HD650 Break-in
Feb 23, 2005 at 3:13 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 16


Feb 20, 2005
Hi all! I recently aquired knowledge of 'breaking in headphones'. Although the idea seemed strange to me at the time; I do understand how and why this would be good for new headphones on a technical basis.

I was wondering how long I should break-in a pair of brand new Sennheiser HD650's for; until it reached near or optimal performance? Please give me an idea of time-span.

Thanks a lot!
Feb 23, 2005 at 3:21 PM Post #2 of 16
You should break them in for a good 100 hours or so. I'd recommend just plugging them into an FM radio and letting them play for several days straight at medium to medium-high volume.
Feb 23, 2005 at 3:31 PM Post #3 of 16
20-100 hours at normal to slightly above normal volumes. There is a sticky for this. Though keep in mind, a big part of headphone break-in is getting your ears used to the new sound.
Feb 23, 2005 at 3:34 PM Post #4 of 16

Originally Posted by Apocalypse_HD650
I was wondering how long I should break-in a pair of brand new Sennheiser HD650's for;

until they sound good to your ears.

personally, this is what i did when i first received my hd650's - i promptly did the 'proper' thing and, after briefly trying them on to hear what they sounded like, left them out to burn in for a while. i got sick of this after approximately one day.. and since then i've been burning them in with them on my ears. it's actually rather interesting hearing the sound evolve.

i dunno.. it might just be me, but i never did get used to waiting hundreds of hours just to listen to that new pair of headphones i just spent all that money on. i do all my burning in while listening (unless the headphones sound REALLY horrible, which the hd650's don't).
Feb 23, 2005 at 3:38 PM Post #5 of 16
Wow 100 Hours! Quite a lot I've currently just stuck them into a audigy laptop pcmcia card since I'm abroad. I've got them on max volume-although I don't listen to them on max. They've been in there for around 24Hours. Should I give it another 3 days or so and adjust the volume (or keep it on max)?

Thanks again!
Feb 23, 2005 at 3:40 PM Post #6 of 16
I've been burning my new HD650's since last Friday night. The bass (so bloated at first, it actually sloshed around) promptly disappeared but has been making a comeback since around late yesterday. That would make it about 100 hours of burn-in and the things are looking even better today
So I'd advise to settle down for a long haul with the 650s.
Feb 23, 2005 at 4:01 PM Post #7 of 16
If you search abit around the forum , you'll find the extimated burning time for hd650 is a well fed 200/300hrs . I doubt you will ear clearly what they are made for before .

Burning time' behavior of hd650 has been debated quite many times here -this mainly because changes during burning time are quite noticeable and quite weird for hd650 ( ex. bass bloating and then suddenly disappearing )
If you have a little time try a search , you'll find some nice things on this matter
Feb 23, 2005 at 4:40 PM Post #8 of 16
I've got about 20 hours on my HD-650s, and it has been weird listening to the sound change. Two days ago, in the middle of a CD, the sound quite noticeably opened up, like someone had flipped a switch. Not all the way, but some. And today, I started getting some really nice bass.

To me, the most frustrating thing about my HD-650s is how closed the sound is. They are more forward than my HD-580s, but my HD-580s sound far more spacious. I'm hoping this is a burn-in issue and not an amp issue. I bought a HeadRoom Maxed Out Home when I bought the HD-650s, thinking this would be a killer combo. (I previously plugged my HD-580s into my NAD integrated, which sounded very open if slightly fatiguing.) So far, it's nice, but not terrific.

Feb 23, 2005 at 4:56 PM Post #9 of 16

Originally Posted by JefferyK
I've got about 20 hours on my HD-650s, and it has been weird listening to the sound change. Two days ago, in the middle of a CD, the sound quite noticeably opened up, like someone had flipped a switch. Not all the way, but some. And today, I started getting some really nice bass.

To me, the most frustrating thing about my HD-650s is how closed the sound is. They are more forward than my HD-580s, but my HD-580s sound far more spacious. I'm hoping this is a burn-in issue and not an amp issue. I bought a HeadRoom Maxed Out Home when I bought the HD-650s, thinking this would be a killer combo. (I previously plugged my HD-580s into my NAD integrated, which sounded very open if slightly fatiguing.) So far, it's nice, but not terrific.


give em some time

if you want to do it / you have other cans to listen to in the meanwhile , and if you are strong enough to do it I'd give you this advice , to let amp + cans roll for as long as eight days from now, and to start only then to listen to them .

This will give out quite for sure some nice "wow" factor .
Feb 23, 2005 at 5:12 PM Post #10 of 16

Originally Posted by boodi
give em some time

if you want to do it / you have other cans to listen to in the meanwhile , and if you are strong enough to do it I'd give you this advice , to let amp + cans roll for as long as eight days from now, and to start only then to listen to them .

This will give out quite for sure some nice "wow" factor .

Thanks for the advice.
! Not only have the HD-650s been (slowly) opening up, but the MOH sounds less sluggish than it did when I first turned it on. Not great, but better than before. So maybe I will just let them run for several days.

Feb 23, 2005 at 5:57 PM Post #11 of 16

Originally Posted by Apocalypse_HD650
I've got them on max volume!

Did the Burn-in FAQ say anything about full volume? I wouldn't go any higher than slightly above average. After all they're $400 phones, you don't want to risk damage...
Feb 23, 2005 at 6:27 PM Post #12 of 16
I take on board what you all have to say, particulary insomniac. So heres the deal as it stands.

I contacted Justin at HeadAmp he informed me that he simply has not been able to find a wall wart power supply for UK voltage and thus only sells the Gilmore Lite in 100-120V and not 220-240V as I would require. The dedicated PSU can be supplied in 220-240V format-but I can't afford to get that as well the amp. So Justin offers a step down transformer for the Gilmore Lite. Overall with the voltage converter and delivery it would cost me $334. Justin seems to be a guy I'm willing to buy off ,and the versatility, looks and size of the Gilmore appeals to me.

Whilst the Rega Ear is easy to get hold of here in the UK, it costs £150 ($285). Its definitely the best option for me in the UK, but I found it in the US for $180 at (http://www.a4audio.com/a4audio/cd-de...nd&SGroup=Rega). Now it kills me to pay that much more here in the UK. But annoyingly maybe the voltage supply in the US is also incorrect for the Rega.

I also contacted Dr Meier in Germany-who by the way is an excellent guy. By his own admission he said that the Porta Corda MK2 was not the sturdiest amp. He agrees with you insomniac that 'that one sort of sticks out as not fitting in with the other 3' and 'it's a very portable use oriented amp' which is not my primary concern. Besides he informed me that in 3 months he is going to release the successor to the Porta MK2 which will also be a DAC connectable with USB. He reccomended the HA-1, but its out of my price range. Also to utilise the Corda's AC function which is reccomended for better performance Dr Meier says I would need to purchase my own external power supply and perhaps do a little soldering. The corda would be quite cheap for me though at $225-250.

I e-mailed Drew at Shellbrook, who has absolutely excellent service, about the Ascent. This I have to say perhaps has the most promise for me as there is no voltage problem and Drew seem to be an excellent guy. Is it a pimeta based amp or what though? for $300 this seems a good option. What I don't understand is why Drew can supply his product with universal worldwide voltage capabilites and Justin at HeadAmp can't? At this stage though it seems little is known about this amp?

I was also considering the SR-71 which I really like but its quite far above my price range. Also the headroom little which has no voltage problem, but apparently no good compared to the competitors.

I happen to be heading into florida on the 3rd of March and so can get all of these amps easily according to the respective sellers, and also regulary visit Germany, Bonn for work and can easily get the Porta Corda.

As you can see my descision involves many permuatations and is not straight forward at all. However when spending this much money I have to be careful and considerate.
Feb 23, 2005 at 7:22 PM Post #14 of 16
I received my pair of HD650s last Wednesday. I have ~150 hours on them so far, would've had more but the wife turned off the cd player a couple of the nights. I've been playing them at slightly higher than normal listening volume. They have really opened up in the last 20-30 hours. I am only running them through a CMoy amp right now, my source is a Ah! Njoe Tjoeb 4000. I will be getting a SR-71 within the next few weeks. Can't wait to hear them with a better amp.
Feb 23, 2005 at 7:57 PM Post #15 of 16
Hi there,

I have had the HD650 for a few months, initially I just play music continuously through my iTune's party shuffle for 50+ hours. Since then, it's been sitting in the box and everytime I take them out, it suprises me everytime with some more new characteristic (of course with the same track). I enjoy the journey with it.

However, as many has pointed out amp is very important for HD650.

Best of luck

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