HD600 + me = happy!
Dec 19, 2003 at 8:03 PM Post #16 of 31

Originally posted by lan
I find K1000s are a better rock headphone because of they're "speed". Hopefully when Edwood upgrades, you may still be saved

Well, when I tried his not-quite broken-in K1K with some rock/metal, it came off to me as sounding super-bright (waaaay more than the 325/bowls) and thin. It was absolutely spellbinding with classical, though. In a perfect world, I'd have both....oh, yeah, Ed does!
Dec 19, 2003 at 8:07 PM Post #17 of 31
It's easy, it's free, so why not try and remove/replace the pad for the sake of trying?

Since everybody's ears, hearing, and preference are different, I'd say there is no "true" sound. The sound may not be HD600, but there is the possibility that he may like it. There could also be the fact it's not technically better but once again, if you like it more, by all means do so.
Dec 19, 2003 at 8:13 PM Post #18 of 31
It's a free upgrade to much leaner bass, which is often welcome on the dark senns. However, some recordings, especially older ones, can become painful in the treble.
Dec 19, 2003 at 8:19 PM Post #19 of 31
Iron...I read a lot of your comments and I think you have a pretty good read on most things (compared to me at least - being younger) and I'm curious on your take of the bass of the 600's...

You and I both love the DT770's and I've never heard the 600's but I'd love to hear what you have to say to someone else who is in love with his 770's.
Dec 19, 2003 at 8:25 PM Post #20 of 31
Congrats on your purchase. The Equinox and HD600 also sound VERY good together with your amp. The cable seems to smooth things out just a little. I wish I would have listened more to the ZU with the gilmore. Anyway, sacd lover also got to spend a morning with the HD600/equinox and your amp if you want to ask him also. Enjoy the senns and Merry Christmas.
Dec 20, 2003 at 12:31 AM Post #21 of 31

Originally posted by skoiboy
Iron...I read a lot of your comments and I think you have a pretty good read on most things (compared to me at least - being younger) and I'm curious on your take of the bass of the 600's...

You and I both love the DT770's and I've never heard the 600's but I'd love to hear what you have to say to someone else who is in love with his 770's.

Thanks. To me the HD-600 is an open, more detailed, more refined version of the DT770. The bass is only slightly less loud, and it is not as skull-crushingly impactful, but seems to go just as low and fast as the DT770. The bass of the HD600 never overshadows the rest of the music, rather the bass is just part of the music (that's not to say the bass of the DT770 is always overpowering, only on occations). Overloud bass on the DT770 is a particular issue for quieter music, an issue which goes away with the HD600. The mids are the main difference between them, as the HD600 just sounds more realistic, natural, and intimate. The highs are slightly quieter on the HD600, but more detailed, and less prone to vocal sibilance. The soundstage size difference isn't as great as one might think, since the DT770 has quite a soundstage for a closed can, but the sounstage is more in front of the head with the HD600, making it seem like a more realistic, or at least more enjoyable presentation.
Dec 20, 2003 at 2:38 AM Post #22 of 31
i love my HD600's already, and i can only imagine how much more i'll love them when i upgrade a cable.

hey leeav,
nice pic of you in your avatar. when will you be around, in the bay area next? we need to hang and have another headphone session at my house, or your dads
btw, how's he doing?

and guess what...i'm getting the Zu Mobius for X-mas, and i can't wait to hear the difference. but let me know what's up my man. i was sick during the last meet and missed it, which i regret so much
Dec 20, 2003 at 5:31 AM Post #23 of 31

Originally posted by Iron_Dreamer
The mids are the main difference between them, as the HD600 just sounds more realistic, natural, and intimate.

Hmm.. That's interesting. I always felt that the mids were a bit removed from the rest of the soundstage. It's as if the bass drum and cymbals are right next to you, but the vocalist is about 30 ft away. Though, perhaps it's all a matter of what source you're using...
Dec 20, 2003 at 5:39 AM Post #24 of 31
Hey awesome, enjoy em.

BTW my input, since i own both the HD600 and cd3k.

the cd3k's soundstage is far more vast then the hd600. You are mistaken here, but that's ok. The zu mobius does help, and it put my hd600s in a good, very good place to me (head and shoulders over the cardas, if you ask me)

The HD600 is excellent for rock, presently listneing to tool's first album, out of my emmeline hr2/sacdmods 555es combo. HR2 is a great amp for these cans, if anyone was interested.

Again, welcome to team HD600 ; ) enjoy them, and DO get an upgrade cable when you come around. You may find the hd650 unnecessary after all!
Dec 20, 2003 at 8:08 AM Post #25 of 31

Originally posted by Iron_Dreamer
Thanks. To me the HD-600 is an open, more detailed, more refined version of the DT770. The bass is only slightly less loud, and it is not as skull-crushingly impactful, but seems to go just as low and fast as the DT770. The bass of the HD600 never overshadows the rest of the music, rather the bass is just part of the music (that's not to say the bass of the DT770 is always overpowering, only on occations). Overloud bass on the DT770 is a particular issue for quieter music, an issue which goes away with the HD600. The mids are the main difference between them, as the HD600 just sounds more realistic, natural, and intimate. The highs are slightly quieter on the HD600, but more detailed, and less prone to vocal sibilance. The soundstage size difference isn't as great as one might think, since the DT770 has quite a soundstage for a closed can, but the sounstage is more in front of the head with the HD600, making it seem like a more realistic, or at least more enjoyable presentation.

As someone who has heard the HD580 and owned the DT770, I agree with this finding. The HD580 did seem just as quick as the DT770, maybe even quicker to my ears, but they also had powerful and impacting bass and were not a million miles behind the DT770 to my ears, but unlike the DT770, they sound a lot more balanced overall, the HD580 having more prominent and less coloured mids, and more rolled, but less fatiguing highs.

Moreoever, that was the main thing that impressed me about the HD580 was its ability to sound natural and unfatiguing, like listening to a nice pair of speakers.
Dec 20, 2003 at 11:03 AM Post #26 of 31

Originally posted by mjg
Hey awesome, enjoy em.

BTW my input, since i own both the HD600 and cd3k.

the cd3k's soundstage is far more vast then the hd600. You are mistaken here, but that's ok. The zu mobius does help, and it put my hd600s in a good, very good place to me (head and shoulders over the cardas, if you ask me)

The notion of paying $199 for a 1.0 meter of cable is just incomprehensible to me. Don't care if they make little blue fairies fly out the HD600 earcups, that is outrageous in my opinion. You're buying a pretty looking piece of wire for 5 times what it's worth, at least.

Hopefully someone will have a source for the connectors soon, and it'll become a much easier matter to DIY a better cable... until then I stay with the stock.
Dec 20, 2003 at 7:03 PM Post #27 of 31

Originally posted by mjg

the cd3k's soundstage is far more vast then the hd600. You are mistaken here, but that's ok.

That's not what I said. I only said that the HD600's soundstage is in front of the head (instead of between the ears), as it is in the CD3K. I agree that the CD3K has a larger soundstage, though I'm not sure that it's a better soundstage. Anyway, I don't need to go down that path now.

I am pretty convinced to get a new cable, even though it's hard to ratonalize spending more on the cable than the headphones themselves
Dec 20, 2003 at 10:22 PM Post #28 of 31
My favorite amps with the Senns have been the EAR HP4 and the Gilmore V2. I have to say though, something about the way those headphones try to position everything got on my nerves. Eventually ended up with some joe grados and havent looked back since.

Only upgrade i forsee in the future is a possible move to RS-1's or stax.
Dec 25, 2003 at 9:35 AM Post #29 of 31
You know, I maybe new to the audiophile thing, but I'm NOT new to electronics, and I KNOW that the whole cable game here is just bullsh1t. Anyone buying into it has drunk just a little too much of the koolaid.
Dec 25, 2003 at 10:35 AM Post #30 of 31
blipblop, I'm glad you have enlightened us with your vast knowledge into the world of cables. I can now add you to the list of all the other electronic genious types...........Ahhhhhh the beauty of the ignore list. BTW, what is a blipblop?
Iron_Dreamer, hope you are haveing a great time with the V1 and senns this Christmas.

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