HD650 or SRH1840
Nov 7, 2012 at 8:07 PM Post #16 of 27
Hi there!
Well I found a place to listen to the 1840's. I was pretty impressed, but not blown away. Honestly the 650's were so impressive. The 1840's were very clear but I lacked that "full of music in my head" experience the 650's got me. In the Celine Dion song River Deep, Mountain High where in the 650's I heard backup singers I didn't know were present on that track, and they were clear and visible, on the 1840's they were present but muffled and muted. Josh Groban - You are Loved is a song I always get goosebumps with, but listening to it on the 1840's left me cold. I could hear everything, but it didn't feel ... "together". It was like eating one of those deconstructed food things that chefs like do to. All the ingredients were there, but it's the sum of the parts which gives you the experience. 
Make sense?
The only thing I am not sure about, is whether the Shures would have sounded better not off my iPod (320kbps music) and with a $2000 Amp. like the 650's were connected to. Since I had no ability to test I won't ever know.
Also a new pair of HD650's are about $700 here and the 1840's were $999
The 650's are now ordered and should be here in a week or so. 
Nov 7, 2012 at 8:11 PM Post #17 of 27
Hi there!
Well I found a place to listen to the 1840's. I was pretty impressed, but not blown away. Honestly the 650's were so impressive. The 1840's were very clear but I lacked that "full of music in my head" experience the 650's got me. In the Celine Dion song River Deep, Mountain High where in the 650's I heard backup singers I didn't know were present on that track, and they were clear and visible, on the 1840's they were present but muffled and muted. Josh Groban - You are Loved is a song I always get goosebumps with, but listening to it on the 1840's left me cold. I could hear everything, but it didn't feel ... "together". It was like eating one of those deconstructed food things that chefs like do to. All the ingredients were there, but it's the sum of the parts which gives you the experience. 
Make sense?
The only thing I am not sure about, is whether the Shures would have sounded better not off my iPod (320kbps music) and with a $2000 Amp. like the 650's were connected to. Since I had no ability to test I won't ever know.
Also a new pair of HD650's are about $700 here and the 1840's were $999
The 650's are now ordered and should be here in a week or so. 

O__O $700 and $999?! That seems overpriced... Where are you located?
Yes, the Shure would have sounded better with a proper amp. It was sort of an unfair test you did, where you tested the HD650 backed up with a good amp VS the SRH1840 backed up by an iPod. But who knows, maybe the outcome would have been the same?
Nov 8, 2012 at 3:46 AM Post #18 of 27
Yah I am in NZ so those are NZ Dollars. 
I know it wasn't an exact comparison, I didn't really have many options, places to listen to headphones are few and far between and these high end phones are even harder to audition. I had heard that the 1840's sounded much better right out of the box with an iPod than the 650's so I did the best I could. 
Nov 8, 2012 at 3:59 AM Post #19 of 27
What part of Aotearoa? There's a few kiwis on here. If you were reasonably local you'd be more than welcome to come and hear some of my gear.
Nov 8, 2012 at 6:59 AM Post #21 of 27
Pity - I'm in Invers - couldn't be further apart.
NZtechfreak is an Aucklander and has some stellar gear.  Shoot him a PM some time.  He may be able to help you out - especially if you want to listen to something a little higher end.  He was talking about organising a Kiwi 'meet' if there was enough interest .....
Nov 8, 2012 at 7:29 AM Post #22 of 27
yah I know NZTF, I'll be going around there sometime soon. I need to wait for my 650's to actually arrive. I am just really hoping buying second hand cans won't turn out to be a bad idea. Whilst I pretty much trust the seller, you never know what has been done to them.
Jan 28, 2013 at 9:43 AM Post #23 of 27
Picking up this thread, I'm debating between these two phones, but also a HD598 + amp/DAC--any conclusions yet?  I've auditioned each, but within limits, and would prefer to hear someone whose spent more time with these.  My only reference at the moment is a pretty new HE-400; I'd like something to complement this and am focusing on either the HD650 or the SRH1840.
Jan 28, 2013 at 2:00 PM Post #24 of 27
Picking up this thread, I'm debating between these two phones, but also a HD598 + amp/DAC--any conclusions yet?  I've auditioned each, but within limits, and would prefer to hear someone whose spent more time with these.  My only reference at the moment is a pretty new HE-400; I'd like something to complement this and am focusing on either the HD650 or the SRH1840.

If you already auditioned each, just pick up the one you like the most! Don't go for our opinions because our ears and preferences vary! Even a if a "consensus" is reached regarding sound signatures or simply "which one is better" sometimes is rendered mute once you try them.
The HD598 I found pretty anemic (more so than the SRH940 and SRH1840)... between HD598, HD600, and SRH1840s, I would pick up the HD600s due to the sound, comfort and price... basically everything. As I mentioned before, haven't tried the HD650s but they should be similar (a bit darker from what I've read) to the HD600s. If you got a good source and amp, the HD650 should be an excellent choice as almost every one agrees that they really "sing" and are very upscaleable...
Good luck!
Jan 29, 2013 at 8:17 AM Post #26 of 27
Thanks Gelocks, sound advice, sometimes the reassurances to trust one's own ears are exactly what one needs to hear from someone else!

Same advice was given to me long time ago (before joining the boards! lol).
Enjoy your new headphones!
Apr 28, 2020 at 6:50 PM Post #27 of 27
I have to agree with Pianist with what he said above. My general thoughts between the HD650 and SRH1840. I felt the SRH1840 had a bit more energy while the HD650 were a bit more laid back, HD650 had the better bass in terms of impact and extension, SRH1840 has GLORIOUS mids (I would have to say the best mids from a Dynamic IMO. A step behind the HE-500's mids, which are my favorite mids ever...) and the HD650 had pretty good mids, both were pretty even in treble but the SRH1840 had a bit more energy giving it the upper hand to my ears. Both excellent headphones, but I would take the SRH1840 if price wasn't an issue over the HD650 for my preferences. I felt the HD650 excelled in every genre thrown at them, while the SRH1840 were more focused on specific genres. Just as a reference, The Prayer by Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli gave me goosebumps with the SRH1840. Really crisp female vocals and mildly warm male vocals.

About the SRH1840 being comparable to the HD800 is sort of... HD800> SRH1840 IMO... But the SRH1840 DOES compete with the HD700 easily, in some cases excels IMO.

Hi, sorry for bringing up an old thread, but I am considering between the 1840 and 700. Which ways do the 1840 compare favourably to the 700? I am after a headphone for classical music, opera, a little folk here and there and gaming (fps)

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