HD600 amp advice?
Jul 23, 2005 at 8:17 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 16


Jul 14, 2005
Hi guys! After a year of deliberation and lurking, I've finally caved in to the exorbitant path of high fidelity audio. Yep. I'm sorry for my wallet too.

I've found myself a set of Ety ER6i's and a PA2V2 with my 3G iPod for my mobile rig and I'm quite satisfied with the sound, minus the (signature) lack of a bassline of the etys. While recently deciding how to upgrade my home rig, I got a ludicrous deal for new HD600s (to the tune of USD68
) and am now considering what amp I should get to go with it. My price range is approximately USD300... and of course the lower the better. I've narrowed it down to these amps due to accessibility and price:

Gilmore Lite - ~USD300
Rega Ear - ~USD350
Creek OBH-21 - ~USD375

I listen to any genre of music really, but at the moment I'm tending towards electronic, lounge, progressive rock and hiphop. Which amp would suit my taste best, and what kind of sound am I likely to hear from these amps? I'm probably intrinsically looking out for an amp/headphone home combination to make up for my mobile rig's lack of bass as well. I'm currently using a Audigy 2ZS as a source, but I intend to eventually upgrade to an M-Audio, Chaintech or a 0404 soundcard, depending on timing and availability.

I've also heard lots of hype about Creative's new X-Fi soundcards which are yet to be released. The website claims they do wonders for headphone listening. Any opinions on that? Is it worth the wait, or should I just go ahead and up my soundcard first?

Thanks for reading. Any advice and recommendations at all would be most appreciated and welcome.

Jul 23, 2005 at 9:01 PM Post #2 of 16
While I have no helpful advice in terms of comparison (far too little experience on my part), I'd also recommend you add the headroom micro to your list. Many (I think most) people find crossfeed to be an invaluable thing they can't live without once they have it. It has its detractors too of course, like everything else, but I'm a big fan. Check headphone.com
Jul 23, 2005 at 9:13 PM Post #3 of 16
Jul 23, 2005 at 10:51 PM Post #5 of 16
Depending on when you're looking to puurcahse, you may also wantto consider the new Ray Samuels Hornet Portable Amp.
Jul 23, 2005 at 11:24 PM Post #6 of 16
Check the Meier Audio Porta Corda III (USB).

I have the PCII and I know it sounds fantastic with the HD600. If, as said, the PCIII is even better than the PCII, then you're a winner.

Moreover, you have superportability (but you can also use it from the wall outlet) and crossfeed - and USB!
Jul 24, 2005 at 12:55 AM Post #7 of 16
Gilmour Lite with Senn's and or grados sounds mint!
Jul 24, 2005 at 2:36 AM Post #9 of 16

Originally Posted by greenhorn
Check the Meier Audio Porta Corda III (USB).

I have the PCII and I know it sounds fantastic with the HD600. If, as said, the PCIII is even better than the PCII, then you're a winner.

Moreover, you have superportability (but you can also use it from the wall outlet) and crossfeed - and USB!

My PCII doesn't sound so hot with the HD600's. It simply doesn't have the juice to open them up, and they still sound flat and pretty lifeless. Yes, I biased it to class-A. The PCII does help the A900 and A500 out loads, and sounds pretty good with them, if a little bright.

I'd say go for the Gilmore Lite. It's supposed to have a nice synergy with the HD600's.
Jul 24, 2005 at 5:09 AM Post #11 of 16
Interesting recommendations. My thanks.

It seems that the bulk of them are targeted towards the portable rigs though. Stupid a question as it may sound, are they comparable to the bigger amps like the gilmore lite and rega ear? I suppose one thing you pay for is the miniturization and portability, and as I do not intend to move this rig around very much, I was concerned that some quality might be compromized in relation to it's price.

Damn it. I was trying hard to pretend I didn't know the supermacro 3 existed... now I'm tempted to upgrade my portable rig...
Jul 24, 2005 at 9:12 AM Post #12 of 16

Originally Posted by catscratch
My PCII doesn't sound so hot with the HD600's. It simply doesn't have the juice to open them up, and they still sound flat and pretty lifeless. Yes, I biased it to class-A. The PCII does help the A900 and A500 out loads, and sounds pretty good with them, if a little bright.

I'm surprised by what you're saying. My PC certainly does a great job with my HD600 (with Cardas cable). Do you use stock or aftermarket cable with your HD600? Do you like the HD600 powered by some other amp, or maybe you just don't like the HD600 sound?
Jul 24, 2005 at 5:00 PM Post #13 of 16
I hate to hijack, but I also hate to make another thread...I have the same headphones...anyone know a good amp for a computer in the range of $150 give or take?
Jul 25, 2005 at 4:44 AM Post #15 of 16
well. I have a Audigy 2 ZS platinum...so I hate to go USB

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