000 and E500. I found K701 is too lean although it is good in headstage and highs. I think AD2000's mid is way better.

My Senn HD650 is on its way and will be here in a couple of days. Then I can have some real fun comparison.

Mar 13, 2007 at 8:08 AM Post #66 of 68
So I just got back from my friend that has the HD650's

listened to them for approx 1hr on both a total bithead amp and straight from the a Philips aurilium external soundcard.

First Impressions-

These headphones are dark and get darker using the total bitheadamp and it's internal DAC.

It seemed like there was a loss of detail when using the total bithead.

While my friend complained that without the total bithead it sounded too sharp.

Compared to my E4C's the biggest thing I noticed was the large amount of bass. I was expecting to hear a big difference in the high's but yet I did not.

Overall they were very good sounding headphones but I can definitely understand what the "sennheiser" sound is now as the totalbithead seemed to over exaggerate it.

Not sure where I'm going with this I may have to buy the AKG 701's just to hear what they sound like before finally making up my mind....

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