HD600 ... DT831 ... K501
Aug 9, 2001 at 2:53 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 13


Aug 9, 2001
Hi just 2 short questions ...

1. How would you guys compare the HD600 vs K501 besides the price diff? Everyone mentions HD600 all the time .. but the K501 also got some good reviews ...
2. Do you know if the Videologic Crossfire amp is adequate enough to drive either DT831, HD600 and the K501?

Thanks for your time!
Aug 9, 2001 at 11:46 PM Post #2 of 13
Mookie: I've only listened to the HD580 Ovation for a short time, but that should be close enough to the HD600. I'd say the AKG K501 is airier and provides more soundstage, but lacks a little in the bass department. The HD580 seemed fuller and warmer to me, but not to a degree that I'd prefer it to the AKG. Nevertheless, I'd recommend to go into the beyerdynamic direction - the DT531 (250 Ohm; open), the DT250 (80 or 250 Ohm, 250 Ohm preferably; closed) or the DT770 Pro (250 and 600 Ohm, 250 preferably; closed) should be worth a try. Beyerdynamic provides the liveliest sound in my opinion, and the bass is absolutely stunnig. And all 250 Ohm beyerdynamics are fairly easy to drive - I use my DT531 even on a Panasonic portable cdp, which makes the K501 only whisper.

Greetings from Munich!

Manfred / lini
Aug 10, 2001 at 12:31 AM Post #3 of 13
lini, how loud does your DT531 get through a portable compared to your *shudder* somewhat dirty ex70's?
Aug 10, 2001 at 1:37 AM Post #4 of 13
Neruda: Hey, I had washed my nose before!
Anyway, I can't really comment on that, because as I don't get a proper fit with the MDR-EX70LP (no bass for me...), there is no real level to compare.

But if you want I'll just make a quick and dirty measurement with the good old Ratshack sound level meter - though not before tomorrow, if you don't mind, because I had woken up at 5 o'clock in the morning today (and this on vacation - oh no!) after hardly three hours of sleep, and it's already 3:20 am over here now, again. Thus I felt quite feeble the whole day long - and then there also were these 70 kg of new equipment I had to carry up to the 4th floor. I guess, I'll be soon going to listen to my matress - but it's hard to escape from Head-Fi...

Greetings from Munich!

Manfred / lini

P.S.: At least I went out for dinner tonight and for billard after that - and even though I hadn't played for at least five years, I won three games of three (the reason of success being not intending to win and not thinking too much - that usually works for me
Aug 10, 2001 at 1:41 AM Post #5 of 13
Okay, you're using them on a computer, with speakers with only a decent amp....

Gonna be using them for games (ie, games that need good positioning), dvd's (are you willing to get software with Dolby Headphone?), or music (does your music need exaggerated bass?), and do you need to block outside sound from reaching your ears?
Aug 10, 2001 at 2:13 AM Post #6 of 13
Neruda: Oh, darn the damn to heck, you made me curious
- so I took out the MX500, the K501 and the DT531, connected these to the SL-CT570 (volume 10 (max), flat eq, cd used was Crystal Method's Vegas) and measured the level with the microphone of the meter (set to C-weighting and Fast-response ) nearly touching the inside of the right earcup.

And here are the results from the German jury

The DT531 produces ~ 90 dB with some peaks of + 6 dB (but actually I'm quite happy with the pot at 8, which translates to ~ 80 to 85 dB), the K501 is ~ 8 to 10 dB below (with some more distortion), and the MX500 is only ~ 2 dB below - but as it's used closer to the ear drum, it will produce approximately the same or even a slightly higher level as the DT531, though it's far away from the DT531's sound quality.

And now I've got to roll up all the cables, again...

Greetings from Munich!

Manfred / lini
Aug 10, 2001 at 2:37 AM Post #7 of 13

Mookie said...

2. Do you know if the Videologic Crossfire amp is adequate enough to drive either DT831, HD600 and the K501?

Depends on what you mean by "drive". If you mean, will you be able to get adequate volume, yes. The Crossfire amp can make these headphones play at deafening levels, no problem. OTOH, if you mean, will it sound as good as a dedicated headphone amp, no. The Crossfire amp sounds grainy, hazy, and just plain tiring compared to a good headphone amp.
Aug 10, 2001 at 3:20 PM Post #8 of 13
Well just got the speakers (Crossfire) so currently no $$ to actually get a proper headphone amp .. have to make do =)

I prefer to get sound which is accurate .. neutral ... no messing around like booming bass or touched up sounds ..

Basically I just want to listen to music (no watching DVD's and no games) and ... I would prefer closed ones to open ones .. but if open phones actually produce better sound (subjective to individuals?) then I would go for those over closed headphones.

Would the ~US$100 price diff between the HD600 and DT(250 or 770) justify the diff in sound reproduction?
Aug 10, 2001 at 3:52 PM Post #9 of 13
I understand your situation Mookie, it's almost exactly where I was two years ago.

So what's your source? Is it an external cd player or soundcard? And are you listening to CDs/mp3s of high or low recording quality?

Here's what I would recommend: Get the Senn. 580s. Decidely cheaper than the 600s, but they sound identical except on extremely good systems, and even then it's a pretty small difference. Or maybe the AKG K501, if you don't mind an even more distant perspective. Use the money you save to either get one of the DIY'ers here to make you a DIY amp, or maybe upgrade your source.

BTW, the 580s & K501 are circumaural and open. Closed headphones won't necessarily sound worse, but they almost certainly will have a poor soundstage. You don't find exceptions to that rule until you start looking at very expensive closed headphones, like the Sony 3000, which goes for at least $400 retail.
Aug 10, 2001 at 5:47 PM Post #10 of 13
hmm...I'm sure I listen to my Grados louder than that. Maybe I'll just have to make my own amp finally. I have most of the stuff...I just need all the other stuff!
Aug 11, 2001 at 7:15 AM Post #11 of 13
Sound source is CDROM & soundcard (Live5.1) .. no external CD player .. MP3's are VBR encoded (full range from 30-320kbps). I know going thru soundcard is not good .. but certain limitations made me use my PC as all-in-one entertainment machine.
Aug 11, 2001 at 2:54 PM Post #12 of 13
OK, in that case go ahead and get some headphones. Just try to save up some money for an Audiophile 2496 soundcard in the future (would work alongside the Live).
Aug 13, 2001 at 8:57 PM Post #13 of 13

This is my first post here. Maybe this will help. I have both the 600s and the 501s and drive them with a Corda amp - an excellent amp, BTW. Question for you: what types of music do you listen to? If you're a rock/pop, electronic, hippity hop (or whatever the hell they call that stuff) fan, you'd probably like the Senns more, as they have more apparent bottom end. If you listen mostly to classical and jazz, the 501s would be a better choice, IMO. I think the 501 has a flatter response curve and does a better job with mids and highs, again IMO. I also prefer the soundstage the 501 presents in conjunction with the Corda's crossfeed. The difference there between the Senn and AKG is subtle but audible.

Haven't heard the Beyer, so can't help you there. If you settle on the 600s or the 501s, you will have a terrific headset in either case. If budget is a consideration (when ain't it?), then it's an easy call: get the 501s or Beyer. This is presuming all the good comments about the Beyer are accurate. Seem to be some pretty good ears here, so I'll take that on faith.

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